Can we stop saying quiting/cutting out sugar from your diet!



    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I always think of it as refined vs. natural...where as a person with insulin resistance I avoid refined sugar as much as possible (cookies, candy, etc), I don't have as much of an issue with natural sugar (although I can't overdo carbs obviously). Is that a better distinction?
  • paomiamifl
    paomiamifl Posts: 61 Member
    I'll throw in my two cents because...well, I can.

    I think it's absolutely asinine to say you are cutting out all of any type of food. If you ate sweets, drank gallons of soda, or gorged yourself on pasta for years to get fat, than chances are you like those things..there's a shocker. So, it's nice to say "I'm giving up all sweets and sugar," but reality is that you're surrounded by it and you really need to find some way to deal with it.

    Why not just be conscious of what and how much you are eating, drinking, etc? Why not take your time on MFP to learn HOW to eat those items in moderation? If you deprive yourself of sweets to lose weight, then when you finally decide to have that slice of cake at Aunt Mildred's 90th birthday, you'll likely find yourself right back on the train to Chubbville. Calories in, calories out...moderation, not elimination is most often the best way to ensure your lifestyle change is sustainable.

    100% agreed!
    If we can't learn ways to deal with living in the real world, one which includes sugar AND fat, but instead of eating ourselves to death on these two foods, eating them sparingly, then I feel we've learned nothing from our healthy lifestyle journeys. I don't wish for myself a life of misery, feeling guilty or horrible for not being able to eat what I find enjoyable. I've learned that my calorie allotment is so little, that if I teach myself self-control, I can eat these things from time to time, and still be healthy.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,081 Member
    Yes I agree it is good to learn ways to incorporate sweet foods into your diet, in moderation.

    I also think it is helpful in terms of reducing calories to learn to like things less sweet, ie to re- train your palate.

    To the poster above who said 2 cups of coffee with sugar isn't a problem for her - great, don't reduce your sugar intake if you don't need to.
    But drinking coffee unsweetened is a way of cutting down your sugar intake - of course if the coffee tastes horrible to you, don't do this - but it tastes fine to me now. And I now don't like very sweet cakes etc in anything more than very small portions.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I always think of it as refined vs. natural...where as a person with insulin resistance I avoid refined sugar as much as possible (cookies, candy, etc), I don't have as much of an issue with natural sugar (although I can't overdo carbs obviously). Is that a better distinction?

    No, it's an epic fail. Sugar grown in cane and beet (agricultural crops) is natural, for a start.

    "Refined" sugar is raw sugar with the small amount of residual molasses removed. Raw might be 99.3 % sucrose whereas refined is >99.9% so basically they're the same thing.

    The sucrose in sugar cane and sugar beet is the same sucrose as in an orange, or a sweet potato.

    The poster with the dictionary definitions is probably closest for the person in the street - sugar is the crystalline stuff you might add to your drinks, sprinkle on cereals or bake in a cake. To scientists, engineers, dietitians, pedants etc "sugars" are a family of molecules.
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    I cut out all the sugar in my diet and replaced it with fruit. Nature's crack.

    I cut out all the sugar in my diet and replaced it with crack. I've lost 30lbs in one month ;)

    Haha in all seriousness, I think this sugar debate all cones down to personal opinion. I cut white sugar out of my diet for the most part. But every once and a while, I'll have a bar of chocolate or a slice of cake.. But again, it's a personal matter!
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    I cut out added sugar in snacky/dessert type food but i do have it as a seasoning. I am not going to go too far over to the one side and not have anything enjoyable. I mean, i dont necessarily love salad, except if it has sweet dressing or ranch. I refuse to drink diet pop just to save sugar because it tastes nasty to me. so i will eat a sugar product if it makes the food i'm eating edible. I know what "clean eating is" and I know what "i cut out sugar" means. I do both for the most part but i wont be religious about it. my friend is religious about his eating and he drives me crazy, but its working for him. but i wont do his diet because i refuse to eat fake food just to save calories or sugar (he's on Ideal Protein). I could not do that.
  • paomiamifl
    paomiamifl Posts: 61 Member
    I always think of it as refined vs. natural...where as a person with insulin resistance I avoid refined sugar as much as possible (cookies, candy, etc), I don't have as much of an issue with natural sugar (although I can't overdo carbs obviously). Is that a better distinction?

    No, it's an epic fail. Sugar grown in cane and beet (agricultural crops) is natural, for a start.

    "Refined" sugar is raw sugar with the small amount of residual molasses removed. Raw might be 99.3 % sucrose whereas refined is >99.9% so basically they're the same thing.

    The sucrose in sugar cane and sugar beet is the same sucrose as in an orange, or a sweet potato.

    The poster with the dictionary definitions is probably closest for the person in the street - sugar is the crystalline stuff you might add to your drinks, sprinkle on cereals or bake in a cake. To scientists, engineers, dietitians, pedants etc "sugars" are a family of molecules.

    If we looked at it in terms of "brand names" which one(s) is/are the good vs the bad? It would be really good to know that! (At least for me!) thank you so much!

    Example: domino's sugar vs sugar in the raw
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Oh crise,

    I am out of here
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Example: domino's sugar vs sugar in the raw

    A refinery like Domino will take raw sugar in as its raw material and produce white sugar and a range of other things. "Sugar in the raw" is the raw sugar produced local to the cane growing areas and traditionally shipped in bulk for further processing local to the consumers.

    99.9% sucrose in white sugar, 96 to 99.5% in raw sugar.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    What's "the A word"?

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I just think the people saying they are quitting/cutting sugar sound ridiculous. It's not that I don't understand what they really mean. Words matter, and how can you be taken seriously here if don't even know what it is you are giving up?

    It is not that difficult to figure out that they mean they are giving up sugary sodas, cookies, cakes, donuts, candy, etc.
    I mean, come on, most of us DO have a brain and know how to use it.

    But apparently it is much more fun for some people to jump in and say, "so you are giving up fruit? and carrots? because they have sugar!"

    well if you are addicted to something you would give up what you are addicted to 100%, right?
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    A - Addiction
    B - Binge
    C - Craving
    D - Diet
    E - Eating Disorder
    F - Fat / Fasting
    G - Good food / GIRLS ONLY
    H - Healthy
    I -
    J -
    K -
    L - Loose
    M - Mean
    N -
    O - Onederland
    P -
    Q -
    R - Rude
    S - Shaming
    T - Thigh Gap
    U -
    V -
    W -
    X -
    Y -
    Z -
  • Beet_Girl
    Beet_Girl Posts: 102
    T-Thigh gap (two words ok?)
  • Beet_Girl
    Beet_Girl Posts: 102
    I'll throw in my two cents because...well, I can.

    I think it's absolutely asinine to say you are cutting out all of any type of food. If you ate sweets, drank gallons of soda, or gorged yourself on pasta for years to get fat, than chances are you like those things..there's a shocker. So, it's nice to say "I'm giving up all sweets and sugar," but reality is that you're surrounded by it and you really need to find some way to deal with it.

    Why not just be conscious of what and how much you are eating, drinking, etc? Why not take your time on MFP to learn HOW to eat those items in moderation? If you deprive yourself of sweets to lose weight, then when you finally decide to have that slice of cake at Aunt Mildred's 90th birthday, you'll likely find yourself right back on the train to Chubbville. Calories in, calories out...moderation, not elimination is most often the best way to ensure your lifestyle change is sustainable.

    100% agreed!
    If we can't learn ways to deal with living in the real world, one which includes sugar AND fat, but instead of eating ourselves to death on these two foods, eating them sparingly, then I feel we've learned nothing from our healthy lifestyle journeys. I don't wish for myself a life of misery, feeling guilty or horrible for not being able to eat what I find enjoyable. I've learned that my calorie allotment is so little, that if I teach myself self-control, I can eat these things from time to time, and still be healthy.

    Different strokes for different folks. It might be "absolutely asinine" for YOU to give up whole food groups. Guilt and misery, oh the horrible life they must live!!!, you might think. Or maybe not...if someone is happy and healthy with a new way of eating and can sustain it, all the best, I say. Some people can forgo cake for the rest of their lives without a mental breakdown. Mind blowing, I know.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    T-Thigh gap (two words ok?)

    Added! Totally okay!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    A - Addiction
    B - Binge
    C - Craving
    D - Diet
    E - Eating Disorder
    F - Fat
    G - *Good Food*
    H - *Healthy*
    I -
    J -
    K -
    L - *Loose*
    M - *Mean*
    N -
    O - Onederland
    P -
    Q -
    R - *Rude*
    S - Shaming
    T - Thigh Gap
    U -
    V -
    W -
    X -
    Y -
    Z -
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    A - Addiction
    B - Binge / Bikini Bridge
    C - Craving
    D - Diet
    E - Eating Disorder
    F - Fat / Fasting
    G - Good food / GIRLS ONLY
    H - Healthy
    I -
    J -
    K -
    L - Loose
    M - Mean
    N -
    O - Onederland
    P -
    Q -
    R - Rude
    S - Shaming
    T - Thigh Gap
    U -
    V -
    W -
    X -
    Y -
    Z -

    Added a few more (Srsly, there are a lot of doubles that can happen and are too good to not add) and added everyone's input! We gotta do the whole alphabet!
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    I = IIFYM?

    K = Ketosis?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Added a few more (Srsly, there are a lot of doubles that can happen and are too good to not add) and added everyone's input! We gotta do the whole alphabet!

    If we can do doubles, we gotta do Bully.

    Juicing, Keto, Paleo/Primal, Veggie Fasts, Water Fasts

    Oh and Beachbody, Shakeology
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    A - Addiction / Atrophy
    B - Binge / Bikini Bridge / Bully / Butthurt / Bulk
    C - Craving
    D - Diet / Documentaries
    E - Eating Disorder / Edutainment
    F - Fat / Fasting
    G - Good food / GIRLS ONLY
    H - Healthy / Haters
    I - IIFYM
    J - Juicing
    K - Ketosis / Keto
    L - Loose
    M - Mean / Moderation
    N -
    O - Onederland
    P - Paleo / Primal / Plant Strong
    Q - Quitting
    R - Rude / Rage / Refined / Ripped / Research
    S - Shaming / separated from the source
    T - Thigh Gap / Toned
    U -
    V - Veggie Fasts
    W - Water Fasts
    X -
    Y -
    Z -
    Updated to eric_sg61