Why Am I Struggling So Much?

Hello. Been trying to lose 10-15lbs for 1.5 years. The first 6 months postpartum I dropped alot of weight quite effortlessly, really. My excuse for the time prior to end of Jan 2014 is inconsistency with food and exercise. Anyways.................

I have been eating awesome (greek yogurt w/berries for breaky, sandwich on wholegrain and raw veggies for lunches, meat and veggies w/olive oil with the odd starchy carb for supper and either raw veggies or more greek yogurt for bedsnack) In between meals would be raw veggies or fruit. Sauces for me include: easy on the bbq sauce, ketchup, light mayo and lots of mustard. I also eat green olives and dill pickles and 5g carb yogurts. This has been going on for 7 weeks in a row. I also weight and measure everything and I've logged these foods before and everyday for me is definately between 1200-1500 cals. My 8th week was spent in Mexico eating and drinking whatever. Back to the 7 weeks of good, I don't feel that my clothes fit any better at all. Exercise has been cardio 4-5 days a week and strength training 20min sessions 3-4 times a week. I believe I had 3 binges during the 7 weeks (sisters graduation party, community potluck, emotional indulgence) I am back on the wagon in my 9th week but starting out slow with exercise especially strength training - my shoulder is really bothering me. I avoid the scale because it depresses me every time I use it - learned that a while ago. So I've given myself from end of Jan 2014 to May 1st to lose this weight. I step on the scale on May 1st to see what happened? As of today ( March 30, I don't think I've progressed much at all - maybe a 3 lb loss (my face in pics looks smaller and my rings are looser.)

So outlined for the last 9 weeks is this:
Exercise: Elliptical 4 times week 20-30min sessions, Badminton once a week for 1.5 hours, lots of walking in Mexico 1 week
Strength training: Started first month with 30 Day Shred and started 4 day body split strength training with 10lb dumbs in March, 3 strength training days with heavy weights in gym in Mexico, swimming in Mexico.
Food: 1200-1500 cals per day (3 binge days, 1 week in Mexico ate and drank whatever)
Water: MIO water flavourer, diet pop, coffee with Splenda. I RARELY drink plain water. I'm just not a thirsty person. I eat alot of cucumber and celery though - I heard that can count as water.
Stress: Yep - money and constantly omg my body, the fat, the rolls, my clothes don't fit good, ugh look at urself, why won't this fat go away and over and over and over again.....SORRY people but I'm just being honest. Honesty is a great thing!
Goal: Just to fit into prepregnancy clothes.

Anyways, I'm gonna come back to this post on May 1st to reveal my weight. Last time I weighed I was 155lbs and I'm 5'9". I will also try on some prepregnancy clothes to see if they fit. I sure hope so!!!!


  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I've been your MFP friend for a while, and I recognize that you and I have a very different approach to weight-loss. But that's ok. Everyone has to do what works for them.

    But here's my question: is your approach working for you?

    I weigh myself once a week and record the result. I'm very open about it. If I've lost (or maintained since I'm basically in maintenance), I celebrate with my MFP friends. If I gain weight, I get angry at myself and make adjustments. And that's usually pretty public too.

    Adjustments are a big part of my program. If I gain at a certain level, I tweak my program so I don't gain. I wouldn't be able to be successful without those tweaks.

    Personally I think your diet is pretty decent but your workouts are kinda light. 20-minutes on the elliptical 3-4 times a week wouldn't cut it for me. Do 45-minutes 5-6 days and up the intensity. Get MAD and push yourself! Do High Intensity Interval Training to get your heart rate up and boost your metabolism.

    Find a way to track your progress that works for you. If not the scale, then measurements. But whatever you do, don't let setbacks defeat you. Use them to motivate you! Adjust your program and fight HARDER to reach your goals.

    It's your life. Fight for it!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Go slow and steady. Do it right and believe in the process.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/833026-important-posts-to-read

    This is a great video showing the inaccuracies and how the calories add up when measuring v weighing


    My Favourite quote: "Deprivation and consistency are inversely related"
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    I've been your MFP friend for a while, and I recognize that you and I have a very different approach to weight-loss. But that's ok. Everyone has to do what works for them.

    But here's my question: is your approach working for you?

    I weigh myself once a week and record the result. I'm very open about it. If I've lost (or maintained since I'm basically in maintenance), I celebrate with my MFP friends. If I gain weight, I get angry at myself and make adjustments. And that's usually pretty public too.

    Adjustments are a big part of my program. If I gain at a certain level, I tweak my program so I don't gain. I wouldn't be able to be successful without those tweaks.

    Personally I think your diet is pretty decent but your workouts are kinda light. 20-minutes on the elliptical 3-4 times a week wouldn't cut it for me. Do 45-minutes 5-6 days and up the intensity. Get MAD and push yourself! Do High Intensity Interval Training to get your heart rate up and boost your metabolism.

    Find a way to track your progress that works for you. If not the scale, then measurements. But whatever you do, don't let setbacks defeat you. Use them to motivate you! Adjust your program and fight HARDER to reach your goals.

    It's your life. Fight for it!
    I won't know if this approach is working until May 1st. My goal is just weight loss so I don't think upping the exercise is the answer. Im already in a deficit just by eating 1500cals per day. Then about 1200cals burned through my current exercise per week. But I do plan increasing my elliptical exercise by 5 min each week totalling up to 45min per workout.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Go slow and steady. Do it right and believe in the process.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/833026-important-posts-to-read

    This is a great video showing the inaccuracies and how the calories add up when measuring v weighing


    My Favourite quote: "Deprivation and consistency are inversely related"

    Ive seen this video before and I know. I choose to weight over measure 99% of the time. I don't bother weighing fruit or veggies though.

    I've also read that MFP post too but logging food is not my thing anymore and I KNOW weight loss can totally be acheived without logging. Just make sure its healthy food and in moderation. I've even added up the foods I eat on a few occassions and sure enough, I'm always very close to 1200-1500 plus I make sure to add a bit more just to compensate. One more month of this then it's weigh in date. If im good, then i continue with maintenance, if not, then deficit it is.
  • prima073
    prima073 Posts: 93 Member
    3lbs of weight loss is really good. Google what a pound of fat looks like and you will see what I mean.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    3lbs of weight loss is really good. Google what a pound of fat looks like and you will see what I mean.

    Wow! Thank you! Im glad u told me this :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well you're not logging, so IMO that's your problem. And definitely weigh your fruit... what I always thought was 80 calories of banana often turned up to be 120.

    But if you don't want to log, best of luck, just don't be really surprised if it doesn't work. I agree that a lot of people do ok without logging, but it makes life much easier, and at least you wouldn't be here posting about why you're not losing weight. Just IMO.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Well you're not logging, so IMO that's your problem. And definitely weigh your fruit... what I always thought was 80 calories of banana often turned up to be 120.

    But if you don't want to log, best of luck, just don't be really surprised if it doesn't work. I agree that a lot of people do ok without logging, but it makes life much easier, and at least you wouldn't be here posting about why you're not losing weight. Just IMO.

    I'm not sure why you would even bother weighing your food if you're not keeping track of what you eat. *shrugs*
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Well you're not logging, so IMO that's your problem. And definitely weigh your fruit... what I always thought was 80 calories of banana often turned up to be 120.

    But if you don't want to log, best of luck, just don't be really surprised if it doesn't work. I agree that a lot of people do ok without logging, but it makes life much easier, and at least you wouldn't be here posting about why you're not losing weight. Just IMO.

    I'm not sure why you would even bother weighing your food if you're not keeping track of what you eat. *shrugs*

    Because Im very good at adding calories up in my head. I weigh, I calculate and presto - I'm at a deficit :) I've been counting carbs since I was a teenager for diabetes control and insulin intake. And I NEVER eat bananas. Too many carbs. Would rather spend my carbs on a sandwich :)
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Well you're not logging, so IMO that's your problem. And definitely weigh your fruit... what I always thought was 80 calories of banana often turned up to be 120.

    But if you don't want to log, best of luck, just don't be really surprised if it doesn't work. I agree that a lot of people do ok without logging, but it makes life much easier, and at least you wouldn't be here posting about why you're not losing weight. Just IMO.

    I guarantee you that if I input my food for today that I'm under 1500cals. My TDEE is about 2100cals. This is why I measure my food: so I can calculate in my head how many cals I've eaten for the day.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I will say that I really do not lose weight unless I am exercising. I swear I can eat 1200 calories, not exercise and not lose but I can go for a run, eat what ever I want and lose. Weird, and no, I do not think I am a snowflake.

    Give an hour of cardio a chance and see if it helps.

    And I know you are a type 1 diabetic, how well are your insulin levels regulated?
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member

    Because Im very good at adding calories up in my head. I weigh, I calculate and presto - I'm at a deficit :) I've been counting carbs since I was a teenager for diabetes control and insulin intake. And I NEVER eat bananas. Too many carbs. Would rather spend my carbs on a sandwich :)

    Without seeing a diary people can't make suggestions about what may be causing the weight loss stall??
    I'm good at adding up calories in my head as well, but I also have a job and lots of other things going round my head, so logging in MFP I know I'm not accidentally forgetting about some calories, could this be happening with you, if you've got a toddler running about you have even more to remember.
    Without a diary to view people are always likely to suspect that you are going over you calories without realising it!!
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Maybe you're "struggling" because you're trying to do everything blindly (not logging, only getting on a scale once in a while, etc). Could it be getting into your head and making you psyche yourself out a little? That's how it sounds from the outside, considering that you're attempting to "eyeball" a number for weight loss (3-ish lbs, in this case). I can't imagine that's even possible.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I've been your MFP friend for a while, and I recognize that you and I have a very different approach to weight-loss. But that's ok. Everyone has to do what works for them.

    But here's my question: is your approach working for you?

    I weigh myself once a week and record the result. I'm very open about it. If I've lost (or maintained since I'm basically in maintenance), I celebrate with my MFP friends. If I gain weight, I get angry at myself and make adjustments. And that's usually pretty public too.

    Adjustments are a big part of my program. If I gain at a certain level, I tweak my program so I don't gain. I wouldn't be able to be successful without those tweaks.

    Personally I think your diet is pretty decent but your workouts are kinda light. 20-minutes on the elliptical 3-4 times a week wouldn't cut it for me. Do 45-minutes 5-6 days and up the intensity. Get MAD and push yourself! Do High Intensity Interval Training to get your heart rate up and boost your metabolism.

    Find a way to track your progress that works for you. If not the scale, then measurements. But whatever you do, don't let setbacks defeat you. Use them to motivate you! Adjust your program and fight HARDER to reach your goals.

    It's your life. Fight for it!

    It's a possibility that she needs to eat more for the above mentioned adjustments. There's a good website that'll answer all these questions, with simple calculators to back up any facts. www.fitnessfrog.com
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    What about your water? Perhaps you might want to consider increasing your water intake. Add cucumbers, lemon, or Crystal Light to make it tasty.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Please check out the food I logged for today. This is a typical day for me. And EVEN if I under calculated - go ahead and add 200 more cals to my diary and STILL im at 1500cals for the day PLUS 200 burned from cardio.

    I should prob just keep quiet a little longer and see what story is told by scale and clothes fitting on May 1st.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    What about your water? Perhaps you might want to consider increasing your water intake. Add cucumbers, lemon, or Crystal Light to make it tasty.
    Yes, that definitely wouldn't hurt! That's one thing I've always had trouble with for sure.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Anybody know how a binge day once a week would harm by weight loss goal? Im confused because if all it takes is 3500 cals of a binge then that totally ruins the goal for the week. BUT, some people get 1 cheat day a week???? How don't they sabotage the weight loss for that week?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Your numbers are off somewhere. It happens. Log food and exercise for a couple of weeks and be honest with yourself about all of it (this is not to say I doubt your sincerity now). If there is no downward movement, you must either increase your output or decrease your input. Or a little of both. Adjust as necessary.
  • sarahpacton
    sarahpacton Posts: 1 Member
    Lift weights. And heavy ones. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn keeping that muscle alive. A huge myth that weights make you bigger in fact they shrink you. If you are new to the gym try the workouts in Body for Life. Worried about cardio just take shorter breaks and lift quicker. Presto you've got cardio.