What is your Evil food?



  • Zoocachoo
    Zoocachoo Posts: 23
    For me I am a cheese fiend, love the stuff but the funny thing is (to some) that I'm lactose intolerant but sadly this hasn't stopped me hence the massive weight gain. When I found this out years ago and cut out lactose I lost around 3 stone but have regained it and more as my habit has come back. It's like I'm a cheese junky.

    Not to send you into a tailspin... but most aged cheddar cheese is naturally lactose-free! See the label. :smile:


    Ahh, I should have specified the cheese that is my trigger, it's coloured cheddar. I hate mature/sharp cheese. I've tried to lactose free cheese and milk we get in the UK but I always end up back at the supermarket drooling over the coloured mild chedders like a mad woman.
  • JonnyQwest
    JonnyQwest Posts: 174 Member
    Red, red wine
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    No foods are evil. You can have anything in moderation imo. The only foods I will "demonize" are the ones I'm allergic to and can kill me :grumble:

    Good grief, the woman is obviously talking about trigger foods. I'm sure she doesn't really think cheese is "evil". Some people do have incredible difficulties managing particular foods, even when they've wrest control over their overall diet. Not everyone successfully eats every single food under the sun "in moderation". Some people do come to the realization that, for examples, they have such a hard time eating just one Oreo that it's best they severely limit them, if not all together eliminate them.

    so you can't have an opinion that no food is "evil" and moderation is key? wow….
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Anyway OP, my "evil" food is ice cream. It's also my favorite food. It was so bad once upon a time that I went through a period of losing total control over eating Haagen Dazs dulce de leche ice cream, which became a pint-a-night habit in my senior year of college, kicked off a slew of poor eating all around, and eventually led to close to a 100 weight gain in less than a year.

    I have impeccable control over my food now, but to this day ice cream (and desserts in general) must be monitored. I'm not a big eater, yet I can smash through a ton of ice cream. I can't do the nightly moderation people around here brag about, where they have half a cup and are totally satisfied. When I have ice cream now I tend to buy it only occasionally, but allow myself to eat as much as I want during the times I do get it. That's as close to moderation as I'm getting.
  • Zoocachoo
    Zoocachoo Posts: 23
    [/quote] This was the quote: (I messed up and broke the post :D
    I'm sorry your thread took a turn of events :(. I'm sorry! Milk products actually have the same affect on me, but I don't really like cheese. I do love ice cream and frozen yogurt. though. I find that the way a food is processed can sometimes make it easier to eat if that makes sense.

    No worries :) It's late here and I'm really good at not explaining what I mean lol. Milk gets to me too but I can't stand the alternative.
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    dairy milk chocolate
    fro yo
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    No foods are evil. You can have anything in moderation imo. The only foods I will "demonize" are the ones I'm allergic to and can kill me :grumble:

    Good grief, the woman is obviously talking about trigger foods. I'm sure she doesn't really think cheese is "evil". Some people do have incredible difficulties managing particular foods, even when they've wrest control over their overall diet. Not everyone successfully eats every single food under the sun "in moderation". Some people do come to the realization that, for examples, they have such a hard time eating just one Oreo that it's best they severely limit them, if not all together eliminate them.

    so you can't have an opinion that no food is "evil" and moderation is key? wow….

    You can have whatever opinion you want. I'm not the gestapo.

    But do you think the OP literally thinks cheese is "evil"? Did you fail to gather that she was obviously using hyperbole to make a point about foods people have difficulty controlling?
  • TylerAvenger
  • Zoocachoo
    Zoocachoo Posts: 23
    ***Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I may not like what you say but I stand by your right to say it :D Honestly it was my wording that started it so just keep swimming.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm sorry your thread took a turn of events :(. I'm sorry! Milk products actually have the same affect on me, but I don't really like cheese. I do love ice cream and frozen yogurt. though. I find that the way a food is processed can sometimes make it easier to eat if that makes sense.

    No worries :) It's late here and I'm really good at not explaining what I mean lol. Milk gets to me too but I can't stand the alternative.

    I totally get you. I've heard that a lot of cheese alternatives just don't stack up to the real deal.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
  • Zoocachoo
    Zoocachoo Posts: 23
    Indian restaurants/take outs OMG keep me away if i can smell a good curry cooking i will follow my nose and eat 2 days worth of calories in one sitting! I know that no real food is EVIL however i think what they mean is what food do you lose control over. For me its a good curry. I just cant have a small portion.

    Yes that's what I meant but can't change it now...or can I...Anyway yes curry! Although if I ever have a korma I have to plan ahead to do nothing for days.
  • justpeachy99
    I am not a big sweet eater but sodas are my evil food... I get massive headaches drinking them and I still drink them.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    Peanut Butter on a spoon... the chunkier, the better.... :-(

    Chocolate and pretzels used to be on that list, but I have been able to work through that addiction. Have been able to limit myself to 18 fat free pretzel twists (1 serving) and one piece of chocolate from a Weight Watchers, Whitman 100 calorie package (there are 4-5 pieces in one package)... I treat myself to this just about every day... some days I give myself a bonus of two services of pretzels and two pieces of chocolate... always documented... :-) but peanut butter??? can't dare go there yet. I don't "miss" it (been over 9 months since I had a jar errrrrr spoonful), but I know before I let myself have 1 serving, I have to learn that 1 serving does NOT = 1 jar.. .
  • humptydumpty40
    sweets. Cream horns, donuts, cupcakes, cakes, pies OMG cookies, and maybe breads (cornbread, biscuits).Oh darn all food maybe:happy:
  • Zoocachoo
    Zoocachoo Posts: 23

    This person gets it!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member

  • darcy2102
    darcy2102 Posts: 27 Member
    My trigger food (better PC choice of wording I guess) would be Skittles....and not just any Skittles...they have to be Sour Skittles!!!! And don't ever think about handing me anything other than the big bag of them.....I joined Herbal Magic years ago (and quit years ago!!! What you can't have peanut butter.....not bloody likely!!) and on their application they ask how you got fat!!!! I simple said that I had an addiction to Skittles, and that I was in a "programme" to deal with it. They did not find it funny....I did not find it helpful to be denied foods that I enjoy....so Skittles won!!!!! But just to keep things real....I do not buy them to keep in the house....I have to actually make the effort to go and get them from the variety store.
  • OliveRiver
    OliveRiver Posts: 81 Member
    Pretty much any Asian cuisine. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Indian, you name it. My biggest evil would have to be sushi though.
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    I don't keep any sweets in the house (cookies, candy, chocolate chips, nutella, etc.) because I will always go right to it when I have a bad day. Like yesterday evening, I had a really bad day and was hungry even after dinner. If I would have had sweets in the house there would have been a binge which would lead to tons of negative thoughts, but I don't have that stuff around so the "best" I could do was a packet of brown sugar oatmeal, ha!