What do you see in the mirror - Fat or Thin person?



  • SummerRain43
    I see the flabby thighs and saddlebags....I know there are other good things.....but that is all I see when I look in the mirror....
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    I can be underweight and I'll still see fat, fat, fat, fat. Mirrors are stupid and it's a lot easier to trust numbers!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I can always tell when Aunt Flo is coming to visit, because I start seeing myself as fat in the mirror. Most days I see just a normal person, it's only when I see photos that it truly opens my eyes. :blushing:
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    I can be underweight and I'll still see fat, fat, fat, fat. Mirrors are stupid and it's a lot easier to trust numbers!

    ^ This!
  • MickieM623
    MickieM623 Posts: 10 Member
    In the mirror, I see myself and all my extra weight...fat.

    However, IN MY HEAD, I am still the thin healthy person I was in my 20's.

    I have 70 pounds to lose, so I know I am not thin... but every time I look in the mirror, it shocks me back into reality, and let's me know exactly where I stand. :grumble: :blushing:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I see a pudgy layer on top of a fit guy.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    When I was fat, I didn't see someone fat. I just saw me.

    Now that I'm 5lbs overweight, with a solid build and health body fat, I see fat. That's all. Rather... I did see fat and that was it.

    Yesterday a friend sent me a photo, upon my request, about a girl she was talking about. The girl is one inch taller than me, a few pounds heavier, and a similar build. I have small boobs and a flat butt with wide shoulders. I love that I do have a stronger look to me but would like to look more feminine without having to try so damn hard to create a butt, etc. But that's besides the point.

    before I saw the girl's weight my friend had only told me she was the same height, similar build. She sent me the picture and I thought "damn if I could look like that, I'd be happy."

    Then I realized, I do look like that. I'm not fat. I don't believe it yet but I know I'm not. I told my husband yesterday, "I'M NOT FAT! Isn't that awesome?" I was on cloud nine. His response was "nobody said you were....what are you talking about?" I sent the photo to my sister for some much needed reassurance for comparision and she thought it was up to me if I wanted to, but I don't need to lose 20 lbs because she seems someone lean and athletic. really? This is someone who was brutally honest through my whole weight loss.

    I feel gross today. I really do. I'm just having medical restrictions lifted, I went out for dinner last night, drank some wine and I just feel yucky.

    But I know I'm not fat. And knowing that I'm not fat makes me feel like I'm worth it to keep fine tuning my body to get it to where I want to be where I will be happy with it 90% of the time.

    I am avoiding mirrors right now because I do want to think something good the next time I stand there and look at myself. I know I still see a fat person but deep down, I believe I'm not.

    So funny how I think this is going to be the light bulb moment I needed. To me, if I'm fat I'm worthless (NO I DON'T think this of anyone else regardless fo their weight - that's my problem with myself) so why should I work on myself?

    When I see myself as strong, capable, and beautiful, I'm worth the extra work....

    Sorry I got off on a tangent but I'm still excited that I guess I'm not fat after all :)
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    I am beautiful and fit. The me inside is a muscular sexy girl. I'm tan and lusciously blonde with nice curves. My shoulders are broad, but since my boobs are perky round and my waist is small, I look balanced. I have nice legs with rock hard muscular thighs. I can wear short shorts because I have a toned round butt. I am strong as a ox. I have big blue eyes, nice cheekbones and pouty lips.

    Unfortunately, when I look in the mirror, there is this fat old hag standing in the way and I can't see myself. She's slouching there with her droopy boobs and droopy stomach. Her thinning hair has turned white and there are bags under her eyes. She looks shorter than me so I'm not sure how she is blocking the way. It must be because of the massive width of those batwing arms straining her shirt. And she's thick too - no waist whatsoever. She's just a big blob. She looks unhappy. Her beady eyes, thin lips and jowly neck are making such a mean face.

    Then I look down, and I realize I am inside her body. Someone has stuck globs of fat all over me. My poor arms are covered in the stuff. The fat is wrapped around my waist like a puffy parka. Even my face has a layer of fat paste. Am I wearing a mask? This thick mushy stuff doesn't belong to me. It feels like I am covered in play dough. I grab the roll of fat on my tummy and wish that I could take it off. I can feel the place underneath where Me begins. There is a stomach under there that I know is mine because I feel it when I'm doing planks. I poke underneath the fat and feel my stomach muscle. Yes, there I am.

    I lean in forward to the mirror - look deep into those eyes, past the puffy face, and see my real self inside her. I promise I will break you out of that fat suit. I will help you get that stuff off yourself. I will set you free. I promise.
  • TexasDarling09
    TexasDarling09 Posts: 210 Member
    I see a beautiful strong woman with some curves in all the right places.

    Can I have your mirror?

  • MagdalenDreams
    I see a overweight person. I feel disgusting. I can't stand it.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    I've always seen a fat person in the mirror, even when I was thin. I tend to look at the bad parts and ignore the over-all sexiness. My bf is helping me change that; when I look in the mirror to see the reduction in fat, I end it by looking at all the things the bf says are incredibly sexy. So now I see a fat sexy person XD I just want to be a thin sexy person instead.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    I see a overweight person. I feel disgusting. I can't stand it.
    If those pics are recent, you are not fat nor disgusting. You're pretty wow.
    I think I'm the opposite...I feel fat and frumpy. when I see myself in myself in pictures, I look skinny. But when I look at myself in the mirror, I look fat

    This!!! Yes! I look back at my pictures and where I had a six pack and was super thin and I think "how the eff did I think I was fat?!?!"
  • EmbraceTheDarkSide
    EmbraceTheDarkSide Posts: 514 Member
    I see the devil
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    I see progress. It's easy to look at this or that body part and nit pick about why it's not perfect. But I also know that overall I've come a long way and I'm happy about it.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Personally, I see a person who's skinny (lack of muscle) and fat at the same time (lack of definition) unless I've got a 'pump' from the gym, then I'm some-what a little satisfied..
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I'm fat and it depends on my mood. most days i'm like "meh, attractive for how much i am!" and some days i'm like "ew..." xD
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I still see myself as fat and ugly...
  • KMC1012
    KMC1012 Posts: 20
    Although I know I am strong and I have a low fat percentage. I still see myself as fat even though when I was bigger I never really thought I was that big the same with when I was smaller than I am right now (suffered from an eating disorder) I never realised how small I actually was.

    I don't think I will ever see my self as fat or thin, I like to just go by progress, am I lifting heavier, has my fat % gone down.
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    Most days all I see is my stomach, as it's the last thing to change on me. Even at my lowest weight last year I still felt pudgy. Since I started last year my weight has been yo-yoing between 190 and 180. I'd get lower and lower, then gain 10 pounds back after having to give up working out for a bit. Now that I'm stronger and losing slower because I've upped my calories it's hard to not see the things that I really want to change, instead of all the things that have changed.

    It takes a lot of time but I'm hoping in a year or 2 when I'm finally more okay with my appearance I'll stop looking at problems and just look at me and be okay with it, maybe even happy!
  • KMC1012
    KMC1012 Posts: 20
    Although I know I am strong and I have a low fat percentage. I still see myself as fat even though when I was bigger I never really thought I was that big the same with when I was smaller than I am right now (suffered from an eating disorder) I never realised how small I actually was.

    I don't think I will ever see my self as fat or thin, I like to just go by progress, am I lifting heavier, has my fat % gone down.