Why am I still starving? Will this get better?



  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    I also find that I feel hungry if I only have a salad on its own. I have found that putting my salad that has protein in it (tuna, hard boiled egg, low-fat deli meat or chicken) & putting it in a half a whole wheat pita I feel fuller longer. Having a hot drink with my meal also helps with the hunger feeling. Of course lots of water all day helps too. Also I find that if I exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes in the morning I do not feel so hungry for the rest of the day.
  • pizzy
    pizzy Posts: 47
    your body is just used to more food. the more you eat less the more you get used to it. i used to be a bottomless pit, but now after eating less it doesnt take much to fill me up. and if you want something to help keep you full have some complex carbs, like oatmeal, i eat that for breakfeast and it keeps me filled for awhile. just have 2 packs of the origanal and maybe add some brown sugar. like i said the more you eat less the more your body gets used to it, just dont under do it, eat a good meal. but dont overstuff or understuff yourself. hope this helped.
  • erin_89
    I'm not starting my weight lose until Oct 1 but I'm started cutting down how how much food I eat. By the time 7 pm hits (that's when i stop eatting for the day) I'm starving. when I start really eatting better i know it would get wrose. It's not that im starving be i can alway eat and i just fall for it all the time.
  • DonnaMaas
    I have been hungry since I started this a month ago but I look at like this. If I am feeling empty than it might mean my stomach is shrinking. I have always heard that its good to go to bed feeling a little hungry. I hope I am not sounding like I don't understand because I really do. My problem was eating way too much, portion wise, and now that I am eating the way I am suppose to my stomach doesn't like it, but you know what its just going to have to get use to it. We will win this!!!!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I agree with the general consensus: More Protein, Fiber, and Water! The protein and fiber help keep you fuller, longer, and the water helps fill you up and hydrate you. Remember, all those foods that you used to eat contain fat and preservatives, and I have NO DOUBT in my mind that they contain some sort of addictive substance as well. In a week or two, you'll be over that hump, and you'll feel better. In the meantime, snacking on something crunchy like carrots or celery can help curb salty cravings. Good luck, dear!
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Eat Quinoa, it's awesome - I used to get shaky and grumpy with hunger and then I started eating quinoa with my lunch meal and I could last easily to dinner x
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    MORE PROTEIN is key. also, as the seasons change i find that salad no longer does the trick. Oven baked squashes and veggies will make you warm and fill you up
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    I have a proposition that many on here would'nt consider.
    How about you eat as long as you're really hungry, and I mean REALLY hungry. There's no point in *starving* yourself, feeling hungry all the time, as I'm almost sure you won't stick with it when you're always hungry.
    Eat until you feel ok, not full, but not hungry anymore either!
    BUT!!! Watch what you eat, have fruit, popcorn, low fat yogurt and such.
    Still watch for the calories!

    And, as an example:
    If you had 3000 cals each day, and now you're told to only have 1200, that's a HUGE difference.
    How about you go down progressively, like having 2750 this week, 2500 next week, cutting down slowly so that your stomach can get used to have less.

    As long as you're getting "good" calories, and not only junk food, that would be MY option.
    Actually it was/is!
    I'm logging food since August, first cut down on breakfast, then on dinner, and this week is the first that I managed to stay under my calorie goal. That way I have lost 4 lbs so far and I did NOT feel hungry all the time.

    Hope this helps!

  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    ugh, the last couple of days i am constantly starving. perhaps this is due to the weather changing? I am putting on my 'winter fur'?