When you over sleep.



  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    Technically whatever meal you eat after waking up is breakfast (literally you're breaking the fast that your body had while you slept) so this question is kind of pointless. Not in a bad or mean way, just saying.

    The point of the question is to see how people adjust their meals if they slept past one, and have less time in the day. For my waking up at 12 has me missing a meal and a snack with 2 meals and 2 snacks left in my day before going to bed.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    If I miss breakfast (I can't sleep that late unless jet lag is involved), I will just move on to lunch. If I get hungry later, I'll have a snack. I keep the same calorie goal.

    If you're really obsessive, you could figure out how many fewer calories you burned because you were asleep rather than awake and active, and deduct those from your goal. But unless sleeping in means that you missed a scheduled workout, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    If I slept until noon, I wouldn't end up eating my full calorie allotment for the day. I wont wedge an extra meal in there just to get the calories. Missing the 3-400 calories I might have had for breakfast isn't a big deal. I'd still probably have breakfast food when I got up though.