2 weeks on Lyle Mcdonald's RFLD...advice please?



  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Dee it's ok to lose weight super super slowly. You've got used to the logging thing so just try the 1500 idea.

    I tend to binge and comfort eat, and I've done most of Lyles diets too. I can honestly say that slight deficit of normal enjoyable foods is the way to go. Also having bulked over winter and gained 8lb I am very excited by the results. I'm slowly cutting by about 1/4lb per week sometimes less.

    You are amongst friends, we will support you in your sensible choices, because a lot of us have been through hell to get where we are today. Good luck.

    Can I just add something about hill sprinting?

    It's generally recommended to not do them until you've got two years at least of running under your belt.

    Over and out.

    Where did you read the idea about hill sprinting not until you get two years of running under your belt?

    I have never seen that anywhere. And I just know plenty of people that don't run who do hill sprints, especially those that lift heavy. Shoot, there are a lot of programs where you train for a half marathon starting from virtually nothing in 4-5 months. I can't imagine hill sprinting is more stressful than that. So this sort of surprises me and I'd love to read more about it.

    The only thing I saw was that if you're new to running/sprinting, work up slowly because it can be so hard on your joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. Something like 3 sets of 8 second sprints and that's it for week 1 workouts. And hill sprinting recommended in particular because it helps create good form naturally (high knee/kick) and keeps you from stopping/starting so abruptly, so less chance for injury.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Me weight seems to be the only thing I have ANY power to do something about, that's why it's become such a big focus.

    That's just ED red flag right there. Surely you see that?

    So, counseling isn't so much to get helpful advice from, as to learn new coping skills. The ones you have now are no longer serving you.

    I don't know what to tell you about getting in to see a counselor. I have a loved one who needs one desperately, but one thing and another always prevents her. But I can't do it for her. I struggle with depression myself, and reaching out for that helping hand is the hardest step, but you've got to do it. Nobody else can do it for you, not your GP, not anybody but you. I hope one day it won't exhaust you too much to keep harping on the gatekeepers to your healthcare (GP, social workers, whatever) and you won't stop until you get the help you need.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Me weight seems to be the only thing I have ANY power to do something about, that's why it's become such a big focus.

    That's just ED red flag right there. Surely you see that?

    So, counseling isn't so much to get helpful advice from, as to learn new coping skills. The ones you have now are no longer serving you.

    I don't know what to tell you about getting in to see a counselor. I have a loved one who needs one desperately, but one thing and another always prevents her. But I can't do it for her. I struggle with depression myself, and reaching out for that helping hand is the hardest step, but you've got to do it. Nobody else can do it for you, not your GP, not anybody but you. I hope one day it won't exhaust you too much to keep harping on the gatekeepers to your healthcare (GP, social workers, whatever) and you won't stop until you get the help you need.

    I totally agree with Fullster here. Finding a good doctor, whether medical or psychological can be really challenging. I'd ask for recommendations from people you know and trust. Because even if that counselor isn't appropriate for your issue, he/she likely can recommend a good one that is. I know when I looked for someone to help me out with grief of my father's passing, I think I tried out 5 until I found one that I thought was a good fit. Please keep trying.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    It sounds like you're already back in a super-disordered place in your relationship with food. Do you think this diet will bring you further away from that, or closer to it? I'm not being judgey, but if I were in your shoes, I would be wanting people to tell me not to focus on the wrong part of the story, and right now, the scale moving is the wrong part of the story.

    I guess I figured that if I could just get to a more average weight then the disordered eating would go away...I don't know if that's true but I've never had the chance to see. I haven't got much hope of full recovery otherwise...I've had this since I was 15 and it's actually a mix of bulimia and binge eating. I haven't purged in a LONG time and the last time I truly binged was when I had blood sugar issues from eating starch on its own. Even my free days I don't consider a binge because they're only around 2,000 cals and it's fruits, starch and healthy fats mostly. I would never purge nutritious food! That's how I've managed...don't keep ANY junk in the house and choose healthy foods for higher cal days as I know it won't lead to purging.

    You're right, of course you are. I would love to have a better relationship with food...it just feels like it's a dream that will never come true.

    I don't know your personal business or if you have insurance, but getting some counseling would be a great place to start.

    Just an fyi: Your problems won't go away with weight loss. Trust me, I know :)

    I don't have insurance but I did see a counsellor a little while ago through my GP. She was very patronising and basically just told me I wasn't trying hard enough. Didn't understand what I was going through at all and told me my social anxiety was just me being difficult. Also saw a psychologist who basically just listened to me for an hour...no helpful advice. I've been trying but I have just become exhausted with asking and asking and asking because I seem so beyond help.

    nobody is beyond help.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Have you searched out ED info and resources on the internet? There may be services available to you that you are not aware of.

    Also agree that you have to keep searching to find the right fit.
  • deethebee83
    Me weight seems to be the only thing I have ANY power to do something about, that's why it's become such a big focus.

    That's just ED red flag right there. Surely you see that?

    So, counseling isn't so much to get helpful advice from, as to learn new coping skills. The ones you have now are no longer serving you.

    I don't know what to tell you about getting in to see a counselor. I have a loved one who needs one desperately, but one thing and another always prevents her. But I can't do it for her. I struggle with depression myself, and reaching out for that helping hand is the hardest step, but you've got to do it. Nobody else can do it for you, not your GP, not anybody but you. I hope one day it won't exhaust you too much to keep harping on the gatekeepers to your healthcare (GP, social workers, whatever) and you won't stop until you get the help you need.

    I do know this is typical ED thought patterns...however, I guess I have always figured that aside from the ED I still have a physical need to lose weight and be healthy. There's a lot to do with being judged for my weight too - I just want to be normal and fit in. I've figured that out of 2 problems at least losing some weight with dieting I can solve one of them. But I'm probably wrong. And even though I know the control thing is a sign of disordered eating, it feels like a positive focus sometimes. I have a very unfulfilling life right now. Stuck in a rut and not a lot I can do about it. Losing weight gives me something to feel good about, that I'm doing something constructive for the future. I guess I'll try bring it up with my doctor at my next appointment...I feel so mentally fatigued that maybe it's enough to push me to ask for help again. I'm just tired of being treated like I'm not trying.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Dee it's ok to lose weight super super slowly. You've got used to the logging thing so just try the 1500 idea.

    I tend to binge and comfort eat, and I've done most of Lyles diets too. I can honestly say that slight deficit of normal enjoyable foods is the way to go. Also having bulked over winter and gained 8lb I am very excited by the results. I'm slowly cutting by about 1/4lb per week sometimes less.

    You are amongst friends, we will support you in your sensible choices, because a lot of us have been through hell to get where we are today. Good luck.

    Can I just add something about hill sprinting?

    It's generally recommended to not do them until you've got two years at least of running under your belt.

    Over and out.

    Where did you read the idea about hill sprinting not until you get two years of running under your belt?

    I have never seen that anywhere. And I just know plenty of people that don't run who do hill sprints, especially those that lift heavy. Shoot, there are a lot of programs where you train for a half marathon starting from virtually nothing in 4-5 months. I can't imagine hill sprinting is more stressful than that. So this sort of surprises me and I'd love to read more about it.

    The only thing I saw was that if you're new to running/sprinting, work up slowly because it can be so hard on your joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. Something like 3 sets of 8 second sprints and that's it for week 1 workouts. And hill sprinting recommended in particular because it helps create good form naturally (high knee/kick) and keeps you from stopping/starting so abruptly, so less chance for injury.

    Of course you do.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Me weight seems to be the only thing I have ANY power to do something about, that's why it's become such a big focus.

    That's just ED red flag right there. Surely you see that?

    So, counseling isn't so much to get helpful advice from, as to learn new coping skills. The ones you have now are no longer serving you.

    I don't know what to tell you about getting in to see a counselor. I have a loved one who needs one desperately, but one thing and another always prevents her. But I can't do it for her. I struggle with depression myself, and reaching out for that helping hand is the hardest step, but you've got to do it. Nobody else can do it for you, not your GP, not anybody but you. I hope one day it won't exhaust you too much to keep harping on the gatekeepers to your healthcare (GP, social workers, whatever) and you won't stop until you get the help you need.

    I do know this is typical ED thought patterns...however, I guess I have always figured that aside from the ED I still have a physical need to lose weight and be healthy. There's a lot to do with being judged for my weight too - I just want to be normal and fit in. I've figured that out of 2 problems at least losing some weight with dieting I can solve one of them. But I'm probably wrong. And even though I know the control thing is a sign of disordered eating, it feels like a positive focus sometimes. I have a very unfulfilling life right now. Stuck in a rut and not a lot I can do about it. Losing weight gives me something to feel good about, that I'm doing something constructive for the future. I guess I'll try bring it up with my doctor at my next appointment...I feel so mentally fatigued that maybe it's enough to push me to ask for help again. I'm just tired of being treated like I'm not trying.

    Dee, did you call and make an appointment for tomorrow?
  • deethebee83
    Me weight seems to be the only thing I have ANY power to do something about, that's why it's become such a big focus.

    That's just ED red flag right there. Surely you see that?

    So, counseling isn't so much to get helpful advice from, as to learn new coping skills. The ones you have now are no longer serving you.

    I don't know what to tell you about getting in to see a counselor. I have a loved one who needs one desperately, but one thing and another always prevents her. But I can't do it for her. I struggle with depression myself, and reaching out for that helping hand is the hardest step, but you've got to do it. Nobody else can do it for you, not your GP, not anybody but you. I hope one day it won't exhaust you too much to keep harping on the gatekeepers to your healthcare (GP, social workers, whatever) and you won't stop until you get the help you need.

    I do know this is typical ED thought patterns...however, I guess I have always figured that aside from the ED I still have a physical need to lose weight and be healthy. There's a lot to do with being judged for my weight too - I just want to be normal and fit in. I've figured that out of 2 problems at least losing some weight with dieting I can solve one of them. But I'm probably wrong. And even though I know the control thing is a sign of disordered eating, it feels like a positive focus sometimes. I have a very unfulfilling life right now. Stuck in a rut and not a lot I can do about it. Losing weight gives me something to feel good about, that I'm doing something constructive for the future. I guess I'll try bring it up with my doctor at my next appointment...I feel so mentally fatigued that maybe it's enough to push me to ask for help again. I'm just tired of being treated like I'm not trying.

    Dee, did you call and make an appointment for tomorrow?

    No, I can't call the day before can only make an appointment on the day. I tried to book in advance but no appointments available for 2 weeks unless I call on the day. It's a stupid system but that's the way it goes!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Me weight seems to be the only thing I have ANY power to do something about, that's why it's become such a big focus.

    That's just ED red flag right there. Surely you see that?

    So, counseling isn't so much to get helpful advice from, as to learn new coping skills. The ones you have now are no longer serving you.

    I don't know what to tell you about getting in to see a counselor. I have a loved one who needs one desperately, but one thing and another always prevents her. But I can't do it for her. I struggle with depression myself, and reaching out for that helping hand is the hardest step, but you've got to do it. Nobody else can do it for you, not your GP, not anybody but you. I hope one day it won't exhaust you too much to keep harping on the gatekeepers to your healthcare (GP, social workers, whatever) and you won't stop until you get the help you need.

    I do know this is typical ED thought patterns...however, I guess I have always figured that aside from the ED I still have a physical need to lose weight and be healthy. There's a lot to do with being judged for my weight too - I just want to be normal and fit in. I've figured that out of 2 problems at least losing some weight with dieting I can solve one of them. But I'm probably wrong. And even though I know the control thing is a sign of disordered eating, it feels like a positive focus sometimes. I have a very unfulfilling life right now. Stuck in a rut and not a lot I can do about it. Losing weight gives me something to feel good about, that I'm doing something constructive for the future. I guess I'll try bring it up with my doctor at my next appointment...I feel so mentally fatigued that maybe it's enough to push me to ask for help again. I'm just tired of being treated like I'm not trying.

    Dee, did you call and make an appointment for tomorrow?

    No, I can't call the day before can only make an appointment on the day. I tried to book in advance but no appointments available for 2 weeks unless I call on the day. It's a stupid system but that's the way it goes!
    then do you have an urgent care facility in your area? how often are you having these rapid heart beats? If you have a history of an ED, and have been recently eating under your BMR, it's quite important for you to be seen sooner than 2 weeks if you're symptomatic.
  • deethebee83
    Do you tend to hold fat along the middle (rather than limbs/hips/thighs)? I know that's a common sign of excess cortisol.

    Actually, no...my waist to hip ratio is pretty good. Most of my fat is on my hips, bum and thighs. Waist is 30.5 inches and hips are 40. Does that mean cortisol isn't to blame?

    By the way, sorry for not replying to you in detail...this thread has generated a lot more interest than I anticipated and now appears to be becoming an ED therapy group...I'm going to cry!!

    I wouldn't say cortisol isn't to blame -- but, you really won't know that without the blood test. But, it's an indication that cortisol isn't the issue (still need blood test as it's not the only indicator or excess cortisol). Though there could still be other adrenal or metabolic issues at play, even if your cortisol isn't elevated.

    Are cortisol and adrenalin related? I was wondering if the pounding heart could be adrenalin from low blood sugar...
  • deethebee83
    Me weight seems to be the only thing I have ANY power to do something about, that's why it's become such a big focus.

    That's just ED red flag right there. Surely you see that?

    So, counseling isn't so much to get helpful advice from, as to learn new coping skills. The ones you have now are no longer serving you.

    I don't know what to tell you about getting in to see a counselor. I have a loved one who needs one desperately, but one thing and another always prevents her. But I can't do it for her. I struggle with depression myself, and reaching out for that helping hand is the hardest step, but you've got to do it. Nobody else can do it for you, not your GP, not anybody but you. I hope one day it won't exhaust you too much to keep harping on the gatekeepers to your healthcare (GP, social workers, whatever) and you won't stop until you get the help you need.

    I do know this is typical ED thought patterns...however, I guess I have always figured that aside from the ED I still have a physical need to lose weight and be healthy. There's a lot to do with being judged for my weight too - I just want to be normal and fit in. I've figured that out of 2 problems at least losing some weight with dieting I can solve one of them. But I'm probably wrong. And even though I know the control thing is a sign of disordered eating, it feels like a positive focus sometimes. I have a very unfulfilling life right now. Stuck in a rut and not a lot I can do about it. Losing weight gives me something to feel good about, that I'm doing something constructive for the future. I guess I'll try bring it up with my doctor at my next appointment...I feel so mentally fatigued that maybe it's enough to push me to ask for help again. I'm just tired of being treated like I'm not trying.

    Dee, did you call and make an appointment for tomorrow?

    No, I can't call the day before can only make an appointment on the day. I tried to book in advance but no appointments available for 2 weeks unless I call on the day. It's a stupid system but that's the way it goes!
    then do you have an urgent care facility in your area? how often are you having these rapid heart beats? If you have a history of an ED, and have been recently eating under your BMR, it's quite important for you to be seen sooner than 2 weeks if you're symptomatic.

    I don't have anywhere I can get to tonight, but if I call early enough I should be able to get a same day appointment to see my doc tomorrow. Any suggestions on what I need to tell my doc?
  • deethebee83
    Dee it's ok to lose weight super super slowly. You've got used to the logging thing so just try the 1500 idea.

    I tend to binge and comfort eat, and I've done most of Lyles diets too. I can honestly say that slight deficit of normal enjoyable foods is the way to go. Also having bulked over winter and gained 8lb I am very excited by the results. I'm slowly cutting by about 1/4lb per week sometimes less.

    You are amongst friends, we will support you in your sensible choices, because a lot of us have been through hell to get where we are today. Good luck.

    Can I just add something about hill sprinting?

    It's generally recommended to not do them until you've got two years at least of running under your belt.

    Over and out.

    I just have difficulty sticking with rigidly counting calories for long periods of time for a number of reasons. It's an emotional trigger for one thing and it tends to make things worse. Before I've even lost any weight I'll end up needing a break and gaining weight which I then struggle to lose again. It's a vicious cycle for me. For the last 2 years I've pretty much been continually going through periods like that which is why I say it doesn't work for me. But I need to take some time out to speak with my doctor and decide on the best steps to take I guess.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Me weight seems to be the only thing I have ANY power to do something about, that's why it's become such a big focus.

    That's just ED red flag right there. Surely you see that?

    So, counseling isn't so much to get helpful advice from, as to learn new coping skills. The ones you have now are no longer serving you.

    I don't know what to tell you about getting in to see a counselor. I have a loved one who needs one desperately, but one thing and another always prevents her. But I can't do it for her. I struggle with depression myself, and reaching out for that helping hand is the hardest step, but you've got to do it. Nobody else can do it for you, not your GP, not anybody but you. I hope one day it won't exhaust you too much to keep harping on the gatekeepers to your healthcare (GP, social workers, whatever) and you won't stop until you get the help you need.

    I do know this is typical ED thought patterns...however, I guess I have always figured that aside from the ED I still have a physical need to lose weight and be healthy. There's a lot to do with being judged for my weight too - I just want to be normal and fit in. I've figured that out of 2 problems at least losing some weight with dieting I can solve one of them. But I'm probably wrong. And even though I know the control thing is a sign of disordered eating, it feels like a positive focus sometimes. I have a very unfulfilling life right now. Stuck in a rut and not a lot I can do about it. Losing weight gives me something to feel good about, that I'm doing something constructive for the future. I guess I'll try bring it up with my doctor at my next appointment...I feel so mentally fatigued that maybe it's enough to push me to ask for help again. I'm just tired of being treated like I'm not trying.

    Dee, did you call and make an appointment for tomorrow?

    No, I can't call the day before can only make an appointment on the day. I tried to book in advance but no appointments available for 2 weeks unless I call on the day. It's a stupid system but that's the way it goes!
    then do you have an urgent care facility in your area? how often are you having these rapid heart beats? If you have a history of an ED, and have been recently eating under your BMR, it's quite important for you to be seen sooner than 2 weeks if you're symptomatic.

    I don't have anywhere I can get to tonight, but if I call early enough I should be able to get a same day appointment to see my doc tomorrow. Any suggestions on what I need to tell my doc?

    Pretty much what you've said here. that you used to have an ED (that's what I thought I read earlier), and that you've been trying this new program that has you eating at a very low calorie intake that is probably below your BMR. Mention the rapid heart rates you've noticed. also the stressors you've got going on in your life. Ask if it's possible that your potassium might be too low, or if you might be at risk for arrhythmias. I'm sure the doc will have questions for you as well, and may want to do an EKG, or draw blood for lab work. If you've got other questions you think of or need answers to, please PM me. I've got MFP on my phone and have my cell with me, and will tomorrow, so I will see the message and will answer you.
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