I hate sodium



  • If you have low blood pressure, I would not necessarily eat more sodium. You probably have low blood pressure as a combination of factors...genetics and fitness. If you are healthy, the sodium may cause a bit of water retention, but your kidneys will quickly process and balance you back out.

    Not everyone who has high blood pressure is sensitive to sodium.

    Sodium is an electrolyte that will cause your body to retain water..if you have physiologic issues, clogged arteries being one, the vessels are not able to respond and make the necessary changes to accomodate the additional fluid load. Like putting you finger over the garden hose and turning the water pressure way up. The hose cannot expand and you can feel the difference in the pressure on you finger.

    Hope this helps
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I do very well staying under my sodium limit because I always read labels and try to never buy anything that is high in sodium.
  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    I came into the board to look up a topic on Sodium and sure enough..........
    It says that I'm allowed 2500 of sodium. Is that decent? I don't suffer with high blood pressure, but notice the swelling thing...especially when....:embarassed: is going on for 5 days. That being written, should I increase my water intake? I'm already drinking 64oz a day and going #1 until it's coming outta my nose. Toilet paper seems to be the biggest purchase now for us.
  • ligytha
    ligytha Posts: 130
    I have very low blood pressure - does this mean I should eat more sodium, or simply that I don't have to worry too much if I do go over?

    I have the same problem. I'm usually around 70/80. I hate the taste of salt, so more isn't the answer, but since I worry about fainting sometimes, I make sure to pack some pedialite with me (NOT gatorade) in case I start to feel light-headed. I started that after fainting at the beach one summer. I rarely have to use it as lying down with my legs up usually works. Also, I do my best to get 1,000mg sodium each day. It can be hard sometimes.

    My doctors say it isn't a problem, really, but approved of my "emergency measures". Of course, be safe and follow all the other guidelines they give you.
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    Interesting, never thought of carrying anything with me in case I get lightheaded and fainty. I'm usually ok unless I have too much caffeine, then all of a sudden things start swimming in front of my eyes and I know I'm in trouble!

    I guess I should check with a doctor- since I'm not an Aussie citizen I don't have health cover, so I've been avoiding doing any medical stuff! But I suppose a check up would be a good idea . . .
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