200+ (Week 50) "Hot for Halloween

Another week of our challenge ends and another begins. Everyone check in and let us all know how the week went.

Considering my multiple meals out on the town this week, I'm just hoping for no gain. Stayed on point with exercise this week, so it's a win on that front!

Good luck gals! :flowerforyou:


  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Kendal--loved your funny story!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    My numbers are in and I lost a pound since last week! It's not much but I'll totally take it. I can see myself inching slowly down out of the 200's. It would be nice if I could do that before DH gets back in December but, at the rate I'm losing, it might not happen. :frown:

    Kendal: Me & electronic equipment don't often get along so I can see something like that happening to me. It's cute that you left your headphones on & pretended that your mp3 player was working. :laugh:

    Sarah: I hope your bad day got better!!

    Everyone have a great Friday!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Final weigh-in at 283.8 for a total of 5 pounds lost this week! Also lost another inch each around waist and hips (finally!) and fit comfortably in pants I couldn't zip closed a month ago. Time to go closet shopping again and see what else I can wear now.

    Yesterday did improve starting with the toilet being fixed (I'll ignore the cost for now, the toilet works and that's what matters!) Got in a great workout at the gym too. The staff revamped my weights workout on Monday, so this was my first solo run-through and included some exercises that just kicked my butt. Definitely feeling it in the triceps this morning.

    Hope you all have a great weekend. I'm off camping immediately after work, so probably won't check in again until Sunday evening or Monday morning. Weather forecast: cold, but NOT raining.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    bump....maybe I'll be able to keep up with you all this week!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- we've missed you!!

    Sarah- way to go with another amazing loss! Wish mine would do that every once in a while.

    Amy- *twirls* a pound is still a pound! Keep at it.

    My weigh-in this morning was 179.2. Disregarding last week's TOM bloat, I've lost a net of 0.4 pounds. Obviously not as much as I would like, but considering my eating out this week, I'm really impressed I lost anything. Woo! Now if only I can just stay in the 170s and stop teetering back into 180s land--- who knew that would be the bane of my weight loss journey so far.

    Did 30 min on the bike yesterday after work. Today is one of the doctor's last day at the clinic, so I think we're doing lunch. Will probably be an ugly calorie moment, but will try and reel it back in for dinner. Hope to get a run in after work!

    Good luck everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey ladies - time is still really tight for me. Sorry I just can't keep up right now. We are getting company tonight and have a great weekend planned seeing fall colors, eating chili, bike riding and playing games.

    Check-in back up to 183 plus one pound from 2 weeks ago and the same as last week.

    Sarah - hope your day got better.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I don't have much time to lurk today. I've spent the first almost 2 hours of my day decorating my desk. I LOVE decorating for halloween even though I'm the biggest scaredy cat you'll ever meet. I hate scary movies and refuse to go to haunted houses, haunted mazes, SCarowinds or anything else that might scare the crap out of me. My coworker and I got a good laugh this morning when I pulled open the bag of my halloween decorations and a big (fake) spider fell out of the bag and I jumped a mile high.

    For some reason, I lose when TOM shows up. I'm down to 217.4 today even though I feel like I wasn't good enough this week to deserve it. The past two days have been alright, but the other days weren't. I weighed 3 times to make sure I wasn't standing weird on the scale but got the same number every time. Ok....I guess I'll take it and work hard to maintain it.

    To add to my funny story....I had to catch myself cause I was mouthing along to the lyrics of the songs playing over the gym speakers. Figured that would be a dead give away that I wasn't really listening to my music if I did that. Its hard not to sing along to Journey though. (or maybe it was Kansas....I forget which song/band it was)
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey girls,

    Just thought I'd quickly check in. I lost 2 lbs this week which is really pretty decent seeing as I only made it to the gym one time. I was 217 last week and this week 215. If I can keep this 2 lbs a week ( i know a noble dream) until my 10th anniversary Nov 30th I will be right at the 200 mark (my husband has never seen me at this weight). If I continues to the end of the year I should definitely be able to be under 200 by the new year or more if I do really well. I have not been under 200 since I was....wait no that will give away my age, lol, for about 15 years. Im sure it will feel really strange. Also, I am approaching my first milestone of 50lbs lost. I am at 46.5 another 4.5 and I will have lost a whole 50! I can't wait! Anyways I haven't eaten yet today so I need to go make myself something before it gets to late and I feel like eating the whole house. Have a good day ladies and congrats on your losses!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I went to the gym (finally) and signed up (finally). I get two PT sessions per week for the first month. I start Tuesday. Although I might go Monday too.
    What is it about gyms that can be so intimidating? This one especially. It is a really nice gym with all the amenities you could want and seems kinda fancy to me and it intimidates me. Ugh. Bleh.
    My tom is here now and the ughs and blehs are part of that. Inside I am super excited to get moving and going again and sticking to it.

    Kim, Amy, Kristina and Sarah Yeay!!!

    Kendal - I saw pics on FB of your cube, super cute girl!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- yay for signing up for the gym. It'll definitely make a big difference!

    I originally thought I might hit the gym today as well, but I think I might let it be a rest day, since I've got my race tomorrow morning and I did get my run on yesterday. 5.13 miles at an average 11:11 pace. It was tough, but I really wanted to push myself. I feel like as the distances have been getting easier, I've phoned the runs in a bit, other than trying to pick up my speed at the end. I need to add more runs like this (temp runs) to my repetoire to ultimately help me pick up speed. Not that I'm looking to be lightning fast, but it certainly would be nice for it not to take so dang long to run longer distances. Just need to keep at it.

    I'm about to head out to the health expo at the high school to pick up my race packet and my team shirt (representin' the depression center team woo!). Should be a nice day for the race, according to the weather.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gang - got out for a nice bike ride today. The colors are awesome!!! We were going to leave town but are having a lazy day and have decided to stay in, play cards, eat chili and watch movies... I meant to tell you all that I blew the 1800 min out of the water last month coming in at 2003 min of exercise. This month I'm aiming fr 1860 and doing a sit up challenge - I'm a glutton for punishment.

    Kim - Super job on the weight loss!!!

    Kendal - Your office looks spooktackular. I loved the pics.

    Lacey - That's awesome about the gym. Take all the PT sessions you can get.

    Kristina - good luck tomorrow!!!

    Deb - we miss you!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I need some to crack the whip and get me out the door for my long run (sighs). It's just so cold 44 out there. I'm sitting all dressed with water belt on wishing the sun would come out.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- get your booty out of the house!!! Once you're moving you'll be fine!

    Ran my 10K race today. The Big House Big Heart. Definitely suggest it to others. Huge crowd and you get to end on the 50-yd line of Michigan Stadium. As someone who graduated from there, it's pretty cool, but some of the peeps were totally pissing themselves running through the tunnel "woo-ing" all over the place. Highly amusing.

    Like Victoria, it was bloody cold this morning- low 40s, felt like 37. Hard to figure out what to wear because I didn't want to layer too much and be hot, so I wore my upper calf running tights and a long sleeve tee and was okay. Was pretty frigid waiting for the run to start though.

    My final time: 1:12:11- average pace of 11:37. Pretty flippin' pleased with myself. I wasn't sure how far I would be able to push it, considering it's longer than my average shorter run, where I'm able to up the speed, but shorter than my longer runs when I move like molasses. Was able to keep a steady pace throughout. My Nike+ actually said I went farther, and at a faster pacer (10:59- holy crap), but I'll go with the official time. Definitely pretty happy with myself. Not happy about getting up this morning, but glad I have another race under my belt, and I felt like I could have gone farther. Bodes well for the half in just a couple of weeks! Eep!

    Making pumpkin bread right now for when the parents come and to bring into work. Smells delicious!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks Kristina!!! I did manage to get out and ran 11 miles at 14:21 pace. Two weeks until the race - I can't wait!!! I'm off to scour food - I'm starved.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Great job on your run Kristina!! Impressive time!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So happy for you Victoria!! Is that your longest run until the half? Or do you have another 11-miler? I'm going to try and get another 11-miler in sometime this week, as the parents are driving in this upcoming weekend and we'll be going up to Traverse City. While I could go for a run up there, I don't want to attempt that long of one not knowing where I'm going and don't want to cut into our time together. So one day after work I'll have to do it. Victoria, I don't know how you do those long runs during the workweek. My 5-ish milers are the perfect length. Those long ones just take too bloody long!

    Anyways, the weekend has been nice. My pumpkin bread turned out well. Cut out most of the oil and replaced it with unsweetened applesauce and cut back significantly on the sugar and it tastes yummy! Bringing in a loaf to work tomorrow.

    This week should be okay I think. Really looking forward to my parents coming into town!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm still around. Had a nice weekend of getting things done. I just pulled down the 2 totes of Halloween decorations from the attic. I will probably put those out next weekend. I got a $5 off Halloween decorations coupon at CVS today so I bought a strand of candy corn lights (like Christmas lights but have candy corn colored bulb things) and have them hanging in the living room. I think Halloween is my favorite holiday cause you decorate the outside of your house, you dress up and\ you give out candy. I just like dressing up I guess. I hope all of you are my friends on facebook cause I posted a picture of Lexi's costume! I found it at Target for $8 and absolutely couldn't pass it up! I'll be Alice in Wonderland, my bff will be the Queen of Hearts and I found a WHITE RABBIT costume for Lex! Eight bucks is super cheap for a dog costume and it matches our theme perfectly (It has a red coat with a yellow pocket watch on the side) It is so cute!!

    I was still 217.8 this morning so thats good news.

    I am proud (and slightly jealous) of you ladies and your amazing runs!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I bet Lexi will look adorable in her outfit Kendal!

    Another week begins. Ugh.

    Although, I'm wearing a cute new dress I got at Target, which I totally shouldn't have bought, but it looked so dang cute on me.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Although, I'm wearing a cute new dress I got at Target, which I totally shouldn't have bought, but it looked so dang cute on me.

    One little dress is a reward for all your hard work. You shouldn't feel bad for buying one thing you didn't need but simply wanted.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    It was a long morning trying to get to work. Gracie is very tired and it showed. So now I am at work enjoying "quiet time" lol.

    Tonight I go grocery shopping. DIdn't go this weekend. Saturday was busy and yesterday I didn't feel well. Think my body is adjusting (again) to the weather.

    Tomorrow; gym day one!