What do you see in the mirror - Fat or Thin person?



  • TheDoctorDonna10
    I never used to think of myself as fat, I wore almost all black & thought I hid the "little extra" pretty well until one day I just woke up, looked in the mirror & saw a blob. My husband just sees curves, bless his heart. I hate the mirror at this point & am still not sure how I got to the size I am. I have no pictures of where I currently am because the thought of having it documented on film just makes me want to cry. I'm supposed to be a bridesmaid for one of my best friends next summer & will have to wear a red dress, which is so not forgiving. The thought of not being able to wear black & hide was appalling & then realizing that people i've known most of my life but who haven't seen me for a few years would have to see me at this size just crushed me completely. All of that was almost enough to make me rethink standing up there with one of my oldest and best friends. I think that was the last final push I needed to finally get off my butt & actually DO something about it instead of just wishing for a miracle. I just started so I still see fat & try to avoid the mirror & my scale is currently disabled, but I can't wait until I finally see a curvy goddess in the mirror again!
  • cottagegirl71
    cottagegirl71 Posts: 167 Member
    Interesting thread! Despite needing to lose 50lbs at the moment, up until a couple of weeks ago I always looked in the mirror and felt good about myself. Knew I was overweight, but was still happy. However, one day recently....I woke up and said - TODAY is the first day of the rest of my life - no more excuses. I have said that a zillion times in the past, but this time I know it will stick until I can look in the mirror again and think I look (and more importantly - feel) fantastic :)
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    When I look in the mirror now I think I look amazing. I'm not trying to be vain but I appreciate where I am now and I look forward to seeing the changes in my body BUT looking at myself naked is hard.

    Don't even mention the "V" word. That's a dirty "four letter word" in my book.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Oddly enough I actually avoid mirrors unless i have to such as shaving. I see nothing good when i look in the mirror and see no reason to torment myself.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I see Fat Ed still the same guy I was 70+lbs heavier, took my mirror down the other week as I couldn't stand what I saw looking back at me.
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Before, I knew I was overweight but I when I looked in the mirror I thought I looked thinner than I actually was. Now that I've dropped 50+ pounds I look in the mirror and still see the 'fat' girl. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I look bad but I believe my brain has not caught up with the new me. I have to remind myself that I fit into 8/10s and to not trust my perception.....at least for now.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    It's hard to change the way we see ourselves even after we lose the weight. That's the real battle.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Depends - am I naked? If not, what am I wearing? PJs, jeans, shorts, or work clothes?

    It totally depends. Naked - I see a chubby person with 0 muscle (working on it). In PJs, I see a normal-sized person, but nothing special. In my "weekend wear" - jeans, shorts, etc. - it depends on the day. In my work clothes, it depends on the outfit - I'm wearing one of my favorite outfits today and I feel pretty thin. When I have to wear some other outfits, I feel anywhere from normal to chubby.

    Yesterday I was talking to my boss about nutrition/diets and she said that I have a "great figure." Another co-worker has said a similar thing, that I have a "cute little figure." Cute? Little? Great? This figure? No way! :)

    ...these people haven't seen me naked, though.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Uncomfortable subject...

    I have good days and bad days. Good days I see myself as curvy and I'm happy with just being a chunky person. Other days I see the fat on my legs jiggle and my stomch puff out and I hate what I see. Reality hits whenever I see a photo of myself side on. From the front I can diguise most of my flaws, but side on I can see my chubby face, almost double chin and thick arms. I also hate how my *kitten* sticks out like a shelf when I walk, and my posture tips forward...it does me no favours.

    Well that was depressing.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Well a year ago I got down to the smallest I have ever been in my adult life and I still thought I looked like I was 300+lbs. Then I gained most of the weight back. Now I look at pictures when I was the smallest and think damn I looked good. It is sad to see pants hanging in my closet that are a size 18 and think "those use to be loose on me".

    I'll get there again and will definitely stay there this time! I am more determined because now I know what it feels like to be smaller and I want that back!
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    It's hard to change the way we see ourselves even after we lose the weight. That's the real battle.


    Some days I look at myself and just feel like I should just say, F**k it and go to McDonalds.

    Other days I look at myself and say ... damn girl, this body is bangin. Literally...I say that.

    I don't know if I will ever truly be a skinny girl at heart.
  • judymoving
    Lots of great responses here, and what a range of answers.

    I do believe there is a definite mind shift that has to take place in order for the commitment and motivation to kick in to successfully loose weight. For some it is medical reasons, or maybe that "Aha" moment of insight, or "i finally had enough".

    I am still looking for mine. I want to realize my size without being so darn depressed and down about it that my self esteem doesn't suffer. In the same manner, I don't want to feel so elated over 15 pound loss that I am ready to eat cake again!

    Happy middle of the road.... where are you?
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    well same as you i used to see "not so bad" in the mirror, i didnt know exactly how it got so bad. NOW i can see some progress, not as much as others see on me, because half the time im still seeing how much i have left to go. I've lost 71 looking for 54 more.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I see a woman who is short, but in good shape. In the mirror, I can even see that I'm fairly thin, but my mental image is a whole different picture.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    In fitting clothes, slim (I swear I look thinner in dresses and my swimsuit now than in jeans and tshirt). Naked, fat.. but I have a lot of loose skin and some fat left on my belly still. The rest is pretty much ok now (well, for my standards).
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Like others, it depends on the day and my mood.

    Some times, I'm like, I'm not so bad, although I still have about 20-30 to lose. Others, I see a great big HUGE person! I carry my weight in my mid section and that's what I focus on. Especially looking at myself naked - I just see - YUCK. But if I put it in perspective of where I've come from, then it's MUCH better and I look good.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    It totally depends on the day and my mood.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I've actually never really seen myself as a fat person...it was basically news to me when the doctor told me that I was needing to lose some weight and that I had just crossed that line of overweight to obese. I was involved in all manner of sport growing up and I've always been very fit...I gained weight and lost my fitness after 30 y.o. when I took a desk job and my activity substantially decreased and my consumption remained where it was. from 30 - 38 I packed on about 40-50 Lbs, but I never really saw it until maybe the very end of my 8 year "bulk cycle" and I would look at my belly and think,"huh...where did that come from?"
  • FlumpyMe
    FlumpyMe Posts: 34
    I see a fat person - always have. Hopefully as I lose the weight I will begin to see the changes and feel better.
  • judymoving
    Exactly how I feel CFWolf