about ready to give up



    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    So don't eat 1200 calories. Eat 1500 calories. I weigh 131 and can still lose weight eating 1425. Plus I'm not miserable. I would rather lose 1 pound a week instead of two and enjoy life. It's probably healthier that way anyway.
  • SportSpork
    I am about ready to give up AGAIN on trying to lose weight. I've been trying my best (although family says I'm not trying good enough) to stay on 1200 calories per day. At first I was a few calories under and now I'm going too far over. Watching calories is hard. To date have lost 6 pounds over last month (about). But 3 of those pounds I keep gaining back, then lose, then gain, then lose. Frustrating. I know that I need to exercise but find it very hard to start since I cannot keep it up for more than a couple of minutes or more before lower back pain starts. Maybe I'm just better off feeling like the Good Year Blimp". :sad: :cry: :indifferent:
    Good year pimp * ;)
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Hang in there...don't give up! If you truly want to make a change...continue to hang with it. It is hard, but you have to look at the big picture...your health. You can do it...if you can o y exercise for 10-15 minutes...that's better than doing nothing. Try short walks and see how that works for you. Please feel free to add me if you would like!
  • malou1985
    malou1985 Posts: 137 Member
    Every1 has bad days from time to time. Think about 'why' u have chosen weightloss, let that motivate u. As the saying goes 'this to shall pass' Hope u feel better soon
  • ruibineileen
    ruibineileen Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks its always nice to know that you're not alone
  • mgoblethomas
    mgoblethomas Posts: 14 Member
    You are most definitely not alone! I have given up so many times, and wish I hadn't - please don't give up (and please tell me the same thing if needed, and it will be, in the future!). I also have lower back issues, and I find that the recumbent bike works best for me - make sure it is set so there is still a bend in your knees at the furthest point. Also do gentle lower back exercises/stretches at least once a week.

  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    But 3 of those pounds I keep gaining back, then lose, then gain, then lose.

    Water weight.

    The same thing is happening to me right now, and it is frustrating.

    Take the others advice, and eat 1500-1600 calories a day.
  • miss_sassy35
    Please don't give up!! Don't solely measure yourself using the scale as it can play tricks on you! Measure yourself by inches as that is a big motivator too! I'm rooting for you and good job thus far! Aim for gradual results versus instant gratification!
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Oh darling, don't give up! If you're miserable on 1200 seriously up it. I'm okay on 1500 with out exercise (and I SO appreciate the exercise calories). Don't "sc**w" yourself out of food, you'll just set yourself up for failure. You can do it!!!!
  • auntyfred
    auntyfred Posts: 63 Member
    6lb a month is 72lb a year. Now that's some serious weight loss. Spout that at your family when they are saying you're not trying hard enough. 6lb is a good weight to lose per month. Well done.
    Hang in there lots of people are rooting for you :bigsmile:
  • Bagelsan
    Bagelsan Posts: 49
    Even if you don't see the pounds come off right away, eating a bit healthier and exercising a bit more every day will make you MUCH healthier and happier in the long run! You can't see things like cholesterol plaques and cancer, but every scrap of work you put into your fitness helps keep those things out of your life and gives you a healthy future to look forward to.
  • Wol5894
    Wol5894 Posts: 127 Member
    AS others have said DON'T give up! And remember who you are doing this for - is it for you or for your family (or maybe a bit of both?). You don't say how tall you are, or how heavy but my bet is that you are trying to impose to low a calorie limit to each day and therefore setting yourself up for failure. This is LIFESTYLE change, NOT a diet, although there IS a weight-loss phase to it.

    I notice you say you have back pain - has this been attended to? As someone who injured her back in a car accident and had to give up nursing as a result, I can tell you a helluva a lot about back pain. A great deal of it is down to posture, both when sitting and standing/walking and breaking habits of a lifetime are really hard and sometimes it hurts to stand and walk properly. So, may I give you a bit of advice?

    1. Go and see an Osteopath (no, NOT a Chiropractor - an Osteopath). They are trained in every aspect or what your bones are doing and will look at your posture etc and, if they need to, will manipulate your neck, shoulders, spine and legs to help you stand and walk properly. It may take a few treatments but it works!

    2. Go swimming. Lie on your back and do life-savers kicking (you don't need to do proper back stroke). Then try swimming on your front - crawl or breaststroke as you please. You may find this is damned uncomfortable at first because when you lie in the water, your back naturally goes into its proper alignment (i.e. the curve of your lower back - the lordosis of your spine) and the water takes the rest of the weight. Get to learn to feel what that proper posture feels like, then try walking upright in the pool and maintain that shape. It can take a while to learn it but again, it works if your persevere!

    3. Go to a really good Pilates class. This works on strengthening your inner core muscles which support your spine. It takes about 4 - 6 weeks of weekly classes and a bit of daily work at home to make a huge difference but again, this works!

    I'm writing the above because these have worked for me who had agonising pain for about 6 years. I started this regime 20 years ago and now I am virtually pain free and have been for most of those 20 years. I go to the osteopath maybe once in 18 months-2 years but I swim whenever I can and I do Pilates at home every day.

    It takes hard work to get your back in shape but believe me it IS worth it!
  • flabbybunker
    flabbybunker Posts: 57 Member
    MAn dont give up. Whatever you do, dont give up. Forget what the scale says, what does your body say? what do the chothes say on your body. If thier loose or starting to seem too big, then your on the right path. Did the first cave man quit when he used a sharp spear instead of a club?

    Did the Continental Army quit in Deleware in 1776 when it was 10 below zero with n supplies. ?

    Life is full of challenges and adversity. Keep pushing through this and make your family know that they were wrong to doubt you. Keep up with this and let the world know your not a quitter. Your body, mind and soul will thank you for it years down the line.

    <illions of folks have lost weight before us, millions will afterward. Lets be in the millions that DO and not the ones who DONT.

    BEsides after you lose your weight and have a good healthy eating lifestyle, you might convince some of your doubting relatives to start a workout with you. Now wouldnt that be the ultimate form of success :)?
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I am about ready to give up AGAIN on trying to lose weight. I've been trying my best (although family says I'm not trying good enough) to stay on 1200 calories per day. At first I was a few calories under and now I'm going too far over. Watching calories is hard. To date have lost 6 pounds over last month (about). But 3 of those pounds I keep gaining back, then lose, then gain, then lose. Frustrating. I know that I need to exxercise but find it very hard to start since I cannot keep it up for more than a couple of minutes or more before lower back pain starts. Maybe I'm just better off feeling like the Good Year Blimp". :sad: :cry: :indifferent:

    This is all up to you. I am also 56 years old and for the last decade, I've been trying to lose weight. This is a ridiculous statement to me now, because I was really just talking the talk and never actually walked the walk.

    About 22 months ago, I decided I wanted to lose weight (AGAIN) and started eating a 1200 or less calorie diet and using MFP. Thank goodness I began haunting the forums and started listening to the younger people on here who have not been indoctrinated into the 1200 yo yo palooza. I upped my calories (I now eat between 1500 - 1800 depending on my work out schedule), began logging honestly (using a food scale) and started lifting weights and running. Now don't get me wrong - I have never picked things up and I have not run since high school. But, I knew that getting healthy was my priority now - not getting skinny, not just losing weight. My focus became improving my health.

    So my advice to you is this: When you are ready to lose the weight - you will. It's hard work, but so worth it. I have finally lost a little over 100 pounds and have just a few to go. I know I will succeed this time because I can do this plan for the rest of my life. Good luck.
  • Madison1Jones
    I read somewhere that not eating enough will make you hold on to fat. I have given up on fried food, soda, cake, cookies and white bread. Just to keep my portions a little more reasonable mostly, but I have still been eating and trying not to obsess over the calories so much. I quit eating after 8 pm to prevent more snacking and digesting my food for my morning weight. I decided that if I am only trying to lose 2 pounds a week, no need to starve! I am doing an ab and squat challenge in the mornings while I watch the news. Don't give up!
  • frances_bacon
    frances_bacon Posts: 35 Member
    I am about ready to give up AGAIN on trying to lose weight. I've been trying my best (although family says I'm not trying good enough) to stay on 1200 calories per day. At first I was a few calories under and now I'm going too far over. Watching calories is hard. To date have lost 6 pounds over last month (about). But 3 of those pounds I keep gaining back, then lose, then gain, then lose. Frustrating. I know that I need to exxercise but find it very hard to start since I cannot keep it up for more than a couple of minutes or more before lower back pain starts. Maybe I'm just better off feeling like the Good Year Blimp". :sad: :cry: :indifferent:

    Absolutely not, you are NOT better off giving up!

    Just think of all the things you would have liked to do in your life that you were not able to do because of your size. Think of the next 30, 40, maybe even 50 years of your life, what do you want to do with them, what adventures are out there waiting for you, what marvellous things could you do for yourself if you were just that little bit healthier. 6 pounds is a great start, and as someone mentioned earlier, that's 72 pounds in a year! Just imagine yourself 72 pounds lighter, wouldn't that be fantastic? I'm getting tingles all over just imagining myself that much lighter, how exciting! How would that make you feel? What could you do then that you can't do now?

    1200 is just going to make it harder for you to keep this up, as everyone has already said, and I fully agree that swimming might be best for you. If you perhaps feel uncomfortable in a swimsuit, look into a swimdress, or shorts over your suit or with a tankini top (that's what I do, I love swimming, but until my thighs look better they are staying out of sight!)

    Another option might be something like this:




    These could help you get some exercise without putting any strain on your back, and they're quite wee so won't take up much room.

    Please, please, please don't give up, you CAN do this. I have roughly the same amont of weight to lose as you do, so you could add me as a friend if you like, I'd be happy to support you through this.

    Just think: a year from now you will wish you had started today.
  • PDarrall
    PDarrall Posts: 114 Member
    Honestly all I hear is excuses.

    Its going well, you have lost 6lbs, you are fluctuating 2/3lbs (hardly surprising, water, even going to the toilet leads to fluctuations!).

    Either you want to do it, or you don't. This is a key moment of choice. Carry on, no matter what, even if you slip now and then or give up and lose.
  • run4itnow
    Don't give up! Sometimes it's 2 steps forward and 1 step back, but if you keep at it you will get to your goal. The exercise is really key, you need to at least start walking - and consistently every day even if you start at 20 minutes and build up your total every week. You will feel better about yourself, and that helps with the eating. Good Luck, we're here for you!
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    One of the best things I ever bought was a Fitbit. (Or any other body monitor device) It tells you how many steps you've walked a day, connects to an app on your phone or tablet, and you can create daily goals on it. (10000 steps, 10 flights of stairs climbed, etc) It really works to keep me motivated and reach my goals. Other brands are Jawbone, Bodymedia and I think Nike have one too. It's a really great way to start exercising. Plus a lot of them sync with MFP and adjust your calorie goal!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Do you really have 122 lbs to lose? Then do yourself a favor and EAT MORE. Seriously. You'll never stick to it if you starve yourself. I had 83 lbs to lose, and I've never eaten under 1600 - and you can probably eat more than that. It's not a race. You'll lose more weight by sticking to a reasonable calorie goal than to a ridiculously low one that you won't be able to stick to.

    For exercise, same, take it slowly... even if it's just walks around the block first.