Eat what you want



  • Jamr8231
    Jamr8231 Posts: 73 Member
    Me! Not that it's ever so healthy, but some days I eat around four peanut butter and banana sandwiches (natural pb on whole wheat bread) and still remain trim. I just tell myself I need the fat and carbs before a long workout the next morning :wink:
  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    *peeks her head in and raises her hand*

    That would be me :)
  • everforever8
    everforever8 Posts: 16 Member
    I have lost weight before (almost 100 pounds) while still eating what I wanted. The problem I found though was that it was way easier for me to deviate and eat way too many calories.

    I did however gain all but 42 pounds back over the course of a couple of years and I now have gallstones so I can't really eat whatever I want anymore (I can't eat wheat, dairy, or greasy foods).

    The thing I've learned is that eating whatever works for a lot of people, but if "moderation" had worked for me, I wouldn't be where I am now. I guess there are a quite a few people that struggle with food as an addiction, and i consider myself to struggle with it.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Just to throw in a tiny reality check in (my reality, anyway), I don't restrict the type of food eat. But if I "ate what I wanted," I'd damn sure be gaining weight because the "what" of my eating preferences is inextricably bound to the "how much" of my eating preferences. Eating foods we love in moderation (read: to a deficit) is great and all, but I am under no delusion that it doesn't take a toll on me in terms of energy and hunger over time, and that sometimes I do need to take a break from it.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Yep. See below. :wink:
  • Anelda
    Anelda Posts: 99 Member
    Sorry to burst your bubble, these people clearly want to eat broccoli and quinoa and chia seeds and wheat grass.........

    If I got to eat what I wanted, and still stay close to my defecit calories, I would basically get like 1 scoop of ice cream, 6 fries, 2 cheese sticks, a slice of toast, and that would be my entire day right there. Can you say STARVED!?!? You can't get full enough on junk food within a certain caloric range!

    With that said, depending on what your defecit is, you probably could eat a handful of bad things a week and still lose!! I do it :D

    I totally eat what I want and still lose weight. I've lost almost 60 lbs (from the start) this way. For example, I had chicken marsala with full fat mushroom cream sauce for lunch yesterday with my daily yogurt, a huge baked burrito, a beer, and my protein powder "cookie dough."

    My issue with weight gain before wasn't what I was eating but the amount of food I was eating and not knowing that I was really eating that much. I'd eat 3 servings of pasta followed by 4 servings of ice cream and not bat an eye. I'd ignore full signals and eat until I was miserable feeling.

    If I go out now, I log as best as I can and package half of my meal to bring home.

    Plus, there's nothing wrong with broccoli, quinoa, chia seeds and wheat grass. They're all delicious. :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    For the most part I eat what I want however what I want has changed a lot.

    This^^^ although I didn't lose a lot of weight, but I didnt need to lose much.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Oh yeah. Well, to some extent obviously. I can't have chocolate cake every meal, even though I'd love to. I'd love to have a huge bowl of spaghetti Bolognese, but that's way too many calories, so I'm having spaghetti squash instead.

    Basically, everything in moderation... or find satisfactory substitutes.
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    Sorry to burst your bubble, these people clearly want to eat broccoli and quinoa and chia seeds and wheat grass.........
    If I got to eat what I wanted, and still stay close to my defecit calories, I would basically get like 1 scoop of ice cream, 6 fries, 2 cheese sticks, a slice of toast, and that would be my entire day right there. Can you say STARVED!?!? You can't get full enough on junk food within a certain caloric range!
    With that said, depending on what your defecit is, you probably could eat a handful of bad things a week and still lose!! I do it :D

    If I didn't let myself have something, I'd eat every mediocre substitute in the kitchen until I was too full to crave that item anymore. When I actually have what I want, I get a good satisfactory brain buzz and I don't think about that food anymore.
    I definitely still eat like a kid in that sense- completely unaffected by disordered eating habits and calorie counts and nutrition, they eat what they want and don't feel the need to compensate. And yet, we don't have 600 lb kids walking around! And that's because you don't actually have a desire to binge eat when you constantly allow yourself things! You're able to think to yourself, "Wow, I'm full. Think I'll just have the rest tomorrow." where as when you restrict, you're going to be like, "IT'S MY CHEAT DAY. IF I DON'T EAT EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED RIGHT NOW, I'LL BE MISERABLE UNTIL NEXT WEEK WHEN I CAN SHOVE 3K CALORIES OF IT IN AGAIN!".
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I ate whatever I wanted. Practicing moderation. I aim for 80% of my calories to come from wholesome, nutrient dense sources, the other 20% was free game. I eat ice cream pretty much every day and fast food a few times a week if i'm busy or just want to squeeze it in. I aim to hit my macros and all that, too. I like this method, personally. I never felt miserable or deprived and that's helped me adhere to my diet better than anything else.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Reporting for duty!

    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Me me me!
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    This guy. White bread, pasta every week, cheat days, you name it.

    Moderation is where it's at.

    This guy even ate Subway and lost weight, I think he is just a freak of nature!!

    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs
  • allbarrett
    allbarrett Posts: 159 Member
    Couldn't face life without baked goods, chocolate, ice cream, etc.

    I may not eat as much as I want all the time, but I damn well eat what I want.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    giphy.gif \m/
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    What I want: yes.

    As much as I want: no way. I will never be able to eat as much as I want.
  • StacyRenee77
    StacyRenee77 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Bump! Love this inspiration:happy:
  • nadene04
    nadene04 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you for posting this. I was going to post a similar thread but I found this one. I am back at it for a couple weeks now. Every other time I have failed. I think a lot of it was because I was depriving myself what I craved. This time I am eating what I want with some lower calorie substitutes while adding in lots more fruits and veggies and staying under my calories for the most part. The other times I have tried to diet I either failed miserably by now or soon after.