Trying to loosen vice grip on calorie intake. Help please.



  • kliffoth
    kliffoth Posts: 29

    That link I gave you has a bit where you put in how often you exercise per week.
    Once you have done that, it gives you a total amount of calories to eat per day, depending on if you set it to maintain, lose fat or to bulk.

    I get that but how does it know exactly how many calories I burn? I can't see it being that accurate, or should I just weigh myself periodically and adjust accordingly?
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Eat MORE!!!!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member

    That link I gave you has a bit where you put in how often you exercise per week.
    Once you have done that, it gives you a total amount of calories to eat per day, depending on if you set it to maintain, lose fat or to bulk.

    I get that but how does it know exactly how many calories I burn? I can't see it being that accurate, or should I just weigh myself periodically and adjust accordingly?

    Weigh yourself periodically and adjust accordingly.
    Alternatively, just set yourself to maintain/gain on mfp, and log your activity manually each day.
    I personally do that, and wear a fitbit to get a better idea of my TDEE, but nothing, short of getting it professionally tested, is going to be 100% accurate.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member

    I get that but how does it know exactly how many calories I burn? I can't see it being that accurate, or should I just weigh myself periodically and adjust accordingly?
    Use the 'libra' smartphone app and weigh daily - should be able to get some digital scales for not much.
    This then produces an average 'trend' and gives you an average calories deficit/surplus figure based on that.
  • kliffoth
    kliffoth Posts: 29

    Use the 'libra' smartphone app and weigh daily - should be able to get some digital scales for not much.
    This then produces an average 'trend' and gives you an average calories deficit/surplus figure based on that.

    Apparently it requires iOS7 and my iPod Touch is too old for that update. Are there any other apps you know of that do the same thing? It seems like it'd be really useful.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    When bulking you would typically set protein LOWER than cutting, not higher.

    Your body won't be trying to use protein in place of carbs for energy, so you don't need quite as much because what you have can go straight to the muscle, as such.

    I've never done a bulk, so I haven't spent hours reading up on it - please enlighten me.

    That logic makes sense, sort of, but usually when I see blogs/food diaries from people bulking, they still seem to be eating chicken and veggies (and steak, and protein shakes, with the occasional pint of ice cream thrown in), just in extremely large quantities. You need X amount of calories for energy (which can come from carbs, as you say), but you still need a base amount of protein for your body to properly function. Wouldn't you want more on top of that to aid muscle growth?

    Put into macro terms, if 1g/LBM is for cutting, what's for maintenance, and what's for bulking?

    Get tons of protein whether you're cutting, bulking, or trying to maintain. Protein is king for muscles. To go further, whey Protein is the emperor of protein. Optimal muscle gain and fat loss happens when whey is 40% of your total protein intake, and you have at least 30 grams of protein every time you eat.
  • kliffoth
    kliffoth Posts: 29
    I definitely have the protein covered. Non-fat Greek yogurt, whey protein powder/bars, and chicken are staples in my diet.
  • ccolvis
    ccolvis Posts: 1
    PS I think its time to see a psychologist.

  • kliffoth
    kliffoth Posts: 29


    NOPE! I've got this now. If I were to relapse I would for sure though.
  • warriorsal
    warriorsal Posts: 64 Member
    Listen to your body. If you can see bones, there is definitely room for more calories in your day. If you add a few hundred calories and continue working out you'll be fine. Or just start eating to meet zero three days a week instead of only one. Best of luck
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    I personally think you are bordering on disordered eating/mental food issues.

    This. I'm only an inch taller than you and weigh 40 pounds more. I'm not skinny, but not really "built" either (I'm also 42). But when I was 25, I only weighed about 135-140. When I look at pics of myself back then, I realize why people thought I was anorexic (even though I ate like a horse).

    Eat more, and do some basic compound exercises (dips, pullups, rows). I realize you don't want to be "built", but you should have *a little* muscle on your frame. You'll feel better and look more proportional.

    Abs are nothing to be proud of when they're the only muscle you have showing -- that's not a good look for anyone.
  • Togi11
    Togi11 Posts: 20
    The thing with control issues though is sooner or later something will come along that we can't control.... This is not about your weight or shape or calories at all. I feel sad for you that you are unable to grasp this.
  • kliffoth
    kliffoth Posts: 29
    The thing with control issues though is sooner or later something will come along that we can't control.... This is not about your weight or shape or calories at all. I feel sad for you that you are unable to grasp this.

    Um I do grasp this. Perhaps I misconstrue you but your comment came off as condescending.
  • kliffoth
    kliffoth Posts: 29

    I don't know if any of you are going to see this, but I wanted to say thank you for your help. I've started lifting and bulking and have put on 6 lbs so far, much of it water weight from my muscles recovering from being cannibalised for so long, but a noticeable amount of muscle as well. I feel great and it is so nice to be able to eat!

    The Libra scale app is awesome, thanks for the suggestion! The first couple weeks it said I was keeping my surplus in the 250-300 range, which is great, but recently, since I started lifting heavier, my weight has exploded upward though I have been eating the same amount (2550 kcals a day). I'm sure it'll become more accurate when I reach an equilibrium and my weight plateaus some.

    Thanks again! And SEE, I CAN take advice! :tongue:
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Nice work :).

    Obviously libra (and any other way for stabilising figures) can only work so far.

    You can increase the period it averages over, but that may not be enough, especially if still at a point your water retention is increasing.
  • kliffoth
    kliffoth Posts: 29
    Nice work :).

    Obviously libra (and any other way for stabilising figures) can only work so far.

    You can increase the period it averages over, but that may not be enough, especially if still at a point your water retention is increasing.

    Thanks man! I just got done CRUSHING another workout. Jumped up 1-2 weight 'levels' every set. Feels great!

    If I allow Libra to take all 28 days of data so far into account it still says 250-300 kcals surplus. I'm not sweating it, such a useful tool! I'm glad I had an upgrade coming to my phone so I could get an Android and use it!
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    Kliffoth. Thanks for the updates! I'm glad to hear that your doing well. Keep up the weight training.
    I have a completely different problem then you. Too much eating. But I'm making it work with cardio.

    Are you continuing you step workout along with the weight training? If so, you may want to slow down on the cardio. Your body produces hormones when you "specialize" in cardio that block muscle building hormones. Obviously they don't completely stop muscle growth, BUT (big but) they do slow muscle growth. Since your new (or returning) to weight lifting this probably won't be a problem for many months, but it is something to consider. If you notice that your gaining strength but not size in the future, but still want to continue stepping, you may want to add weight to the exercise. Dumb bells are absolutely perfect for this.

    Anyway, don't worry too much. And congratulations on the progress! I'm super happy to hear that your doing well.
  • kliffoth
    kliffoth Posts: 29
    Kliffoth. Thanks for the updates! I'm glad to hear that your doing well. Keep up the weight training.
    I have a completely different problem then you. Too much eating. But I'm making it work with cardio.

    Are you continuing you step workout along with the weight training? If so, you may want to slow down on the cardio. Your body produces hormones when you "specialize" in cardio that block muscle building hormones. Obviously they don't completely stop muscle growth, BUT (big but) they do slow muscle growth. Since your new (or returning) to weight lifting this probably won't be a problem for many months, but it is something to consider. If you notice that your gaining strength but not size in the future, but still want to continue stepping, you may want to add weight to the exercise. Dumb bells are absolutely perfect for this.

    Anyway, don't worry too much. And congratulations on the progress! I'm super happy to hear that your doing well.


    I completely stopped doing any steps when I started bulking. Every Friday my wife and I have off and we walk around shopping and getting groceries. Fridays are one of my non-training days. I just started doing a brief 20 minute step session yesterday. I lift on Tuesdays-Thursdays-Saturdays, 20 minute step on Monday (now) and walk around (nothing intense) on Friday.

    It's nice doing a tiny bit of steps a week to keep it up, but yeah, giving up the intense stuff, at least while I'm bulking.

    Thanks for the post!