What Have You Done With Your Clothes That Don't Fit?



  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    I am realistic when it comes to my weight. If they are still neat and serviceable I keep them because I know that this is going to be a constant struggle for me. I have large, X-Large and a few XXL in my closest just in case I need them. And I have a few nice things in Medium...just in case I ever make it there again.

    That is EXACTLY why I have packed up all my too-big clothes and got rid of them. The nicer tops (some still have price tags on) have been passed on to my new daughter-law-in who is pregnant... she will go through and see what will work and what won't and she will donate the rest.

    I have removed 2 huge bags of clothes from my closet today that don't translate well into maternity wear and will be donated as well.

    I have been down this journey a few times over the years... in fact, I had my significant other take a picture of me in my "diet jeans" today, just before I packed them up. These were the jeans I tried on July 1, 2013 and literally could not get over my knees. They were the very jeans I vowed to diet my way into once again (had done so twice before)... This time, I not only dieted my way into them, but I have dieted my way right out of them. They literally fell off me today without having to even unzip. I don't want them lingering around (or the other 7 pair) any more. I don't want to have that safety net for "just in case I ever make it there again". I WON'T make it there again. This will be a struggle for me as well, but I am not going to make it easy to fall back into bad habits. I don't need those bad reminders hanging around. The picture I took today is the only reminder I want.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    All of my size S tees got cut into cutoffs for running and the gym.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Do any of you feel kind of afraid to get rid of them? I still have a fear of going back to my old ways, and needing them again. I would hate to spend the money to buy that size again.

    This is why I'm getting rid of them. I figure, if I don't have any clothes to wear, I'll have to catch myself quickly if I start slipping back to my old ways.
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    Always to Goodwill, it's nearby. Great feeling knowing someone is going to get some quality clothing/shoes at a low low price.
  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    I donated anything under $300 and sold the designer stuff on eBay... I think last summer I got about $3,000 to put towards new clothes :) Not a bad idea... Most of it was donated though
  • wyllo44240
    wyllo44240 Posts: 1 Member
    I passed my first couple of batches on to friends/family that could use them. Recently, though, I've been taking them to a consignment shop. Since I'm shrinking out of my clothes so quickly, it's nice to be able to get a little cash (or store credit!) for my cast-offs. I'm not spending much on replacement clothes until my weight stabilizes at or near my goal.
  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    Donate them to charity
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    Donated them, except for the team shirts and jackets I have from my days playing lacrosse and soccer in ncaa.
  • GothJuice
    GothJuice Posts: 66 Member
    Got the sewing kit out the possibilities are endless... somewhat... :P
  • EveyRose
    EveyRose Posts: 74 Member
    I alter my jeans to the new smaller size for as long as I can or until the jeans are just shot and I have to throw them away. I'm blessed that I get to wear jeans for work so that save me lots of money. Most of my tops get altered as well unless its going to be something so drastic it won't look right. If I can't alter it I donate it to salvation Army or Goodwill
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    If it's in any shape I have donated things to goodwill or value village - I've also bought a lot of interim stuff at Value Village as there is one a short walk away so i pass through regularly. Work clothes are provided by the Company I work for and I will need to order some new ones soon (I'm putting it off another month and I'll order summer stuff)
    I've actually seen some excellent quality Bespoke suits at Value Village in amazing shape but too small for me

    Once i hit my goals and maintain into the fall I will get a couple of suits made which given the cost will be plenty of incentive to keep the weight down
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    Some to the Salvation Army thrift store, and if they fit right, some to a friend of mine who's also losing weight. She has a different shaped body than I do, so what doesn't fit me and looks right for her, I try with her first. Too big for either of us, and it's off to the thrift store. I'm lucky it's not too far from where I live, too!!! :wink: :happy: :laugh:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    When I drastically changed last summer and had a TON of stuff in sizes 20-24 and 2X-3X to sell, I sold most of my stuff on Craigslist and then had a huge garage sale and posted about it on Craigslist as well as in a couple of local plus-size clothing swap groups on facebook. I was absolutely swarmed with ladies who purchased every last clothing item at my garage sale.

    Later on, I sold a lot of 18's and 1X on Craigslist in big "lots" especially pants/jeans.

    Now I typically just donate things as I go. I rarely have more than 3-4 items at a time now, since I'm much more careful with sizes and shop strategically! I can't think of too many items in my wardrobe right now that warrant selling on Craigslist unless maybe all of my cuter dresses get too big at the same time and then I'd probably bother with selling those in a lot. My time is worth more to me though than listing every item individually.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I always donate. :)
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    I plan on giving away the ones I don't like anymore and taking in the ones I still do - I've only dropped a size and I'm good with sewing, why waste pretty clothes?
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    I've donated quite a bit to Goodwill, but I've also held on to quite a bit as well. The last time I lost a significant amount of weight and had donated a bunch of clothes, I regretted it when I gain a lot back. Not that I'm planning on going that route again, once I get to maintenance and hold for a year, I will donate the rest.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I donate, and I'm replacing strategically. For example when donate 2 pairs of jeans I try to replace with one. I'm getting down to no more than one of any color / style (e.g. long vs cropped for summer) except for workout clothes. I have multiple pairs of pants as I workout every day.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I donate most of them. Some of the skirts I took in at the waist, as I didn't want to give them away!
  • weave, adjust the sizing, or change the design of the shirt so it could look different and fit. I can't afford new clothes, so I just make the new out of my old material shirts,pants,and so on.
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    I'm just starting out on my journey, but in the past I sold the clothing (in good condition) on eBay, and used money earned toward buying smaller pieces. That's probably what I will do this time. I also donate some and give to friends.
  • martineyes26
    martineyes26 Posts: 47 Member
    I did a few things with them...consignment shop, donated to Goodwill, gave some to a friend that is sharing this journey with me and some to my sister. I also had a few things taken in that I still really enjoyed wearing. I still have nicer, business type clothing that I am still hanging onto because I paid good money for them, but not sure what to do with them.
    Does anyone else have a scared feeling when they give their clothes away that one day they'll need them again?
  • lilymae71
    lilymae71 Posts: 23 Member
    I donated, too. We live rural and there's always a huge need. The closest place to donate (not a GW or other large name, just a small church) is over 20 miles away.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I did a few things with them...consignment shop, donated to Goodwill, gave some to a friend that is sharing this journey with me and some to my sister. I also had a few things taken in that I still really enjoyed wearing. I still have nicer, business type clothing that I am still hanging onto because I paid good money for them, but not sure what to do with them.
    Does anyone else have a scared feeling when they give their clothes away that one day they'll need them again?

    Yes. I had that feeling. I will have it again when I dig out my Summer clothes, and go through it.
  • donate all of it! Woman's shelters, salvation army...try to donate to organizations who will give it to people for free and not just resell for alot cheaper. Also, donating to churches is a great idea.

    "People helping people.....it's a Beautiful thing!!"
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I donate my too large clothes to the DAV, which is also where I haunt for new clothes. It's my favorite thrift store!
  • MLouis1
    MLouis1 Posts: 108 Member
    I live in Phoenix. There is a charity that wants "nice/good" clothing for women re-entering the workforce. They need all sizes. I donate my good clothing to them, Goodwill gets everything else. Sorry I can't think of the name. I just know where there drop off is!