Day 1, AGAIN



  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    The OP is probably really hungry and devastated that she didn't get the support she was hoping for.

    Yeah well life is like a box of chocolates... You never know what you are going to get.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    In. So in.
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I really enjoy it when someone offers excellent, sound advice and the OP shoots it down and says, "Nah, I'm going to continue to do my stupid thing." But I've never seen someone being viciously attacked for said excellent, sound advice. Good lord.

    Time to break out the popcorn before the thread lock.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    trogalicious once again i see a bitter fat body putting someone down. you fat people are all the same bitter and hate when someone is doing something better for themselves . your problem is that your not good enough to be seen in public places and feel good about your self so you put others down. so you post that you have lost 153 lbs so what good for you does that mean you have the right to go on here and try to beat someone down. wow you a real big person and i mean that in both ways. you must have a vast wealth of knowledge on how to loose weight with your 153 lbs lost ( just kidding ) .someone is trying to loose 10 lbs let me ask you this why is that you got so fat that even with loosing 153 lbs your still fat . people like you don't have the right to say anything to anyone your just as repulsive as Calliope610 and should not be allowed to pro create

    Reported!!!! Trolling!!! Get a life!!!!!
  • Quietborderline
    Quietborderline Posts: 12 Member
    Putting aside all the other drama happening in this post....

    Thanks trogalicious for all the awesome advice! If someone had laid that all out for me a year ago, it might not be "Day 1, Again" for me as well. Hopefully this time I can figure it all out and stick with it. =)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    "Failure is not falling down, it is not getting up again." - Mary Pickford

    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

  • vickieross
    vickieross Posts: 53 Member
    ME TOO!!!
  • monkeybusiness
    I'm back again after gaining 20 pounds in the past 2 years. I'm only 5'3'' so that's a lot for my frame. Being a grad student (stressed, busy, overtired) has lead me down a very unhealthy path. But I'm tired of making excuses-- I'm going to actually make time for exercise and eat healthier. I quit smoking recently as well. I'm tired of feeling bad about myself. So here's to trying!
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    Good luck, OP!
  • Parthus02
    Parthus02 Posts: 50 Member
    While this is good information, your approach for delivery might be unwarranted. I believe the original poster said this was her first time she ever tried a 10 day program and she didn't need the negativity from the poster who claimed she would be back at day 1 without knowing anything about her. I would bet that it was the immediate judgment of her failure that she didn't appreciate. Don't get me wrong, a lot of what you said is true and great info to have. However, it probably would be better received as "here are some tips to keep in mind when joining MFP . . ." and go from there--rather than starting off assuming she wouldn't want to hear it (it's pretty valuable information). It doesn't have to be something she has to want to hear, but it should nevertheless be polite. Props for wanting to pass on good information and sharing.
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    How about instead of "jump starting" your "diet", why don't you make healthy LIFESTYLE changes? Losing weight isn't just about LOSING IT, it's about learning to make a new lift for yourself and learn to what you can stick to. I really don't think anyone wants to stick to "jump starting" anything for the rest of their life.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    How about instead of "jump starting" your "diet", why don't you make healthy LIFESTYLE changes? Losing weight isn't just about LOSING IT, it's about learning to make a new lift for yourself and learn to what you can stick to. I really don't think anyone wants to stick to "jump starting" anything for the rest of their life.
    oh, we've covered that already. Apparently we're all unsuccessful losers for offering sound advice. I fully expect another "why are people on here so mean!" post from this soon.
  • C_Jay14
    C_Jay14 Posts: 3
    I agree with everyone on the fact fad diets usually are unsuccessfully, but I do think this could have been said a bit nicer. If be pretty offended if someone is bringing me down by saying "you'll be on day 1 again eventually" everyone has an opinion; we dont all have to agree with it but why be mean/argue because you don't have the same opinion. I also think its completely wrong to say the OP was the one who posted that ugly reply, I mean really how do you know it was her. Your over here egging on the situation by saying "I'd be mad too if I only ate 925(or how many ever you put lol) calories too" I think we all need to support each other even if you do not agree with each others diet. No offense intended it was great advice just came out a bit strong. My opinion is fad diets do not work unless you plan on eating healthy . I did the military diet lost 9 lbs kept it off by eating clean simple but that doesn't mean I will be doing the military diet every week or two. Just my input I hope I don't get my head chewed off or get called fat or unhealthy or get told my lifestyle is crap lol. (Btw I did the military diet a while back before my second baby so of course I've gained weight since then... I might just do it again to kick start some weight loss lol (I do what I want lol)
  • Melanncoli
    Hmmm. Sounds a little, um, MANIC. :noway:
  • Melanncoli
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    Google search results - "10 Pounds in 10 Days | The Dr. Oz Show"
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    Hmmm. Sounds a little, um, MANIC. :noway:

    My thoughts too. Do I have to snort 10 lines of cocaine in 10 days too? That's the only way I'd lose anything close to that.
  • dinojay28
    dinojay28 Posts: 57 Member
    I agree and promote a commitment to a healthy lifestyle is the way to go! However I'm a competitive woman so these 10 day challenges(fads) just adds fuel to my fire and I must overcome them when I commit! I mean same thing with everyone's exercise plans right? I'm sure more than most of you do abs legs etc challenges so let's not get out of hand people. Keep your mind body soul guessing... Add me ^_^
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I agree and promote a commitment to a healthy lifestyle is the way to go! However I'm a competitive woman so these 10 day challenges(fads) just adds fuel to my fire and I must overcome them when I commit! I mean same thing with everyone's exercise plans right? I'm sure more than most of you do abs legs etc challenges so let's not get out of hand people. Keep your mind body soul guessing... Add me ^_^

    There is a big difference in doing a fitness challenge and doing an undereating challenge. One improves health by working your muscles, the other damages it by wasting them away.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hey, jrhino38,

    why did you edit your post about me? I'm a big girl (as you so graciously alluded to in your deleted post), I can handle your insults. In fact, I ask that you repost your comments to me for all the world to see.

    I think it was edited by the mods--I had a post directly under it quoting it and my post is entirely gone, I assume the mods nuked it.

    Yeah, I thought you had quoted it. I kinda am disappointed that it was removed. I've never been flamed like that before.

    She can flame all she wants, but your ticker shows the difference between a successful sustainable plan and continually starting over at day 1 on an unsustainable plan.