feeling disheartened



  • jenny181111
    jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you all. Even my fella said it must have been tighter at new year. One day it's going to be huge on me, and I'm going to be shocked at the size of the dress!
    And be very happy and much healthier with a smaller dress size :D


    Thank you for everyones kind words <3 Love to you all, what a great community ~:D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Cynner2007
    Cynner2007 Posts: 46 Member
    I am new to this, what is a stone lost? How much is that?
    One British stone equals 14 lbs. My girl Jenny has done some excellent weight loss!
  • cbeevs
    cbeevs Posts: 41
    I wrote this before and it disappeared, so this may be a repeat:

    how about, when you are really discouraged, you try a "Root Cause Analysis"?

    This means, you consider everything that may be contributing to the problem/disappointment.

    NUMBER 1. One Problem is that the dress is tighter when, you should be decidedly smaller.

    Possible reasons have been mentioned by several posts, including:

    a. Maybe it was tighter at New Years than you remember.

    b. You may have lost muscle tone and are not as compact in some areas as then.

    c. The dress may have shrunk, is it a natural fiber like cotton, or linen? How is it washed and dried?

    d. maybe you tried it on after a large meal.

    NUMBER 2. The second step is The Root cause of your disappointment.

    a. Are you disappointed because you cannot wear the dress right now?

    b. Do you believe that the dress not fitting more loosely means that you are not getting healthier?

    NUMBER 3. The third step is, what will you do about Your findings from steps NUMBER 1 and 2?

    If you found the worst case scenario, that you are not as tightly compact as three months ago, despite weighing less, Will you try another approach or give up?

    What are your options?

    a. find a person who has had this problem and ask what they eat, and what type of exercise they do to get more fit and smaller.

    b. Google exercises for the areas that you find are not as fit as before.

    c. Go to a gym and ask a fitness trainer about these areas and what they recommend for exercise and eating.

    d. Watch or listen to motivational tapes, I love Zig Ziglar, he is all over u-tube. You may have to listen for a long time, but her is entertaining and encouraging.

    e. Watch some viedoes aobut healthy eating, Joe Cross has some great ideas, and here is one form a MYFItness friend:

    Fast forward to early April,... and I “happened” to catch a presentation on PBS entitled “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” by Dr. Michael Mosley.
    It made me stop, think and watch it again…Fasting for two nonconsecutive days each week, while eating what I normally ate on the other five?
    “You can do anything for 24 hours,” I reasoned.

    f. give up

    then decide which option you really want to do.

    I realize that this is a long, drawn out answer, but sometimes the long way is the short way and if you are very disappointed, maybe it is worth really figuring out what may be happening and how to have more of the shape you want with a little change to some of what you are already doing to succeed. :)

    My thinking is that you are already accomplishing your goals, hang in there lady, you can do this!