Why Am I Struggling So Much?



  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I use this calculator to figure out my TDEE: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    I quickly ran your numbers on there. Your TDEE is closer to 2250-2300 and your BMR is close to 1500, using the moderate exercise modifier. And with a 10-15 pound weight lose goal, your deficit is way too aggressive. 5% off your TDEE is plenty, or around 2150 (this includes exercise, though, so you wouldn't eat those calories back.) I lose at 2500 calories a day and I'm a lot older than you, and you work out more than me, so these aren't crazy numbers.

    You can read this thread, as it will save me a lot of typing to tell you the why behind that math:


    Oh, logging makes all the difference, too. Scoobys calculator is the closest I've found, but it's still about 100 calories a day lower than my actual TDEE. That is something I only found by logging everything and having all the data to run the numbers with. Or don't log. It's all about how badly you want the results.

    Best of luck!

    Edit: Binge days don't make a difference, as long as you can maintain a weekly calorie goal. If you know you're going to be 1500 calories over one day a week, take 250 off the other six days' goal. Easy enough to do if you're eating enough in the first place.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Your numbers are off somewhere. It happens. Log food and exercise for a couple of weeks and be honest with yourself about all of it (this is not to say I doubt your sincerity now). If there is no downward movement, you must either increase your output or decrease your input. Or a little of both. Adjust as necessary.
    Are you sure #s are off though??? Because i did say some weight was lost in face and rings are loser - doesn't that mean something? I know it took 7 weeks to happen but still! Maybe im only losing .5lb a week. Not sure. Like I said though, Im waiting til May 1st to weight.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    I use this calculator to figure out my TDEE: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    I quickly ran your numbers on there. Your TDEE is closer to 2250-2300 and your BMR is close to 1500, using the moderate exercise modifier. And with a 10-15 pound weight lose goal, your deficit is way too aggressive. 5% off your TDEE is plenty, or around 2150 (this includes exercise, though, so you wouldn't eat those calories back.) I lose at 2500 calories a day and I'm a lot older than you, and you work out more than me, so these aren't crazy numbers.

    You can read this thread, as it will save me a lot of typing to tell you the why behind that math:


    Oh, logging makes all the difference, too. Scoobys calculator is the closest I've found, but it's still about 100 calories a day lower than my actual TDEE. That is something I only found by logging everything and having all the data to run the numbers with. Or don't log. It's all about how badly you want the results.

    Best of luck!

    Thank you but you still lose weight even if your deficit is considered too aggressive right?
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I use this calculator to figure out my TDEE: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    I quickly ran your numbers on there. Your TDEE is closer to 2250-2300 and your BMR is close to 1500, using the moderate exercise modifier. And with a 10-15 pound weight lose goal, your deficit is way too aggressive. 5% off your TDEE is plenty, or around 2150 (this includes exercise, though, so you wouldn't eat those calories back.) I lose at 2500 calories a day and I'm a lot older than you, and you work out more than me, so these aren't crazy numbers.

    You can read this thread, as it will save me a lot of typing to tell you the why behind that math:


    Oh, logging makes all the difference, too. Scoobys calculator is the closest I've found, but it's still about 100 calories a day lower than my actual TDEE. That is something I only found by logging everything and having all the data to run the numbers with. Or don't log. It's all about how badly you want the results.

    Best of luck!

    Thank you but you still lose weight even if your deficit is considered too aggressive right?

    To an extent, and then you stall out. Which sounds like what is happening to you right now. Trust me, I did a VLCD for a long time, messed up my hormones and gained weight month after month netting 1200 because of that. It took me over half a year to recover, but when I started eating enough to fuel my body, it realized it didn't need to hang on to all the fat it was storing. I shed just under 10% body fat in five months eating 2000+.

    Why wouldn't you want to feed yourself well when you can?
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    Two things:

    One, a binge isn't eating 3500 calories. It's eating a few wings at the bar with an extra beer after a low cal breakfast and lunch.

    Two, you are asking people for advice, but you have a comeback or excuse for everyone. Stop replying with an excuse for everything and just soak in the advice or people are going to start getting nasty. You asked for help, nobody is being mean to you, they are just putting in their two cents based on their own successes. If you don't want anyone to say you need to change what you are doing, then don't ask people what you need to change.

    Side note: I agree that you need to drastically increase your cardio. 20 minutes is just past my warm up - it's the next 20-40 minutes when the good sweat gets going. You'd be better off doing fewer, more intense cardio sessions vs. many short sessions where you get off the elliptical right after you start to sweat.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    I use this calculator to figure out my TDEE: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    I quickly ran your numbers on there. Your TDEE is closer to 2250-2300 and your BMR is close to 1500, using the moderate exercise modifier. And with a 10-15 pound weight lose goal, your deficit is way too aggressive. 5% off your TDEE is plenty, or around 2150 (this includes exercise, though, so you wouldn't eat those calories back.) I lose at 2500 calories a day and I'm a lot older than you, and you work out more than me, so these aren't crazy numbers.

    You can read this thread, as it will save me a lot of typing to tell you the why behind that math:


    Oh, logging makes all the difference, too. Scoobys calculator is the closest I've found, but it's still about 100 calories a day lower than my actual TDEE. That is something I only found by logging everything and having all the data to run the numbers with. Or don't log. It's all about how badly you want the results.

    Best of luck!

    Thank you but you still lose weight even if your deficit is considered too aggressive right?

    To an extent, and then you stall out. Which sounds like what is happening to you right now. Trust me, I did a VLCD for a long time, messed up my hormones and gained weight month after month netting 1200 because of that. It took me over half a year to recover, but when I started eating enough to fuel my body, it realized it didn't need to hang on to all the fat it was storing. I shed just under 10% body fat in five months eating 2000+.

    Why wouldn't you want to feed yourself well when you can?
    I don't mind eating 1200-1500 a day. It's good enough. And I wasn't eating 1200-1500 for a long time. This has just been 7 weeks. I could very well be losing weight I just don't know because clothes don't fit different and i won't step on the scale til May 1st.
    I really can't believe that u gained weight eating 1200 calories a day. Im sorry.
  • When I have a cheat day I pick out which food or place I would like to eat. 9 times out of 10 I already know what I want and I give in to that craving. Then the next day I adjust back to my regular foods at home and I decide which workout sounds like fun. A big indicator for me is how my jeans are fitting. If they're feeling tight and I'm feeling bloated or just unwell I know I need to go for a walk or jog for sure.

    I enjoy lots of cardio, but I change it up and take a yoga or pilates class afterwards just to see where I am at. I find flexibility to be extremely important since I've lived in Wisconsin most of my life and I'm currently in Montana. Since they both have long winters, it's in my favor to be flexible due to consecutively fallen down into the splits on the ice. I also lift weights for around 30 minutes arms and abs or legs depending on what day of the week it is.

    It's okay to enjoy foods that aren't necessarily healthy. It's your job to be able to listen and respond to how your body reacts to it. It may take awhile to find a healthy balance and that is okay. I think of eating for two things 1. Fuel and 2. Enjoyment. I hope this helps a bit.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Two things:

    One, a binge isn't eating 3500 calories. It's eating a few wings at the bar with an extra beer after a low cal breakfast and lunch.

    Two, you are asking people for advice, but you have a comeback or excuse for everyone. Stop replying with an excuse for everything and just soak in the advice or people are going to start getting nasty. You asked for help, nobody is being mean to you, they are just putting in their two cents based on their own successes. If you don't want anyone to say you need to change what you are doing, then don't ask people what you need to change.

    Side note: I agree that you need to drastically increase your cardio. 20 minutes is just past my warm up - it's the next 20-40 minutes when the good sweat gets going. You'd be better off doing fewer, more intense cardio sessions vs. many short sessions where you get off the elliptical right after you start to sweat.
    One: okay i see. That makes sense.
    Two: my replies were not come backs. Just comments and trying to get a better understanding.
    Three: yes, I will be increasing my cardio (that was in my original post)
  • Have you heard of raspberry keytones? I think they are supposed to work without logging.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Have you heard of raspberry keytones? I think they are supposed to work without logging.

    Hehehe. The only keytones i know about are the ones that come up in urine when you're a diabetic.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    I will say that I really do not lose weight unless I am exercising. I swear I can eat 1200 calories, not exercise and not lose but I can go for a run, eat what ever I want and lose. Weird, and no, I do not think I am a snowflake.

    Give an hour of cardio a chance and see if it helps.

    And I know you are a type 1 diabetic, how well are your insulin levels regulated?

    Cool, they've been good all month except for week in Mexico.......
  • kayla_who
    kayla_who Posts: 540 Member
    Just wanted to add to the cheat day answer. Even if you eat 3500 calories on a cheat day you will not gain a whole pound because you will burn the majority of that off just existing (internal functions, breathing, moving, etc). You may however gain a couple pounds of water weight if you consumed a lot of sodium. Those will fall off after a few days.
  • Do you weigh 155 pounds and you are 5 foot 9?

    I have nothing to say.
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116
    Do you weigh 155 pounds and you are 5 foot 9?

    I have nothing to say.

    Thank you.............I weigh 155, but I'm 5'5, and I look average right now (not even chubby)
    You don't have anything to lose, that's why the scale will barely move.
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    The other thing you can try vs. increasing the elliptical time is something like a 15 minute workout on the Nike Training App (free) and then get on the elliptical for 20 minutes after. If you get bored doing the same thing for a while the Nike workouts are great - there are tons to choose from and they require minimal equipment but totally satisfy interval training. You'll build muscle and burn calories.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    The other thing you can try vs. increasing the elliptical time is something like a 15 minute workout on the Nike Training App (free) and then get on the elliptical for 20 minutes after. If you get bored doing the same thing for a while the Nike workouts are great - there are tons to choose from and they require minimal equipment but totally satisfy interval training. You'll build muscle and burn calories.
    Sweet thanks! Never heard of this free app!
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Do you weigh 155 pounds and you are 5 foot 9?

    I have nothing to say.

    FYI - not every 5'9" girl looks her best at 155lbs. Remember not all ladies the same height have the same body types and such.
  • kayla_who
    kayla_who Posts: 540 Member
    Have you tried interval training? A group of us are going to start Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred tomorrow...you could join us
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Have you tried interval training? A group of us are going to start Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred tomorrow...you could join us
    When on elliptical I go as hard as I can for a while then go slow for a bit to catch my breath. So yes I do. As for JM30DS, I've done that a couple times but get board when just starting level 2. It's just not for me.
  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    I think you would see results eating just slightly below maintenance (250 calorie deficit) and strength training.