Weighing in 1 day a week vs every day



  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I weigh in every day. It keeps me focused on what I'm working for. I also write it down .. I have 8 lbs left to lose.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I weigh (and log) every morning, unless I am away for a weekend. As a result, I know how much I fluctuate day to day. I know that if I am good all week, I will see stable numbers and .5 losses. I also know that I can gain as much as 4 lbs over the weekend due to waterweight and overeating/drinking. I am still trying to lose the last 2 lbs from a weekend of beer and bread 3 weeks ago.

    As a result of my daily logging and pattern analysis, I've decided to approach weekends differently now and I'm already seeing results.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I weigh everyday, and log whenever there is a loss.
  • meca85
    meca85 Posts: 81 Member
    I weigh in everyday when I can to keep myself accountable for the day before.

    I try to weigh in everyday too.
    That way I can hold myself accountable, reflect on what I did the previous day or two, and if it worked I keep it up, if not I alter my type of intake. Also if i know i did well eating, and I feel good, and i had a slight increase I no longer freak out because i then know it was probably muscle gain, and not something else.

    Also i'm just to impatient to wait!!! LoL

    Yesterday I had a good day where I ate til I was full and ate well, still had extra calories left at the end of the day so I had a mini ice cream cone, and how good it was to step on the scale today and see my weight still went down =)
  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
    I weigh once a week on Friday at the gym. I do not own a home scale yet.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I like the 'libra' phone app - it gives you a graph and smooths out 'bumps'. So you can weigh in every day, but then try and ignore the figure and look at the graph.
    This way if you're heavy or light on 'weigh in day', it doesn't matter as an average from the last week is used.
  • tiger4nikki
    tiger4nikki Posts: 112 Member
    My official weigh-in is Friday mornings because my hubby and I only see each other on weekends so we occasionally go out to eat and have a few drinks. I didn't want that to show on Mondays. I will step on the scales a couple of times before that to see where I am, but I record the weight on Friday mornings (right after I wake up and pee) because that is my lowest.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The last time I had a set weigh in day is when I was still in Weight Watchers and it was on Tuesdays at noon. I realy liked Tuesday because it would help me avoid some of the weekend tempations knowing that weigh in was right around the corner.

    While I agree with the no deprivation thing...some food for thought...maybe consider limiting that a bit. Instead of having both cake and ice cream, pick one. For instance, i went and got a sub last weekend and decided I wanted to have chips with it. I noticed that they had homemade cookies by the register and really wanted one of those but I decided I wanted the chips more and both would be too much. See what I'm saying?

    I weigh myself pretty much every day. To me it's better to see those fluctuations and come to terms with them.
  • Chrystine71
    Chrystine71 Posts: 224
    Weight goes ON much quicker than it comes off...I weigh-in EVERY day faithfully to keep a handle on it because it can sneak up on you, any little drop in weight, even half a pound, is motivation for me. I only log in my weight on MFP when I lose though lol.
  • dani8921
    dani8921 Posts: 15 Member
    My offical weigh in day is saturday, however i weigh in everyday, that way it is easier to see if i did well the day before. Then on here i put weight every two three days. I like being accountable. Do what works the best for you.

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  • WallyH4EverVersion
    WallyH4EverVersion Posts: 172 Member
    I weigh in every morning, everyday after I go to the bathroom; :happy: to see trends and to keep myself accountable.
    I do write it down @ my home calendar .

    When I lose weight I see if I keep it off for 4 days consecutively, then I log it in here in MFP.:smile:
  • tracys2166
    tracys2166 Posts: 15 Member
    I officially weigh in on Tuesday's, but I weigh myself every day :laugh:
  • madelynne2014
    I weigh in everyday when I can to keep myself accountable for the day before.

    This is what I do, it works for me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    weighing in at the same time, same day, and under the same conditions is what is important. Your body doesn't know it's Monday per sei...so rando advise that it's best to weigh in on a Monday is...well, pretty just rando. It doesn't matter so long as you are being consistent.

    I weigh in daily because I'm a data analyst and I prefer numerous data points for more accurate trend analysis...also, I understand daily weight fluctuations and they don't bother me or make me freak out. I don't really track an arbitrary number, I look at the trend.
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    I weigh myself every day and record it on a separate app, but I only record my weight on Mondays on MFP. My mindset is a little different from yours, I think. I made my "official" weigh-in day on Monday to give me extra incentive to make wise choices on the weekends (also my hardest days). I weigh myself every day so I can see what certain things are doing to my body such as sodium and watch the trends. It's easier to see the trends with more data points.
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! Lovin' the feedback! A few of you posted about recording daily loss in a spreadsheet! I am a numbers person, so I may have to give that a try... either that or having a notebook in my bathroom that I can record in first thing after I weigh in.

    I do have an issue with sodium. I only started logging a week ago, but I don't believe I have been below my alloted daily values at all. I have been trying, but some days I just crave the foods that have a bit more in them. I am trying not to stress too much and really strive to drink more water on those days (I am at 6 glasses most days right now).

    To MinnieinMaine, I understand what you are saying about picking one or the other. I just tried to validate that I could have both because it was a reduced fat/sugar mint chocolate chip ice cream ;) And it was a special occasion!
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    Thanks everyone!!! Lovin' the feedback! A few of you posted about recording daily loss in a spreadsheet! I am a numbers person, so I may have to give that a try... either that or having a notebook in my bathroom that I can record in first thing after I weigh in.

    I do have an issue with sodium. I only started logging a week ago, but I don't believe I have been below my alloted daily values at all. I have been trying, but some days I just crave the foods that have a bit more in them. I am trying not to stress too much and really strive to drink more water on those days (I am at 6 glasses most days right now).

    To MinnieinMaine, I understand what you are saying about picking one or the other. I just tried to validate that I could have both because it was a reduced fat/sugar mint chocolate chip ice cream ;) And it was a special occasion!

    I have noticed (by weighing everyday) that sodium plays a HUGE factor in my weight loss! When I have more than usual, I can gain a pound or two of water weight overnight. This signals to me that I need to up my water intake for the next several days to try to get that back down. Also, upping the intensity of my exercise can make me retain water. When that's happening, I see I might need a rest day while the muscles repair themselves. Ultimately, do what works best for you. If you have a smartphone, I know there are all sorts of apps you can track your weight with.
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    Susie3G, I am trying to watch what I eat, portion size, etc... This past weekend (1st one since I started recording) just happened to be one where there was two separate family gatherings. The one that was at a restaurant/bar was the tough one for me. Being in that kind of environment, it's not the easiest making healthy choices. I did have more to drink than I had planned, but I also made sure to gulp down a few glasses of water at dinner between drinks. And I didn't eat any of the bread at the table, ordered grilled cajun shrimp with veggies instead of a deep fried fish. But I did splurge and get cheese on my hashbrowns and enjoyed some awesome taco soup that I only usually get to treat myself to once or twice a year when we go to this restaurant! The fact that I was only up 1.2 lbs was actually impressive to me considering all the sodium I inhaled this weekend!

    Off my OT, anyone have tips to succeed when going out to a restaurant/bar or do you just consider this to be a day where you go over your alloted numbers? I don't go out to eat that much, but I usually do splurge when I do.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I weigh daily, log it into a phone app but only log my weight on MFP when I reach a new low. Works for me.
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    Susie3G, I am trying to watch what I eat, portion size, etc... This past weekend (1st one since I started recording) just happened to be one where there was two separate family gatherings. The one that was at a restaurant/bar was the tough one for me. Being in that kind of environment, it's not the easiest making healthy choices. I did have more to drink than I had planned, but I also made sure to gulp down a few glasses of water at dinner between drinks. And I didn't eat any of the bread at the table, ordered grilled cajun shrimp with veggies instead of a deep fried fish. But I did splurge and get cheese on my hashbrowns and enjoyed some awesome taco soup that I only usually get to treat myself to once or twice a year when we go to this restaurant! The fact that I was only up 1.2 lbs was actually impressive to me considering all the sodium I inhaled this weekend!

    Off my OT, anyone have tips to succeed when going out to a restaurant/bar or do you just consider this to be a day where you go over your alloted numbers? I don't go out to eat that much, but I usually do splurge when I do.

    Totally understandable! I eat out every weekend. My tip is to look up the nutritional info before you ever leave home and log it. I've not had any trouble resisting when I already know what I can have because it's logged already. Also, makes things easier because I don't have to look at the menu and be tempted by the pretty pictures when I get there. I also make sure to drink a full glass of water while I'm waiting for my food. Try to pick something with high protein so you will get full quickly and stay full longer. Hope that helps!