I seriously need some good advice, not bs criticism please!



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I just saw a commercial on the Tummy Tuck Belt. I ordered it. I have not received it yet. Also you might want to try Rasberry Ketones to help burn calories. The ketones have helped me. My doctor is changing my medications so I had to stop using them for two Months, but they really work. Look on Google for Doctor Oz Rasberry Keotone. I used Vital Mend.

  • Tricia92r
    Tricia92r Posts: 2 Member
    Jillian Michaels, Jari Love, Tony Horton, and Shaun T are just a few that I've heard say it's all about the food you eat. In other words, you can do all the cardio and weights you want, but the fat won't go away without modifications to diet. And I don't mean eating less; just eat the right foods. Which is hard if you're like me and want to eat junk food!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    When you have entries like 0.4 container of fries, or 0.7 container of gravy, how are you arriving at those numbers? Unless you're using a food scale, there's no way of knowing whether or not your logging is accurate.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I just saw a commercial on the Tummy Tuck Belt. I ordered it. I have not received it yet. Also you might want to try Rasberry Ketones to help burn calories. The ketones have helped me. My doctor is changing my medications so I had to stop using them for two Months, but they really work. Look on Google for Doctor Oz Rasberry Keotone. I used Vital Mend.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Have you taken the time to find your true TDEE? I used this calculator - http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ - as a starting point (knowing your BF% and using the Katch McArdle method is the most accurate). Once I had that number, I started a spreadsheet and logged my daily intake and compared it with my weight loss/gain over a period of a few months. This gave me my actual maintenance amount. (2600/day.)

    Now, your workouts are WAY more intense than mine, and you're 12 years younger, plus I'm reading that you're pretty close to where you want to be, outside a few problem areas. I'm thinking you may have too large a deficit set, especially since you're so close to your goal. That and you may not be giving yourself adequate recovery time. Your macros look awesome, though.

    It sucks, but body recomp takes time and patience and we all have stubborn spots that won't let go (in my case, my butt- LOL).

    Give yourself some time. You're doing great.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Just for reference to those saying she is eating too much at 2800-3000
    I lose on 2400-2800, and I am 135Ibs, so different strokes for different folks and all that.

    I'm your weight and no way in heck I would lose on 2400.

    I generally get in 800-1200 calorie burns in exercise.
    I also have COPD which might potentially influence it as it means I have to work harder, with my limited lung function. I also have around 14% bodyfat, so that might also play into it. Not sure. But I was losing half to 1 Ib per week eating 2400-2600. Now nearing maintenance.
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    So this is what I suggest - take the wheat out of your diet as well as most of the processed stuff (you kind of eat a lot of packaged/processed food) and you will automatically lose bloat and your belly will at least look smaller. Get rid of the fake sweeteners and try not to eat canned stuff....it'll help.

    And to all those who say "all you need is a defecit" ya ya ya I know but she asked for advice and this is what I have found helps the MOST in my own experience so I do not need any bs criticism either! :-)
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member

    Sugar turns directly to fat.. carbs turn to sugar as well.

    So carbs turn into sugar, and sugar turns into fat, then what? Does fat turn back into carbs then the universe explodes?

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    So this is what I suggest - take the wheat out of your diet as well as most of the processed stuff (you kind of eat a lot of packaged/processed food) and you will automatically lose bloat and your belly will at least look smaller. Get rid of the fake sweeteners and try not to eat canned stuff....it'll help.

    And to all those who say "all you need is a defecit" ya ya ya I know but she asked for advice and this is what I have found helps the MOST in my own experience so I do not need any bs criticism either! :-)

    Taking out wheat will only help if you have a legitimate gluten intolerance. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. Most gluten replacements aren't any healthier. Removing processed foods - which ones? Milk is processed, so is frozen foods. Canned foods are okay if you buy the no sodium added ones, and also have a good balance of fresh produce included.
    You do need a deficit, with a healthy combination of carbs, fats, proteins, and veggies and fruits. Avoiding any particular group is not a good idea as your body uses each one differently. Moderation is the key and treats are fine as long as nutritional needs are met and you keep portion sizes small and meet calorie deficit goals.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I just saw a commercial on the Tummy Tuck Belt. I ordered it. I have not received it yet. Also you might want to try Rasberry Ketones to help burn calories. The ketones have helped me. My doctor is changing my medications so I had to stop using them for two Months, but they really work. Look on Google for Doctor Oz Rasberry Keotone. I used Vital Mend.

    You are new to the Forums, so please remember this NEVER, EVER mention Dr. Oz of Rasberry Ketones in ANY of the forums, even if it works for you. Just saying....
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I just saw a commercial on the Tummy Tuck Belt. I ordered it. I have not received it yet. Also you might want to try Rasberry Ketones to help burn calories. The ketones have helped me. My doctor is changing my medications so I had to stop using them for two Months, but they really work. Look on Google for Doctor Oz Rasberry Keotone. I used Vital Mend.

    You are new to the Forums, so please remember this NEVER, EVER mention Dr. Oz of Rasberry Ketones in ANY of the forums, even if it works for you. Just saying....

    Because they don't.
  • sabsat1
    sabsat1 Posts: 2
    Also there is a book Jumpstart your Metabolism by Pam Grout. She is a breathing Coach. Her book goes into detail on how to increase your Metabolism by breathing.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    Also there is a book Jumpstart your Metabolism by Pam Grout. She is a breathing Coach. Her book goes into detail on how to increase your Metabolism by breathing.

  • sneckerdoodle
    sneckerdoodle Posts: 69 Member
    No I'm sorry, I eat 2100-2300 a day & net around my bmr or a little more.
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    My sister in-law who is thin, really thin, only puts weight on in the middle section (tummy). She wanted to get rid of it, without taking off any additional weight. She swears going gluten free did the trick for her. I think she said within a months time her little pooch disappeared. Now she eats gluten free.

    I have a least 27 lbs to go, have to take weight off everywhere and I love me gluten (bread, pasta)..

    IDK if it will work for you, but it did for her.

    Best of luck.

    Edited to correctly spell gluten :wink: :laugh:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I think the word you seek is gluten.
    A glutton is one who overindulges, hehe.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    My sister in-law who is thin, really thin, only puts weight on in the middle section (tummy). She wanted to get rid of it, without taking off any additional weight. She swears going glutton free did the trick for her. I think she said within a months time her little pooch disappeared. Now she eats glutton free.

    I have a least 27 lbs to go, have to take weight off everywhere and I love me glutton..

    IDK if it will work for you, but it did for her.

    Best of luck.

    Not to poke fun, but most of us are here because we're "gluttons". Gluten, however, does negatively impact those with Celiac's and Gluten Intolerances.
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    HA HA, Didn't catch the spell check. Yes I am a glutton and I love me gluten.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I just saw a commercial on the Tummy Tuck Belt. I ordered it. I have not received it yet. Also you might want to try Rasberry Ketones to help burn calories. The ketones have helped me. My doctor is changing my medications so I had to stop using them for two Months, but they really work. Look on Google for Doctor Oz Rasberry Keotone. I used Vital Mend.

    Hi there. I just wanted to tell you to not take the remarks to this post personal. Its going to get ugly.

    Love this.
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    I just saw a commercial on the Tummy Tuck Belt. I ordered it. I have not received it yet. Also you might want to try Rasberry Ketones to help burn calories. The ketones have helped me. My doctor is changing my medications so I had to stop using them for two Months, but they really work. Look on Google for Doctor Oz Rasberry Keotone. I used Vital Mend.

    Mr S......please don't get suckered into this mumbo-jumbo weight loss gimmick trend.

    You are new here and you may not yet realise but MFP is not a place where raspberry keytones, Dr Oz or whatever your belt thingy is a promoted and endorsed.

    Do yourself a favour and have a look at such topics "A guide to getting you started on the way to Sexypants"....not all the right words but if you put sexypants in the Search bar you'll find it. (Don't be put off either....it isn't anything but a solid foundation on sensible, sustainable weight loss). Another one would be topic of "In place of a road Map"....again not complete title. Maybe someone a bit more computer savvy could lend a hand if they read this.

    You have only posted twice......but this is exactly what you said in another unrelated topic. You recommending these products may reach people who are vulnerable to ALL these miraculous promises that we all wish/want to believe in.....when the truth of weight management is so much simpler and guess what no-one wants to rip your hard earned money from your fingers.

    As you are 55 and are under a Doctors care the other issue is.....if you still feel so inclined to line the pockets of Dr Oz, the raspberry people or who ever please let your Doc. know everything that you are ingesting.....they may have side effects with your meds or your condition.

    Have a fire-extinguisher handy too by the way.....especially if you keep posting this same thing.