first time losing weight w/out gym access



  • RecklezzBeauty
    RecklezzBeauty Posts: 16 Member
    you don't Need a gym
    you don't Need a lot of space
    you don't Need privacy

    you Do need to teach your child to either let you work out, or you Need to do it when he/she goes to bed.

    This coming from a girl with two jobs, a husband and two kids, who often end up in our bed. they've learned its Zero fun to get up with me when I'm working out.

    I DO hear a lot of excuses.

    You use to love it. JUST START! Once you start.... the good feelings will return and you'll WANT this.

    AMEN SISTA!! tell your child to calm down and read while mommy works out I have a 9-10-13 That have issues like homework and blah blah after and before school they know that to live long enough to take care of them I NEED TO WORKOUT AND BE SANE WHILE I DO IT. Your child will one day thank you for this! Thats what motivates me My 2 girls and son
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    You don't need a gym (or a babysitter) to work out. Get up before your kids do or wait until they're napping or have gone to bed and either use YouTube workout videos or create our own at-home exercise routine. I recommend It's free and there's a lot to choose from.
  • SunshineHardcore
    SunshineHardcore Posts: 27 Member
    I do want this, I Want to work out. Every time I go past a gym I sigh longingly. Believe me, once I get that membership, I've been down that road more than once, the pounds just start melting off. I'm incredible eager to get back in the gym.

    It will get better. Like I said, once the snow melts, I will go walking/jogging & bring my 3yr old. I'm not even scared to throw him up on my back in a mei tai. I just gotta wait for a little more snow & ice to melt. I'm thinking another week or two & the snow won't be gone, but enough ice will be gone I won't fall on my face.

    I'm also working on my situation w/ a car & once I get that taken care of, the first time I have $40 left over after car/insurance/debt payments I'm throwing at a gym membership. I Really Really Want to be in the gym.

    Its just getting dealing with my impatience until then I guess, and I'm worried about losing muscle while I'm just cutting calories. I've got the calorie deficit I need. I've been meeting my calorie goals every day. Though I have thought about a kitchen scale to see if I'm guessing sizes appropriately. I'm trying to leave a little wiggle room until I can afford a kitchen scale. Like I said, I've lost 8lbs since March 7th, I'm doing something right.

    Getting the kids to co-operate really isn't going to work. The older ones aren't the problem, but they are also completely incapable of keeping the toddler out of my hair if I'm at home. I don't have a door I can shut so they can all just deal with it on their own until they get used to it. One teenager has a job & goes to school & is never home, the other is about to start a job, they both throw fits already about helping out. I can make them babysit if I'm leaving, but if I'm here, it isn't going to work. The toddler doesn't nap most days anymore. He sleeps when I sleep. I really don't have time without him unless I leave the house which I seldom get to do. It won't always be that way, but for now it is what it is & I'm done waiting. I just wasn't willing to wait anymore for things to change before getting started at least losing some.

    I guess I'm just wondering how far I can go before I start to plateau & struggle, and I'm worried about losing muscle while dieting without lifting. I really don't want to lose anymore muscle.

    Thanks for all the responses & suggestions :smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    and its making me nuts. (TL;DR version - how much can I lose through diet alone with a sedentary lifestyle? or, skip to last paragraph)

    You don't need a gym and exercise is not at all necessary for weight loss. I don't recommend forgoing exercise as it is very good for you...but it is certainly not necessary for weight loss and if you're using MFP as designed, your calorie goal includes your weight loss deficit WITHOUT exercise. Exercise is extra activity and you will note that when you do log it, you get those calories to eat back...that is because your calorie goal has your deficit built in based on your stats and regular daily non-exercise activity (i.e. working, cooking, cleaning, etc).

    Exercise is pretty much necessary for optimal health however...and bonus, you get to eat more and still accomplish the same goals. When I was doing MFP, if I didn't exercise, I only was allotted around 1,850 calories...a good 45 minute bike ride at around 15 MPH gives me around 350 thankfully I was able to eat a more respectable 2,200 and still lose that 1 Lb per week.
  • melissarmonroe
    melissarmonroe Posts: 30 Member
    I too have a toddler who is very independent but as soon as I start exercising she wants to as well. However, she is pretty good with staying clear of me and gives up after a few minutes and I let her watch TV while I'm exercising.

    On YouTube there are tons of free videos. Do a ten minute once, twice a day. Surely if you can get on the internet and post here, you could sneak in short videos. The exercise doesn't have to be completed all at once.
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
    There are a lot of 'Do it at home' workouts that require very limited equipment.

    I'm doing 'Freeletics' which only requires a pullup bar and somewhere to run. Check it out, it's done wonders. 15 Week program. I'm down 15lbs in 11 weeks and I'm in the best shape of my life. I feel great. It's just all body weight exercises.

    Don't make excuses - Make results. You don't need fancy equipment to get in shape.

    Edit: Mind you, I'm not even trying to lose much weight. Weight is relative to muscle mass. It's a matter of wanting to become lean. I've dropped 4 pant sizes just with the 15lbs I've lost because I'm gaining muscle and losing body fat.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Do what you can. High intensity intervals are GREAT for short-time spans - bust your butt with jumping jacks, pushups, squats, etc. for 1 minute at a time with a rest in between. Try doing 5 minute workouts a couple of times a day - it adds up!
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
    Do what you can. High intensity intervals are GREAT for short-time spans - bust your butt with jumping jacks, pushups, squats, etc. for 1 minute at a time with a rest in between. Try doing 5 minute workouts a couple of times a day - it adds up!


    All body weight workouts. I do body weight workouts EVEN with paying my $80/m gym membership. Again - Don't make excuses on why you can't do it.
  • ddeverell1
    ddeverell1 Posts: 3 Member
    Please don't think I'm being rude, but there is a parenting issue here that can solve this. Tell the teenager(s) to watch the baby while you workout. If they don't do as their told, you punish them. Done, and done. I have a 9 and 7-year old. When the older is told "watch your sister" it isn't an option. You are entitled to 30-minutes a day of your own time.

    I use to feel the same way. I would always find a reason why I couldn't work money for gym, no time, on-and-on. I just had to make the decision that my health was worth it.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    sorry to thread-jack but what does TL;DR mean?? I'm dense.

    Back to subject: no more excuses! just move! :)

    I have found that dancing while doing chores (especially vacuuming) wears me out. Good cardio!
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    I understand the clingy toddler and don't have the option of older kid to babysit. My son can really get underfoot but I am trying to get him involved a bit. Do you want to try and do _____ with mommy? And like another poster said he likes being asked but it doesn't hold his attention long so he will watch a show while I try and do stuff. Kids are always underfoot but we still manage to cook and clean, do the laudry and bathe ourselves, this is just one more task. Get your toddler to walk up and down the stairs with you, it will seem dull quickly. Or do a stationary exercise while he colours or tells you a story. Pretty soon your exercise will be normalized and he will be used to doing something himself during that time.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I didn't read it all but why not walk with your toddler? Go to a park and let the toddler play and do some body weight exercises using playground equipment? Or just play with your kid at the park? Play some kind of ball? Have a race?
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    You can definitely lose weight without exercising. As far as activity, house work still burns calories.

    I'm not sure why a toddler is being viewed as an obstacle to exercise. Toddlers have so much energy. They love to play tag. Instead of looking at the toddler as an obstacle, figure out how both of you can get some exercise. I've always encouraged my son to be active and he's in great shape today at 12. As soon as my son started walking, we rarely took him anywhere in a stroller. When he got tired, we picked him up or we all took a rest. If you can, get the teenagers involved with some exercise too.

    Because of your history, you need to stop comparing your current self to your young self. I was a teenage bodybuilder who could eat junk food all the time and never did cardio. Today, I'm almost 50 and I can't eat junk food anymore. I still want to look good in clothes, but my main focus is eating the right foods and lowering my pulse.

    Stop thinking about the past and focus on your future. Do the best you can and you will feel better. Make it a family affair and encourage each other so everyone gets to feel better. Your toddler will pump you up more than any stranger on the internet can.
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member
    I have a teen and a toddler. The sister has to watch her brother for 30 mins, no questions asked. I can't understand why you cannot enforce that.
  • kellbot1
    kellbot1 Posts: 10 Member
    I guess I'm just wondering how far I can go before I start to plateau & struggle, and I'm worried about losing muscle while dieting without lifting. I really don't want to lose anymore muscle.

    With my sports training I recently was feeling sad because I felt like I was too old to really get very far. I don't have the body bounceback of the 20 year olds at the gym, I started too late, etc.

    A good friend of mine reminded me recently that we need to stop looking at failure before it happens. If you plateau and struggle, handle that when it comes, but don't waste energy anticipating it now. Let your body be the determining factor for how far you can go on diet alone, not your mind.
  • JulieE1002
    JulieE1002 Posts: 162 Member
    As a mother of 8 children, I can empathize with your situation. 2 pieces of advice: you are on the right trick by being here! Log your food intake and be sure to measure everything; and second, although exercise isn't necessary, it is highly recommended. I have seen the "commercial workout" online - look for it. It's awesome! It gives you exercises to do through the commercials - you can have a "contest" with your child. "Honey, mommy is going to do these very silly exercises at every commercial - do it with me and let's see who can do it the longest!" And then change it up to "let's see who can look the silliest! If I lose then I have to eat this piece of broccoli! [then of course you lose b/c your child wants to see you eat that broccoli!] These exercises are very effective. Don't be fooled by those that say you MUST do 30 minutes of continuous exercise to get the benefits - not true. Definately aim for 30 minutes (to begin with) throughout the course of the day. Good luck! You will make it! Feel free to send me a friend request if you need support!
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member

    Have 'dancing time' to the radio/tv everyday with your kids, they will love it - shake that booty!

    Also if you are like me and weigh every day (I always seem to go offtrack if I don't weigh daily) then is great for being able to see whether your weight trend is up or down.
    You will need a free Fitbit account to log your weight then Trendweight (also free) brings this weight figure in and creates a line graph. It can then tell you which way you are headed and suggest how many calories you are under/over to keep to your goal. I love t!


  • jklamb57
    jklamb57 Posts: 9
    You have been given a ton of great ideas and encouragement as well as pointing out that you really don't need a gym membership to get in shape.

    To make sure you don't loose your existing muscle mass just make sure you are getting plenty of protein in your diet. One easy way to do that is with lean meats like fish or chicken breasts. Many of the frozen fish fillets and chicken breasts even have directions for baking them from frozen. Just stick to low calorie seasoning like pepper, lemon, a little salt, etc.... I would recommend serving these with or over some mixed vegetables.

    You CAN do this! :)
  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    I don't have a gym membership and have done great. I usually have one my three kids with me too. My boy 7 years old very active loves to ride his bike while I jog/walk. I you just have to find any second you can. Good luck