Feel like giving up.Not seeing any results.



  • DonnaMarieS87
    Thankyou all for you kind words and support. I know i have to stick with it to see results & i know how much I want to lose this excess fat so I really dont have a choice other than to stick with it, I just need to figure out the best way to do it!!!

    Already offered the best way to do it.
    Nothing to figure out so now its application and acceptance.

    Resistance training + Nutrition + Sleep = Fat loss.

    Get off the mouse wheel.

    I'll give an example of someone from MFP:


    Started at 280lbs 2 years ago.
    With zero cardio we have her now at 170lbs at about 17% body fat.
    She lifts 3-5x a week and eats 3000cals a day now.

    A simply search on the internet about basic human physiology will explain why you don't lose the fat doing cardio only.
    You may not like the song but I can bang the drum of truth all day.

    Very impressive results above. Dan, I may well have just messaged you for some tips :)