Team Uk October10

Hi Everyone

Just getting the group started this month and I will update more later.

I'm back Tuesday after a well deserved break, hope you all are well and you have better weather then we have had in Guildford the last few days.

Get posting and i'll catch up with you all this week



  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    Hey I just found this topic, so thought I'd join! I see some of my friends are already here :smile:

    I live in Surbiton, Surrey. I'm originally from Canada but moved here 11 years ago due to work, and now married to a local bloke. I love living in the U.K. and consider myself half-British now, I have dual nationality.

    I've been on MFP since mid-July. My goal was to lose the stubborn last 10 pounds, after having lost about 30 pounds about 5 years ago. I've almost reached my goal, only 1 pound to go! :happy:

    I've got a demanding job and I commute to Reading (over an hour each way most days :sad: ) But I've been determined to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday and not go crazy sitting in my car or at a desk all day, which has happened in the past, and led to me being very unhappy, comfort eating, and losing motivation to have any sort of fitness regime. I'll never let that happen again!

    I love the outdoors, and on the weekends we go out to the Leatherhead/Dorking area and do some biking and running. We even did our first adventure race this year which was so much fun! We try to do a race every other month: either a 10K or adventure race. It's keeps us on our toes with training!

    I'm focusing on getting lean and do strength training a couple of times a week, but I need to do more. I'm just maintaining right now rather than losing body fat. Trying to find the balance between putting too much pressure on myself with my work schedule, but still getting some training in everyday.

    My goal this month is to reach my goal weight, and maintain. We're going to Egypt in a couple of weeks and I'd be thrilled to maintain my weight whilst we're away! I plan on exercising whilst we're away. It's part of my daily routine now and I don't consider it a chore: I put on my music and the 30 minutes just flies by!

    Well that's me, will check in and let you know how it goes! Thanks for having me :happy:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hey Everyone sorry for being so quiet recently
    been settling in at university and i am loving it!
    Can sense my going over on calories today, it's my universities freshers ball!
    and well lets be honest major alcohol consumption going on, but hopefully all the dancing will cancel it out!

    Weighed myself today and i haven't put weight on in freshers but in fact lost it! Must be the 20 minute walk to uni every day and back!
    Hope everyones okay and i promise to be more active and friendly this month

    My goal is to lose 4lbs this month so fingers crossed! xxxxx
  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    Well a successful September that saw my 9lb target actually be 13lbs, so I'll add a bit on this month and go for a 10lb loss for October - backdated to the 1st, so that means I need to get to 109lbs lost. Already lost a pound of it anyway, so decent month so far!

    I'm now 5lbs off my "Wedding Goal" which isn't due until 12th November, so hopefully should hit that around the middle of October instead! Might update that goal at that point to 16st7lb, but let see how it looks at the time. :smile:

    Bought my first size "L" clothing yesterday, a far cry from XXXXL of a year ago. Oh and I hit 100lbs lost this morning :drinker:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    just tagging for later ^.^
  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm def. here. Would like to lose 3lb this month, think I can do it (maybe:tongue: ). I've bought yet another DVD to give me a change in routine and I'm now able to run for 30 mins without a break Yeah! Just need to go faster now to make it a 5K.
  • Morrianna
    I lost 8lb last month. I was hoping for more but it was my goal :smile:
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi everyone

    Just a quick check in for now. It's been a difficult couple of weeks and I didn't achieve my goal for September - ended up 2lbs short of where I wanted to be. Am now 15lbs away from my final goal which I'd love to hit by Xmas so goal for October is 5lbs (which I hope to repeat in Nov and Dec). Hope to get more organised with my cooking and get more exercise in this week if all the drama stops.

    Hope you're all ok x
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi everyone, my target is maintenance now. My big challenge is to keep on track. Since moving to maintenance a few weeks ago my weight remained steady then dropped slightly last week. Think this has lulled me into a false sense of security as I've had a few takeaways, and a few unhealthy snacks such as chocolate and biscuits have crept back in but I haven't put weight back on...YET. I know everything in moderation etc. and the odd treat is fine but I have to be careful as once I start eating those sorts of foods I just want more. In some ways it's easier for me to exclude them completely. But then my dietary changes have to be sustainable in the long term and I don't like the thought of never having chocolate, for me it's one of life's small pleasures! Ho hum
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    tagging for later.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Tagging for later. Glad September is over - back on the waggon for October!!!!
  • karenpinkchick
    Im motivated by the weight being lost!!

    Hopefully motivated enough to motivate and dicipline myself :smile: Im off to the Philippines in 6 weeks and want to loose some weight by then... I resisted the chocolates at work last night so thats a start. Will weigh myself tomorrow after a week :ohwell:
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Ahh finally found you again!!

    Well we are off on holiday next month - 5 weeks time. It will be our last ever hoilday just the two of us and a much needed break during the adoption process. My goal is to be nice and slim for that, but also to start preparing for the NY marathon which I will be running next November xxx
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    start preparing for the NY marathon which I will be running next November xxx

    Good luck with that BeeBee - do you run in general? Could you advise me on how to start? I've never been a runner but feel the need to do *something* after a good friend of mine died of cancer last week. Think a sponsored run of some description would give me something to aim for and feel like I'm doing something even though I can't bring her back.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    start preparing for the NY marathon which I will be running next November xxx

    Good luck with that BeeBee - do you run in general? Could you advise me on how to start? I've never been a runner but feel the need to do *something* after a good friend of mine died of cancer last week. Think a sponsored run of some description would give me something to aim for and feel like I'm doing something even though I can't bring her back.

    My best advice would be start slow and build yourself up. I do a mixture of interval training and running during the week. The interval training has really built up my endurance and I can now run further than I ever thought I would!

    I think it's a fantastic thing to head for! xxx
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Thanks hon. Will endeavour to do a short run in the next few days and see how I get on!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Silly me just typed in the old September Team UK :grumble:

    queenmedusa I used a book called Running Made Easy (google it and it should come up), it was written by 2 women for women. One was a serious runner, one was a beginner. I loved it and started off on their beginners walk/run programme and progressed to half-mara 2 years ago. My running now is mainly intervals mid week and long slow runs on sundays.

    I bought some new jeans and bras in a smaller size today, but guess what, I feel fat in them. Think its because they 'fit' as opposed to 'hang'. Just goes to show fatness is sometimes all in the mind!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hellooooooooooo everyone! im around... Thanks James for posting this new topic!

    How are you all?

    Im on day 7 of no Chocolate/cake/sweets/icecream... and so far so good!! Next goal is to reach next friday without having any!

    Skin is clearing up a treat now im using a new cleansing/toning/moisturising routine :) yey!

    Much love x x x x
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hello everybody!!!

    Hope all is well!! I havent been around for the last month as been off getting married and on honeymoon!!! We had an amazing time. Wish we could do it all again!!!

    We were off work for nearly a month, and in the states for 2 weeks, and well, I have eaten pretty much what I want when I want!!! Thought I would have put about 7 - 10 lbs, on but thought sod it, only gonna do this once so want to enjoy it!!!!

    When we got home from honeymoon, I decided not to weigh myself for a while, however the temptation of the scales was too great, and I got on them!!! To my surprise, I have only put on 5lbs, which I am really pleased with!!!

    We went to Vegas, Hawaii and San Francissco, and although I ate like a pig and drank like a fish, we did a lot of walking, so I think that has helped keep the weight off!!!

    I am back at work now, a little depressed, and gutted its all over, but looking forward to married life!!!!

    Hope all you guys are doing well with your goals!!

    Mrs N xxxx
  • gingajoy
    Coming in late, but only just found this thread and am a Brit too, so thought I'd join this little island among the Americans (lovely though they are!)

    I've been on MFP since the end of August, and have lost 10lbs so far. I'd like to set myself a goal of losing 6lbs this month (I think that's realistic, although I want to say 8lbs!) I weigh on a Friday, so not done an October weight-in yet. (well, unless you count the few hours of October last Friday morning).

    I'm finding MFP so so useful -- that little App on my phone is the key for me.

    Please feel free to friend me -- I like having a fitness/weight-loss-dedicated friend feed, and it stops me from oversharing on facebook ;-)
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Hey everyone sorry has taken me so long to post have been working very hard this week and just aint had the time.

    Good to see everyone is doing well. I'm trying to hit the 10stome mark by the end of the month so 6lbs needs to be lost.

    I was going try and do some running this month but coz i'm working in London that's out the window.

    I'm going to stick to the tried and tested method of dieting till i'm back in Guildford in 2 weeks

    Quick post yet again but bed is calling. Keep it up everyone

    James x