Dealing with Gym Jerks? How do you handle it?



  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    I've always done my cardio first. I'm just used to doing it that way.

    As for new exercises, i tend to do several different free weights and machines. This is a small gym and they only have one pair of 30lb weights, 35lb weights, etc. They only have 1 straight bench and 3 adjustable.

    From what y'all are saying though is to switch gyms some how. I haven't seen any other solutions as to how to deal with them.

    Without highjacking the thread, why do weights before cardio? the trainer i went to said it didn't really matter since i'm doing HIIT (high intensity interval training.) Getting my heart rate up from cardio before my weights makes it easier to keep my heart rate up while i lift. My heart rate also stays high well after i'm done for the day.

    I'm also seeing good results from how I'm currently doing it so I don't want to change too much till i have to. I'm mostly trying to address how to deal with these 3 college jerks that apparently only go to this gym to bull**** instead of do any real work.


    I always lift first because my focus is on technique and strength. My current goals revolve around the Olympic lifts and I'm simply too tired after cardio to perform them properly.

    If you're seeing the results that you are after then don't change is up.

    I don't know what to tell you about how to handle these guys. The only time I ever had any trouble was when I first started lifting in my 20s and had no idea what I was doing. I just ignored the guy and he finally quit the gym or just stopped coming. But then, I'm a female who is very comfortable around a weight room.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Without highjacking the thread, why do weights before cardio?

    Because 1) it may unsync your schedule with theirs, and 2) It can be harder to lift safely and with the proper effort level after doing 35 minutes of HIIT.
    Getting my heart rate up from cardio before my weights makes it easier to keep my heart rate up while i lift. My heart rate also stays high well after i'm done for the day.

    The purpose of lifting isn't to keep your heart rate up - that's what's cardio is for. It's perfectly acceptable for the HR to go down between sets. The difference in calories burned is negligible.
    By the way, fit people have a lower resting heart rate, not an elevated one. I would suspect a lack of sleep, but that's getting off topic..
    This is a small gym and they only have one pair of 30lb weights, 35lb weights, etc. They only have 1 straight bench and 3 adjustable.

    Inmates workout in prison cells with no equipment, so you can certainly workout in that gym without ever waiting for anyone. You just need to diversify and learn new options. For example, weighted push-ups, bodyweight rows, goblet squats, and other compound movements. If you're a creature of habit, you will encounter lots of frustration in gyms.
  • Laquincy
    Laquincy Posts: 76 Member
    I would try talking with them and ask if you can work a set during their rest... BS I know but atleast they get the hint nicely that they need to hurry the f up. I agree with everyone to go with free weights and dumbbells but sometimes people hog up those too.

    I should take my own advice though, I still have trouble dealing with this:


    I just saw this the other day in my gym.

    I dealt with this the other day as well. Not only was he curling in the squat rack...he would sit down after 1 set for like 5 minutes and mess with his phone. I wanted to break him.
  • JMoore221979
    I can't say I have ever had this problem. If the gym is worth going to the manager/owner would be on them about it. I tend to agree with a previous poster and switch over to free weights if they are using the machines you want and vice versa. I usually have a backup plan if certain things are being used but maybe that's harder for newer people. Unfortunately in the end the guys are just being jerks and it doesn't sound like anything then quitting and paying off a early termination fee or switching your routine will work. If you do quit and go to another gym I would talk to the owner and tell him exactly why you are leaving and that you tried to work it out with him/her.
  • stryder77
    stryder77 Posts: 39 Member
    My wife goes in the evening so I'm stuck at home with the kids and can't leave.

    It is like anytime fitness but there is only 1 gym of theirs in town at this time. I heard they might build another but i'll hopefully be out of my contract with them by then.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    OP if you are wanting to switch gyms & get out of the contract you could; explain to the manager its not fit for purpose as you can't use the equipment. If its a franchise get in touch with the HO & say the manager didn't help you resolve the issue. Or go to your Dr with an injury & ask for a letter stating you have the said injury & can't work out for 3-6mths (most gyms have this in the cancellation clause)

    *The last option may technically not be that ethical - but if you can't find another resolution its an option.
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    I would challenge them to combat! No I really wouldn't... I would just find something else to do until they were done snuggling and moved on. If you feel the gym is not able to provide the services that they've outlined in your contract start complaining in writing. Make sure your complaints are specific and detailed and state your expectations and give deadlines. State that your intent is to terminate the agreement if the deficiencies are not met. Terminating deficient contracts is part of my responsibility at work and I have never failed provided that our complaints were legitimate, documented, and an attempt was made to remedy the deficiency.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I would try talking with them and ask if you can work a set during their rest... BS I know but atleast they get the hint nicely that they need to hurry the f up. I agree with everyone to go with free weights and dumbbells but sometimes people hog up those too.

    I should take my own advice though, I still have trouble dealing with this:


    I just saw this the other day in my gym.

    I dealt with this the other day as well. Not only was he curling in the squat rack...he would sit down after 1 set for like 5 minutes and mess with his phone. I wanted to break him.

    WOWO back up boys.
    You do realize EVERYONE rests between sets. That's really normal. Lots of people sit down or on stuff between sets.
    I sit down between my sets- so what- I'm not holding any body up- and if I am- they can come ask me how much more I have.

    The guy next to me deadlifting pulled 345 for several sets of several reps.... after he finished his deadlift sets- he did his curls. In the squat rack- no one was waiting. I gave him some mild ribbing (he offered the rack to me if I needed it) but we had a fun joke about it and moved on. Seriously- get over it.

    OP- you were wrong. Instead of handling it politely- you blew up at them with no prior conversation (least the way I read that)- you should have asked first.

    Besides- it's not YOUR equipment- it's the gyms. They have a right to use it to. Either find a way to play nice or get your own gym.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    As for new exercises, i tend to do several different free weights and machines. This is a small gym and they only have one pair of 30lb weights, 35lb weights, etc. They only have 1 straight bench and 3 adjustable.

    A few benches and dumbells are more than enough to get a great workout. In fact, it'll probably be a better workout then you're getting with the machines. You can easily do supersets or circuit training with the benches and dumbells. Those college morons might be doing you a favor by nudging you away from machines.

    You could also try exercising before work. I now get up at 5am to hit the gym in the morning b/c I can't do it after work anymore. There are FAR less people at the gym in the morning and the crowd is much more mature.
  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    I would try talking with them and ask if you can work a set during their rest... BS I know but atleast they get the hint nicely that they need to hurry the f up. I agree with everyone to go with free weights and dumbbells but sometimes people hog up those too.

    I should take my own advice though, I still have trouble dealing with this:


    I just saw this the other day in my gym.

    I dealt with this the other day as well. Not only was he curling in the squat rack...he would sit down after 1 set for like 5 minutes and mess with his phone. I wanted to break him.

    WOWO back up boys.
    You do realize EVERYONE rests between sets. That's really normal. Lots of people sit down or on stuff between sets.
    I sit down between my sets- so what- I'm not holding any body up- and if I am- they can come ask me how much more I have.

    The guy next to me deadlifting pulled 345 for several sets of several reps.... after he finished his deadlift sets- he did his curls. In the squat rack- no one was waiting. I gave him some mild ribbing (he offered the rack to me if I needed it) but we had a fun joke about it and moved on. Seriously- get over it.

    OP- you were wrong. Instead of handling it politely- you blew up at them with no prior conversation (least the way I read that)- you should have asked first.

    Besides- it's not YOUR equipment- it's the gyms. They have a right to use it to. Either find a way to play nice or get your own gym.

    Yeah, I was just about to reply to this.

    If you're not in need of the squat rack, why get all bent on how someone else uses the equipment?

    And if you do want it to do squats, just nicely ask the person using it how long they will be and let them know you want to do squats. I have never once had anyone refuse this type of request before.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    All you have to do is be confident in yourself in which will show confidence and appreciation to others in the gym.....don't complain to the owner....change your routine just because of someone else....write a will get you no where.......

    If you have to use equipment in which someone else is "using" simply approach them and ask how many more reps. This provides you witha time estimate so you can move to other equipment depending how many more they have AND it makes them aware that someone is in line waiting to use the equipment.

    It's that simple...disregard your history with them and apply the above.

    It's not this simple when you have people giving generic answers like "I'll be done when I'm done". These guys are being very disrespectful. You do pay dues just like everyone else and you deserve to be able to work out just as everyone else does. The idea of changing up your routine may be your best bet. I know you said what you're doing is working for you but switching your cardio and strength won't hurt that progress. You mentioned that one day you essentially "butt" in when you had the chance. I'd keep that up to let them know that you're not gonna just sit back and take their crap. Let them be the ones to complain to the manager. He'll either tell them that you all need to get along or he'll kick you out, in which case, you'll no longer be under contract.
  • stryder77
    stryder77 Posts: 39 Member
    even if those dumbells & benches are taken up by these guys hogging the weights? they will literally take the pairs of 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50lbs dumbbells to their bench and switch off between whos lifting the different weights for up to or over an hour.

    I'm seriously going to take pictures of it on my phone next time it happens.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    even if those dumbells & benches are taken up by these guys hogging the weights? they will literally take the pairs of 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50lbs dumbbells to their bench and switch off between whos lifting the different weights for up to or over an hour.

    I'm seriously going to take pictures of it on my phone next time it happens.

    blowing up on them for your first encounter was wrong.


    there are ways to share a gym. There is always one douchecanoe who hogs stuff- it happens.

    Solutions include
    asking about using a weight
    working in
    waiting till they are done
    getting there before they do to get the weight you need
    working out a different time
    or finding a gym

    yelling at someone is not going to solve anything- esp when there are 3 of them and one of you.
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    Seeing as you're in college station this doesn't surprise me...Aggies. I'll just echo what people above said, just learn to do different exercises to hit the same muscle group. Between machines, free weights, cables, suspension trainers, and pure body weight exercises you can almost always find another way to do the exercise. More than one way to skin a cat.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I would try talking with them and ask if you can work a set during their rest... BS I know but atleast they get the hint nicely that they need to hurry the f up. I agree with everyone to go with free weights and dumbbells but sometimes people hog up those too.

    I should take my own advice though, I still have trouble dealing with this:


    I just saw this the other day in my gym.

    I dealt with this the other day as well. Not only was he curling in the squat rack...he would sit down after 1 set for like 5 minutes and mess with his phone. I wanted to break him.

    WOWO back up boys.
    You do realize EVERYONE rests between sets. That's really normal. Lots of people sit down or on stuff between sets.
    I sit down between my sets- so what- I'm not holding any body up- and if I am- they can come ask me how much more I have.

    The guy next to me deadlifting pulled 345 for several sets of several reps.... after he finished his deadlift sets- he did his curls. In the squat rack- no one was waiting. I gave him some mild ribbing (he offered the rack to me if I needed it) but we had a fun joke about it and moved on. Seriously- get over it.

    LOL it's called common courtesy. We all pay for the equipment and use of them. Resting is not sitting ON the squat rack itself for five minutes. Not only disrespectful to people who want to use the equipment in a timely manner but it's also disrespectful to the gym. I don't care if people are that exhausted that they need to rest for five minutes but don't sit on the equipment. The gym I go to also provides olympic bars for curling, deadlifting, stripping.... just kidding about the last one but they are provided for a reason.

    Glad you had this amazing experience where someone curling shared with you and laughed with you but in a lot of cases, that doesn't happen. I think you need to "back up" and think about that possibility.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I would try talking with them and ask if you can work a set during their rest... BS I know but atleast they get the hint nicely that they need to hurry the f up. I agree with everyone to go with free weights and dumbbells but sometimes people hog up those too.

    I should take my own advice though, I still have trouble dealing with this:


    I just saw this the other day in my gym.

    I dealt with this the other day as well. Not only was he curling in the squat rack...he would sit down after 1 set for like 5 minutes and mess with his phone. I wanted to break him.

    WOWO back up boys.
    You do realize EVERYONE rests between sets. That's really normal. Lots of people sit down or on stuff between sets.
    I sit down between my sets- so what- I'm not holding any body up- and if I am- they can come ask me how much more I have.

    The guy next to me deadlifting pulled 345 for several sets of several reps.... after he finished his deadlift sets- he did his curls. In the squat rack- no one was waiting. I gave him some mild ribbing (he offered the rack to me if I needed it) but we had a fun joke about it and moved on. Seriously- get over it.

    OP- you were wrong. Instead of handling it politely- you blew up at them with no prior conversation (least the way I read that)- you should have asked first.

    Besides- it's not YOUR equipment- it's the gyms. They have a right to use it to. Either find a way to play nice or get your own gym.

    Yeah, I was just about to reply to this.

    If you're not in need of the squat rack, why get all bent on how someone else uses the equipment?

    And if you do want it to do squats, just nicely ask the person using it how long they will be and let them know you want to do squats. I have never once had anyone refuse this type of request before.

    I wouldn't be complaining about it if I wasn't in need of it.

    And FYI, I personally have tried all of this... there has been the oddball who doesn't get the hint when you ask how many reps but for the most part, people are cool. How dare I vent about the idea of it on a fitness forum... what was I thinking? :huh:
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    I would try talking with them and ask if you can work a set during their rest... BS I know but atleast they get the hint nicely that they need to hurry the f up. I agree with everyone to go with free weights and dumbbells but sometimes people hog up those too.

    I should take my own advice though, I still have trouble dealing with this:


    Is that not a valid use of the curl rack? Just kidding ;)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I would try talking with them and ask if you can work a set during their rest... BS I know but atleast they get the hint nicely that they need to hurry the f up. I agree with everyone to go with free weights and dumbbells but sometimes people hog up those too.

    I should take my own advice though, I still have trouble dealing with this:


    Is that not a valid use of the curl rack? Just kidding ;)
    I thought it was the shrug rack..........................I mean god forbid you have to pick the barbell up off the floor to shrug
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I would try talking with them and ask if you can work a set during their rest... BS I know but atleast they get the hint nicely that they need to hurry the f up. I agree with everyone to go with free weights and dumbbells but sometimes people hog up those too.

    I should take my own advice though, I still have trouble dealing with this:


    Is that not a valid use of the curl rack? Just kidding ;)
    I thought it was the shrug rack..........................I mean god forbid you have to pick the barbell up off the floor to shrug

    Oh yeah. I've seen guys do that, too, in the squat rack. It doesn't really bother me unless I need the squat rack. We also have a power rack. Not my first choice, but I'll use it if it's the only one available.