The Ultimate Guide to Tea!

(Note: This was originally a post on my blog but I wanted to share it with anyone who may not have the opportunity to see it)

Hello, everyone! So as some of you may know, I've spent a good amount of time working for a company that sells different varieties of tea. It is thanks to this job that I've learned a TON about different kinds of teas and their benefits.

Today I want to share that information with you.

Different Typs of Tea

Tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant. The way the plant is processed determines the type of tea that is created from it. The different varieties of tea are:

White Tea
After the leaves are picked, they are steamed and then dried

Green Tea
The leaves are withered, and then steamed or pan fired (for Japanese and Chinese green tea, respectively,) before being rolled and dried

Oolong Tea
The leaves are withered, and then shaken, which bruises the leaf edges, before being partially fermented, rolled, and dried.

Black Tea
The leaves are withered and rolled, then fully fermented and fired

There are also some types of 'tea' that, while technically not tea since they do not come from the Camellia Sinensis plant, are still considered tea by the larger community of drinkers, referred to as 'Herbal Teas'.These are:

Mate Tea
Created much in the same way as traditional tea, but made with the South American Yerba Mate plant.

Rooibos Tea (also known as 'red tea')
Created from the South African Rooibos bush

Herbal Infusions
Refers to any type of 'tea' that consist of exclusively fruits, nuts, herbs, etc.

Health Benefits

It's no secret that Tea has health benefits. Nutritionists, Doctors, and Health Fanatics agree that tea is one of the best additions to a healthy lifestyle that someone can make. But what are these benefits? Do different types of tea have different benefits? Of course! Every type of tea is known for different benefits. Here is a list of the health benefits of each different type of tea.

White Tea

Fantastic source of antioxidants
Low in caffeine
Supports healthy skin and a clear complexion
Promotes detoxification
Wonderful for hydration

Green Tea

Contains the EGCG complex, a powerful nutrient that is very high in antioxidants
Helps support the immune system
When balanced with a proper diet, it may helpmaintain healthy blood sugar levels

Oolong Tea

Promotes a healthy metabolism
Supports digestion
Promotes healthy skin and teeth
Promotes weight loss

Black Tea

Promotes heart health
Helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular and circulatory system

Mate Tea

Known for its energizing properties
Supports appetite suppression
Source of vitamins and minerals

Rooibos Tea

May support the immune system
Promotes well-being
Supports digestion
Naturally caffeine free

Herbal Infusions

Source of Vitamins and Antioxidants
Naturally caffeine free

Please remember that drinking tea will not produce any benefits if you don't pair it with other healthy lifestyle choices. In addition, remember to take into account if you sweeten your tea. While tea is naturally calorie free, sugar does add calories to what you're drinking.

If anyone has any questions about anything written here, or wants to know more about tea, please feel free to send me a message! I'll be happy to help in any way I can!

Have a healthy day!