strength traning for weight loss



  • scorpiowoman326
    scorpiowoman326 Posts: 31 Member
    Strength training doesn't burn many calories. It's more about using strength training to preserve your muscle mass than using it as a means for weight loss or create calorie deficits.

    This exactly. I recently bought a book that has helped me tons, its called "The New Rules Of Lifting For Women" by Lou Schuler and Cassandra Forsythe. PM me if you need any help with anything else :drinker:
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    As for where to start with resistant training... its really a question of what you think you'll be most comfortable with. There are so many programs out there. If your intimidated by the weightroom Body Pump is a great place to start. it if you're intimidated by Gyms in general, body weight is also an awesome way to go. if neither of those bother you you could start with Strong lifts 5x5 or a Starting strength. both of those are great beginner programs. Some will have preferred one over the other but really they will all get you on the right path. Pump is a class set to music, its fun and if you're regularly increasing your weights you can get quite a bit out of it. Bodyweight is free and actually can take you very far. there is a program (that isn't free lol but its only 3 $ ) called you are your own gym. It will take you though steady progression. Strong lifts and starting strength are freeweights ( barbell ) training programs that also have built in steady progression. To get the most out of resistance training you need to slowly increase your resistance but there are meany ways to go about that.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Strength training doesn't burn many calories. It's more about using strength training to preserve your muscle mass than using it as a means for weight loss or create calorie deficits.

    This exactly. I recently bought a book that has helped me tons, its called "The New Rules Of Lifting For Women" by Lou Schuler and Cassandra Forsythe. PM me if you need any help with anything else :drinker:

    I disagree with this...if you are lifting heavy with a progressive load lifting program it is not a low calorie burn.

    The calorie deficet comes from your intake and yes Lifting does help preserve your LBM as long as you get in enough protien.

    I have been doing SL 5x5 for over 6months and eaten a calorie deficet in the new year I added in HIIT (mainly body weight stuff) and I have continue to lose my weight at an average rate of 3/4lb a week and that is in line with my TDEE-15% but my bodyfat has lowered significantly and the overall composition is better.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I've had far more success with lifting than cardio. I am much smaller at my current weight than when I was this weight before. You have to "get over" the scale though. I stalled on the scale for a full month when I started lifting. But in that time I lost over an inch and a half in just one arm! My body fat% was dropping too. I highly recommend New Rules of Lifting for Women. Awesome read and it will give you everything you need to start. Good luck.

    Hi Charleigh. When you say "lifting," do you mean all barbell weights including dumbbells? Rows are considered lifting right? I know some stuff but I'm still a little gray about what you all mean by lifting. I get this image of just barbells, big and heavy, lifting Ahnold style.

    Enlighten me please. Thanks.
  • debbiewillersveik
    debbiewillersveik Posts: 105 Member
    This is great.... As I'm scared and getting ready to join a gym ..... Planet fitness & I know NOTHING about where to begin but I know I have to!!! 45 will be the BEST year of my life!!! Eeeeek HELP !!! Lol

    Oh god anything but planet fitness!!! small privately owned gyms please!! they will take you to your next level.

    I think hell is a place where the only gym is Planet fitness.

    Okay...someone break it down to me, as this is the second thread I've seen bashing PF. Is it the Walmart of gyms and being anti is the "in" thing? I think it's a great option for those who can't afford local, over priced gyms.

    PLEASE fill me in too.... I know nothing.... I'll take all the help I can get & I'm also not made of money!!!

    Never mind..... Should have kept reading.... Thanks for the assistance :)
  • spacelump
    spacelump Posts: 233 Member
    SO many misconceptions about PF. And, I doubt there are other gyms for $10 a month.