sick of 1200kcal, sick of the scale ruling my life



  • Roisindubh32
    Roisindubh32 Posts: 8 Member
    Since you are free of the scale for a couple months, I would pack one outfit that fits you well and makes you feel confident. Use that outfit as your guide...but, not your master. If it's getting snug, take a walk and see the sights and maybe pass on the bread bowl. Don't fritter away a trip of a lifetime worrying about a number. Trust me. Someday you will look back at this trip and you will want to remember all the things you did, saw and tasted...not what you missed out on because you were afraid (mistakenly) that you were too fat to deserve to enjoy it. Just make healthy choices, at least most of the time ;). Use this opportunity to break from the scale determining your worth. You are more than a number.

    I have to quote this because it's some awesome advice about the outfit.

    I am so jealous of your big adventure. Why waste it being a slave to a scale? Enjoy it. You already look amazing from what I can see in your avatar. Work out, eat healthy, and stop worrying.

    I know you said you're an athlete. You need to be strong, lean, fit. That doesn't equal underweight and you already know that. You know BMI lies sometimes? It doesn't account for muscle mass. It's accurate enough for people who are overweight or don't exercise, but rugby players and other athletes will tell you that their BMI probably counts them in the overweight category because of the amount of muscle they have. That's an extreme example, but you get where I am coming from? ;)
  • nkovacs1954
    nkovacs1954 Posts: 64 Member
    Take the battery out of the scale and forget about it for a month. Eat the way you know you are supposed to eat, begin an exercise routine and relax. You'll do fine and your body will reward you.
  • absrpp
    absrpp Posts: 20
    Since you are free of the scale for a couple months, I would pack one outfit that fits you well and makes you feel confident. Use that outfit as your guide...but, not your master. If it's getting snug, take a walk and see the sights and maybe pass on the bread bowl. Don't fritter away a trip of a lifetime worrying about a number. Trust me. Someday you will look back at this trip and you will want to remember all the things you did, saw and tasted...not what you missed out on because you were afraid (mistakenly) that you were too fat to deserve to enjoy it. Just make healthy choices, at least most of the time ;). Use this opportunity to break from the scale determining your worth. You are more than a number.

    thank you so much for this, it made my day
  • belllam
    belllam Posts: 7 Member
    If I had a dollar for every time a teenager asked how to lose weight when they are at or under a good weight I would be flying to Hawaii first class right now. Sigh.

    while I understand your concern, I think this is slightly disrespectful. I am trying to be "the best me", I am pursuing a weight that is healthy for my height. I am an athlete so I need a special physical condition. Unfortunately, just "a healthy weight" in general is not the optimal for perming in hurdle jumping. I do not need to be underweight, but I do need to be in the low end of the spectrum for my track performance to be the best I can achieve. Please, respect my goals as I do respect yours.
    CHEERS :drinker: