200+ (Week 50) "Hot for Halloween



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I have been "lurking" but not posting. I just haven't had too much to say. That hasn't really changed but I'm not gonna let that stop me!

    We did the doggy walk and I ran for an hour and mostly enjoyed the gorgeous weather. It was beautiful today. In the 70's, sunny, a slight breeze and the leaves are all yellow, gold & red. Very fall-tastic. It kinda bummed me out that the commissary was out of canned pumpkin, as I was having a serious hankering for pumpkin pancakes. I'm going to have to venture out to a German market to see if they do the canned pumpkin thing here. I also made a recipe for "cereal" that I found. I toasted oats & almonds, added sunflower and pumpkin seeds and dried fruit and now I have a huge batch of the stuff. I am so ready to try it in yogurt and with milk. I have also decided that with all the exercising I've been doing, I cannot keep fighting my hair. I have shoulder length, curly hair and I have straightened it for so long that when I wore it curly the other day, Gabriel said, "Wow, how did you do that? You look different!" My own child had no idea that I have naturally curly hair! So I am accepting the curly. Curly is easier when it comes to the whole drying process and I find myself faced with doing something with my hair pretty regularly as, depending on the exercise schedule for the day, I sometimes shower twice a day.

    Lacey: I went grocery shopping today. I normally do it on the weekends but I wasn't feeling it this past weekend so I put it off. I hope you're feeling better.

    Kristina: I didn't already congratulate you on your fabulous race! You rock! And I agree with Kendal that you shouldn't feel bad for buying something you wanted and looks good on you.

    Kendal: I saw the pics of Lexi's costume on Facebook and she looks adorable!

    Victoria: You & your runs are inspirational!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- always jealous of people who could wear their hair curly or straight. Mine's bone straight, which people always say they're jealous of, but I can't do much with it. Does make it easy to style every day though. Your cereal sounds yummy!

    Lacey- looking forward to how the gym goes tomorrow!

    As I needed to work late today, I took a break this afternoon and hit the gym and did 60 min on the bike- went 14 miles- speed demon for me. I usually average between 12-13mph. Perhaps still on an exercise high from yesterday? In addition to buying the cute dress from Target (size 14! woo!) I bought a pair of long running tights, as I've faced it that my love for running is going nowhere and it's only getting colder. $50, yo! Running is an expensive sport to outfit oneself, as one pair isn't going to get me far in the long run.

    I'm finding that even though I'm not losing weight very quickly, my body is continuing to change, which is keeping myself going when the scale isn't moving. I know my clothes are continuing to fit better, there's less jiggle and more muscle, so I'm getting some positive reinforcement despite the small movement on the scale front. I'm hoping for a loss this week though. As next week the parents are in town and I bet my exercise won't be as high (tapering for half + having company), it won't be a good week on the weight front.

    My pumpkin bread was a hit at the office. Woo! Although one of the doctors brought in cookies, of which I ate 2 of. They were yummy, but didn't need them. Sabateur!!

    Victoria, getting excited about our run!! Wish you ladies could be there!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey super pals - work week life cont to be super busy for me. It was 32 out this morning so I skipped the bike ride. I'm about to do my crunches (300-400) which will be my ex for the day.

    I just need a day off after the long runs.

    Have fun at the gym Lacey. Glad you got the run in Amy. Way to go on working out at lunch Kristina. Lexie is sssoooooooo cute one costume Kendal.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello friends...Hope you are all well.....I just got back from town...had to get in there...we were out of milk and I had a few other things to pick up. I am so hungry...going to hurry and brush my teeth,,,hit the sack and wait for morning.....I hope!

    I am going to go back to eating half of my exercise calories....I looked back over everything and that seems to be the only time I lost any weight....I'm going to try it for a couple weeks and see if I can maybe loose a little...well, and to be honest...I'm going to get back to logging...last month was horrible!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm in a cranky mood. TOM is showing signs of starting today but may hold off until tomorrow - ggggrrrrrr. Warning stay away from the vicinity of me!!!! I even skipped my 2 mile run this morning - tummy cramps (*sighs*). Maybe tonight.

    Good luck Debra. I hope it works. I really find lighter exercise like Leslie Sansone videos, walking and short runs help me to lose more than this heavy exercise. In 2 weeks (after the race), I'm going back to the lighter exercise.

    I can't believe I'll be in Phoenix in 2 days. Please bring on the sun and warm weather - I had to scrape frost off the car yesterday!!! I have to pack tonight - no I need to make sure all my clothes are ready and make sure to take my running gear - iphone holder, water belt, shoes, socks, tanks. I have 8 and 11 miles runs scheduled for the trip. I'm a list person.

    My brag for yesterday was a client telling me I need new pants - the 14s I had on were "too baggy" and not doing me justice. So I tried the "lets see if you can pull them off without unbuttoning them test" and with a little shimmy they came off. I'm not really ready to buy new clothes but DH has plans for Birch Run shopping the day after the race. If I'm in the store, I may as well look. Van Heusen rocks.

    Gotta go - work is calling....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- nice to hear from you! Let us know how the weight loss goes with the eating back more of the exercise calories.

    Victoria- boo for TOM! I think I'm due the week AFTER the half, but I might be a bit crankypants in anticipation of it that weekend. Joy. Jealous of your trip! And super impressed with you planning to get those long runs in despite being out of town. I'm super bad about that. And shimmying out of 14s?? You go girl! I'm just fitting into some now. Funny how the same weight can mean different sizes on different folks.

    Today's a long work day with group this evening, but I plan to take a long lunch and hit the rec center. Originally thought about getting a run in, but I want my first run of the week to be a long one, and I can't take that much time off in the middle of the day to huff it through that long of a run. So, I'll hit up the gym and elliptical it up. It's trivia tonight and I need to relook at calories of things before going. Last time my meal there was worth my daily calories some days. Not pretty. So I'm trying to offset it a bit by going to the gym, and keeping the calories low otherwise today. Cause I'm going to have me a long island ice tea! We won last week, so let's hope for a repeat. Applebee's trivia is MUCH easier than the usual one we go to.

    Anyways, plan is for the gym today, hoping to get out of work a bit early tomorrow and get a long run in... at least 10, hopefully 11 (or over), as that will be my last long one before the race. Then, to a recovery walk and maybe some strength training Thursday and another 5-miler on Friday. Parents come into town Friday night. Yay! And I'm dogsitting tomorrow-Friday, which should be nice. The dog is not a runner though, so I will not have a companion on my jogs. haha.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I overslept by 40 minutes today. Thankfully Lexi had woken me up at 6 and I let her outside then so I when I got up I only needed to let her in to eat and I got ready in 10 minutes.

    About 3 miles from my house, a car rear ended a garbage truck. There was only one car between me and the car that hit the garbage truck. Me and the driver in the middle car got out and helped. She was in army fatigues and as soon as she got out of her car, she signalled me to call 911 and she ran towards the wreck. It was a young father and his 2 year old son. It took a few minutes to get the kid out of the car, but they were both ok. And luckily the garbage man happened to be in the driveway getting the trash can at the moment it happened.

    We had just come over a real dangerous hill and we were driving into the sun. He was probably distracted either by his kid or his phone (or something else....) cause there were no skid marks. We were going probably 45-50mph (45 speed limit through there) and Army lady and I had to SLAM our brakes to stop in time. The kid bumped his head (his car seat had pitched forward and he probably hit the seat in front of him) but there was no blood and I don't think there were any broken bones. The driver was out walking around by the time I even called 911.

    So then I stayed for another 20 minutes or so helping direct traffic. The back of the car bounced 3-4 feet off the ground when it hit the garbage truck and the back end of it landed in the oncoming traffic lane. (it was just a little 2 lane country road) So cars had to go off in the grass to get around it. When the cops, firefighters and garbage men tried to pull the garbage truck forward to get if off the car, it drug the car with it because it was wedged so tightly underneath it.

    yeah...that was my morning....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - that sucks about your morning. Bleh!

    Kristina - Have fun at trivia tonight, sounds fun!

    Victoria - Soak up that gorgeous sun! I hope you aren't going where they are having those flash floods though...that would blow. Maybe you could paddle your way down the street to get some exercise if you can't run huh?

    Okay. I logged my intended food today with the exception of dinner thus far. I feel pretty good. I drank a smoothie with my vitamin packed macro green powder and protien powder and my energy levels are up again. Tonight I go to the gym. I am praying that the PT I get has some common sense and doesn't tell me to eat 1200 cals a day and is unrealistic you know? I need to have more faith I guess.
    Still excited to get going again that is fo-sho!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    ugh. someone called to cancel for group tonight.

    I will NOT be a happy camper if I have to stay for just one person again. I like doing individual sessions, but the only reason I do them in the evenings is to get the group space at the office and I don't need to do that if it's just going to be one person. I'd rather be home. Argh! /vent

    Sorry. Had to go there. My coworker is dropping off her dog in the morning, and I'll be watching her through Friday morning. I'll have to take a pic of her. She's pretty freaking adorable. Trial run for when I get a dog, which I can't wait for. I keep trolling the local humane society/animal shelter websites. I apparently like to torture myself.

    Hope everyone is doing okay.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Lacey- how was the pt?

    Kristina- hope your group/individual therapy thing went ok.

    While I have been eating "healthy" lately, I've been eating too much of it. I'm back to logging today. I realized I've only lost 10 pounds in the past FOUR MONTHS. ugh. I know that slow and steady wins the race, but I'm getting tired of the race. But at least I'll be a lot cuter for Halloween this year lol
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- you've changed your food you're eating which is good. Better than eating something super unhealthy and a lot of it. But yeah, there is still something to say for too much of a good thing. I haven't lost much in the past several months either. You're not alone. Keep at it!!

    Group went okay. Only one showed again, which sucks, and she was late, so I thought briefly I would just be able to go home. Trivia was fun. My friend dropped off her dog this morning, who is adorable, and I wish I didn't have to go into work today so I could play with her all day.

    I really wanted to get my long run in today, and it's just not going to happen. I have a 5pm appt and if I leave after that, it'll be dark only about 1/2 way into my run. DANG IT!! And of course, I could do a 5-miler, but I don't want to in case tomorrow works as a long run day (which at the moment it looks like I could leave work a bit early and do it), so it's just pissing me off. Not sure what I want to do for exercise today. Could bike again at the gym, or might go for a walk. I don't know.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi all. I feel like this is the first I've gotten to sit down since yesterday. e got home late from soccer practice due to having Sofie meet a white German Shepherd in need of a home for a month while his fam goes back to the states. They got along ok (Sofie LOVES people but takes a while to warm up to other dogs) and so, starting Sunday, we are temporarily a 2 dog family. Today, we got out for a longer than usual walk in the afternoon and it was great! The weather is gorgeous and we were walking Sofie off the leash (doesn't happen to often as I don't trust some of the dogs around here - 2 unleashed little monsters attacked her when we first got here and I haven't forgotten it!). Everything was going just dandy and then Sofie flung herself on the ground and started rolling around. I got her back up as quickly as I could (it took me a minute as it was 85 pounds of dog flailing about on the ground) but it was too late...she had rolled around in POO! :sad: It took my afternoon from nice & peaceful to psychotically pissed in 2.3 seconds. So we walked home & I washed her upper half (it was ALL over he head - GAG) and now she's moping on the balcony. I'm thinking I'm not gonna be letting her off the leash any time soon as we live in farm-country and there is poo all over the place. Geez.

    Kristina: bummer about missing your long run. Maybe you should do something at the gym so you'll be all peppy if you get the chance to run tomorrow. Have fun with your borrowed dog - and watch out for poo.

    Kendal: I hear ya on the need to log food. I had gotten lax the last month or so and the weight really hasn't been coming off as fast as I'd like so I got back on the logging wagon about 2 weeks ago and it is really making a difference.

    Lacey: I'm glad your energy levels are higher. It makes all the difference. Enjoy the gym!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - that SUCKS bout the dog poo. My two littler dogs do that sometimes and I want to KILL them.

    Kendal - you've still done something pretty awesome since last year, 43 lbs is amazing!!

    Kristina - go to the gym girl!! Even for 30 minutes.

    So packed my gym bag up last night, set it next to my purse, put my second pair of shoes in there just in case the new ones I am wearing take a while to break in and I need to switch during the day...and forgot the d@mn thing at home. By the time I realized it I was half way into town so I was SOL. Sigh....These shoes aren't killing me but the heel is higher than I've been wearing lately and yeah. They will be okay. Still sucks bout the gym though. I will track cals and be good and then hit it hard tomorrow.

    I've been thinking and since I've been eating somewhere in the neighborhood of 2300ish cals lately, that going to 1500 cals (before eating back exercise cals) might be a pretty major shock to my body since its been a good four months since I was really serious about all this. I wonder if I should stick to the 1500+ exercise during the days that I work out and on the days that I don't eat somewhere closer to 1800 or more? I don't know...just thinking about all this.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    boy...i do so much better with my eating if I know I am going to be logging it! It's only been three days since I've been back on board...but feeling better about it at least. I have been doing the protein shake early in the am...followed by a light lunch ( around 300 calories)....and then dinner with the family...my problem is evenings...lots of times we are getting home at 9 or so and everyone is ready for "something"...usually dessert....which I can't have....I had a yogurt last night...but it was hard not to have the choc. chip cookies that my son made on Sunday...like everyone else was...with a dip of ice cream I might add...boys/men...why is it they can burn those calories right up? well I know why my son can...he doesn't stop moving allllll day..but still wondering when it will catch up with my husband???? Not fair!...ok...done pouting for the day!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Lacey...I have been tweaking the calories up and down for months...just so sick of it!!! I dropped my calories this week and going to see where that gets me...I will eat if I am hungry..but I am trying to aim for right around 1500 myself with exercise and I am trying to watch the carb/sugar amounts....just until I start losing again...I know I can maintain...but I want to loose..about 40#s really....***sigh*****
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: It sux that you forgot your stuff & couldn't go to the gym. Bummer. Isn't it funny that that whole calories in being less than calories out thing isn't as straight forward as everyone would have you believe?!?! I'm doing something like 1500 cals a day (I don't eat ALL my exercise cals but I do eat some) with some extra cals on Friday (I let myself have some leeway on Fridays but try to keep it clean the rest of the week). Good luck figuring out what's best for your body!

    Debra: It sure stinks to write down every little thing we eat only to watch the hubby or the kid come in and wolf down half a pizza and not gain an ounce. I just try not to look.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yeah my husband took a way more active position at work and lost about 25 lbs in about four months and still eats and guzzles beer like there is no tomorrow.

    Today is not going to be the greatest for calories. I was just hungry so I whipped out the thai lime & chili cashews I've got in my drawer and started eating them...and ate way too many. I guess at least they are protein and good for me but still...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning superpals!!! I'm doing the crunches regularly and did some toning last night with theraband. TOM issues and cold weather stopped me from biking and running this week. I work today and am flying to Phoenix tonight. The next 3 days will be fun in the sun and 2 long runs. I can't believe my race is 10 days away. Not sure how my time will go being gone and with friends for the weekend - I'll try to check-in.

    I'm checking in today although with TOM here I should have skipped it. I'm up another pound to 185 (*sighs*). I've gotta run to finish getting ready for work and out the door by 8... Have a great weekend!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    eff sodium!!! I'm way up this morning. Well, like a pound. ugh. I didn't get to exercise yesterday. Dad and I were going to get together and go over some dances, but mom called in the afternoon and said he wasn't up for it. When I got home, I decided to go for a jog instead. Except all my exercise clothes were in the washing machine. No pants, no sports bras, only one sports tank. I had some capris I could wear so I put those on. I tried to put a regular bra under the sports tank and jumped around my room once or twice....yeah, that wasn't going to work. Now that its too late, I probably could have gone to the gym and gotten on the bike, but I didn't think of that last night. I will definitely get Lexi to the park tonight for a jog.

    To top it all off, I had two pounds of ground turkey defrosted last night so I made TWO boxes of hamburger helper. When you are flat broke, that is a very cost effecient meal (actually I should say MEALS). I brought a cup of it for lunch today. I'm not sure what the true cals are since I made it with ground turkey instead of beef, but I'm still using the cals that were on the box.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Wow-- sounds like we're all struggling a bit.

    I didn't get to the gym yesterday. I was having too much fun yesterday playing with my houseguest. Did walk to and from work, and did a decently length walk with her in the evening and again at the crack of dawn this morning.

    I'm going to try attempt #3 at running a long run today. I don't have any late afternoon appointments, so I'm planning on leaving early and getting my last long run in. The weather should cooperate and I'll feel better going into weigh-in tomorrow. It hasn't been a great eating week for me. Too much of my pumpkin bread I made, and I was 181 this morning (ARGH)... I'm hoping for a drop tomorrow morning at least for a maintain, but I'm just not so sure. *sigh* 180s, why will you not leave me??

    ETA: here's the dog, Violet I'm watching. Isn't she adorable? I'm not a big small dog gal, but she's pretty charming
