Team Uk October10



  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. Today marked the end of the first 6 weeks of my training and start of the next 6 before holiday! We did the run I did initially in 30 minutes and i am pleased to say that today i completed it in 19 xxx
  • MistahLee31
    Hey everyone,

    Hope you have all been okay and doing well in your dieting. Not been around much recently due to being really poorly and also focusing all my efforts into finding a new place to live. I can now safely say that not only am I back to full health, I have also found the perfect house to move into so all is looking well! :smile:

    Because of all the above, I've kinda slipped with the old logging my food onto MFP, dieting and also not been able to go the gym. However, now that I've had the okay from my doctor, it's going to be a workout session hopefully every day, though starting really slow and building myself up.

    Hopefully I'll be back posting more frequently now, though it's kinda tough updating everything in work as we're no longer able to access the internet during work hours, which is pretty poo. :frown:

    Ah well, never mind eh! Hope you all take care of yourself and good luck with whatever targets you have set for this month.

    All the best

    Lee. :drinker: :heart:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hello - tagging for later.

    I'm running my half marathon tomorrow....aaaggghhh!

  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Good luck Erika, you will do great :happy: Can't wait to hear how you get on....

    Not nearly as impressive but I was browsing through the message boards and saw a thread for the hundred push ups challenge so decided to have a crack at that. 6 weeks to get from managing about 10 press ups in a row to 100 :huh: we'll see :bigsmile:
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Lee - glad you found somewhere to live and are on the mend! xxx

    Erica - good luck for the half marathon today! xxx

    Yvonne - good luck with the press up challenge! xxx

    Hope that everyone else is having a good weekend xxx
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Erica hope it wasn't too hot for you!

    Bee bee well done on your first 6 weeks training, good luck with the next 6.

    Yvonne, I'm struggling on the push-up challenge. Only on week 2 but can't complete my sets and its taking me 2 attempts lately to do them. Needless to say it will take me about 12 - 14 weeks to complete the challenge. I'm only talking about girly push-ups too, can't do the full type. Good luck with yours.

    I've overeaten every day this week :grumble: just had a REALLY hungry week so doubt I'll have lost weight when I weigh tomorrow.

    Glad alls well with everyone else.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone, :flowerforyou:

    I hope you are all ok? Small victory for me today.. gone 11 days without chocolate, sweets or biscuits.. im VERY VERY proud of myself..:bigsmile:

    This next bit might sound strange, but hang in there it will make sense in the end...

    Basically, as of the 1st October it matched the equivilant of January 1st..Which was the begining of my weight loss journey for my birthday.. Now it might sounds strange but i decided to mimick what i did back in January this month.. So no Chocolate, Sweets or Biscuits. I hit a goal weight of 9stone 10 on 14th Febuary (Valentines day) which in my head will be the 14th November.. thats my mini goal. after i reach that i would like to get down to 9stone 6.. which i will achieve by December 25th... Christmas! wooot

    I hope this has made a little bit of sense to you, it does to me.. and i think thats why im so determined this time.. Already lost 3lbs since starting this 2 weeks ago.. so im pretty happy right now! :) Cant wait to say GOODBYE 10Stone... and HELLO 9Stone region!! :laugh:

    :heart: Erika, how did the marathon go? I have missed talking to you.. hope all is well?

    :heart: Lee... OMG its been a while since i last spoke to you, sounds like your getting things back on track after some time away.. this happened to me as well.. i wasnt focusing on being too healthy after my holiday which lead to bouts of binging... erghh.. anywhoo i cut that out and feel a whole lot better thank god!

    Played my usual game of football last night, so 7 of us turn up (meant to be five a side) and start warming up.. This random guy approaches our team lead and asks if his team can join us... No Word Of A Lie.. about 15 guys walk towards our pitch.. i was like a girl in a candy shop... Soooo many cute guys!! haha... We ended up having an awsome game... the score in the end was 3-4 to the other team... BUT I SCORED.. I was soo chuffed! haha.. 2 girls and the rest blokes! Nice!! :-) Ohh and i also got knocked over and completely fell on my *kitten*! lol!:laugh:

    Any whoo enough about me... what have you all been up to over this weekend?

    Katherine xx :heart: xx
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Hi to all!

    I'm originally from Atlanta in the U.S. We moved to London about a year and a half ago, and we love it. Making such a huge change with the move, has added to my motivation to get the weight off. I have a lot to lose and am on my way.

    Here's wishing everyone a great week!!

  • MistahLee31
    :heart: Lee... OMG its been a while since i last spoke to you, sounds like your getting things back on track after some time away.. this happened to me as well.. i wasnt focusing on being too healthy after my holiday which lead to bouts of binging... erghh.. anywhoo i cut that out and feel a whole lot better thank god!

    Aye, it's been quite a while hun! Yeah, everything is fitting into place nicely. Could do with a holiday myself though!! :frown:

    Sounds like you're getting into the swing of things weight wise approaching xmas. Hope everything goes well for you! :happy: :heart:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone - thanks for your good wishes! The half marathon was OK - it was hard work! I did it in 2:25:30, which I'm really pleased with. It was a nice sunny day - unseasonably warm, but at least it wasn't lashing it down with rain like the week before! I am so stiff now, and have done nothing but eat ever since, so I need to get that back under control...I haven't lost any weight for so long, perhaps I need to start concentrating on that again now!

    take care everyone,

    Erika x
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Glad to hear you had a great time Erika - no wonder your body wants some fuel now it's over!

    I did my first EVER run today and I learnt the following:

    - £1.79 was a bargain price for an app that does all of the hard work for you when it comes to interval training
    - I live in a really hilly area
    - I'm in better shape than I thought
    - I don't have to care what other people think
    - It's funny when you see the school bully (who made you feel like crap for being fat) herding her kids into the car when you're out being fit
    - My tracksuit bottoms don't have strong enough elastic!

    I have a rest day tomorrow, although I'll probably try to get some more exercise in. Not sure what I'm training for yet but I really want to keep going and become 'a runner'! :happy:
  • JimJam87
    Hi everyone, hope you're all ok and doing well...looks like you are!

    I've been away for a month or so with one thing or another but trying to get back into things.

    Just wanted to say, Plantpot, you look gorgeous in your piccies, congrats!!

    Gem x
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Gileeman - hope you had a nice surprise when you weighed in xxx

    KPNuts - well done! I understand your plan! xxx

    katzpawz - welcome! xxx

    Erica - fantastic on the half marathon! Hope you stope aching soon! xxx

    queenmedusa - welcome to running!! I have the same problem with my trousers - apparently a thicker waistband will stop this from happening! xxx

    jimjam - how are you?

    I'm just in from my wednesday morning workout! Boxing this morning. xxx
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Just found this thread, and I hope you don't mind me butting in. It'll be nice to have some fellow UKer's to chat to.:smile:

    I live in Hebden Bridge, it's great base to walking which I love But I'm feeling a bit frustrated a the moment, I damaged my ankle during the summer and still can't walk very far, so I'm struggling to get much exercise at all.
    I'm aiming at losing 2lb a week, and hoping to get 4 stone off by next May, as we are off to the US for a holiday & I dont want to get wedged in the aircraft seat!:laugh:
    Next week's going to be a challenge, we're off the Essen in Germany to work at the games fair for a friend who's a board game designer. And just to make life more difficult I'm a veggie. Germans don't understand veggies! In past years I've gotten most of my calories from beer, but that's not an option this year, so I'm taking loads of rice cakes & meal replacement shakes/bars. Not ideal but better than the alternative.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Hi everyone, sounds like you are doing great :D

    Can anyone join this group? I am from sunny sheffield and tbh it would be great to talk in stones rather than lbs sometimes lol
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning all!

    Just realised I haven't posted in October yet, and we're almost half way through the month!

    Anyways, I've been doing pretty well, maintaining my weight for a while, and wanting to lose the last half stone or so in a couple of months (hit plateau and couldn't seem to get over it).

    I completed a 10k on Sunday, although had to walk due to dislodging a vertebrae and damaging the nerve. But I completed it nonetheless, and it turns out I'm a lot fitter than I thought I was!

    After seeing a pic of myself the other day, I have posted new thread in the success stories section... so please have a wee look :smile:
  • MistahLee31
    Hey everyone - thanks for your good wishes! The half marathon was OK - it was hard work! I did it in 2:25:30, which I'm really pleased with. It was a nice sunny day - unseasonably warm, but at least it wasn't lashing it down with rain like the week before! I am so stiff now, and have done nothing but eat ever since, so I need to get that back under control...I haven't lost any weight for so long, perhaps I need to start concentrating on that again now!

    take care everyone,

    Erika x

    Fantastic stuff Erika! Well done hun! :-) x
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Hi to all.

    I hope everyone is having a good week.

    I'm looking for new recipes to help keep from getting in a rut with my usual repertoire of dishes. Anyone willing to share your favorite, healthy dishes? I would be most grateful!

  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member

    Fantastic stuff Erika! Well done hun! :-) x

    Thanks Lee! My feet have nearly stopped hurting now...

    Welcome newbies!

    Erika x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Afternoon everyone...

    Hope your all ok?

    Gym session last night was ok.. could have been better but i only had 60mins to workout.. tonight will be longer.. hoping to do an hour 1/2...

    going to the Cinema tonight with a freind... this means i have to avoid sweets at all costs.. i cannt give into temptation of the pick n mix... its aweful... i love the stuff... slightly addicted to it.... its coming up 2weeks without chocolate/sweets/biscuits and ive been doing so well... i will NOT have any... AT ALL... NO!!! I will put my food down..

    haha... i will be having a mini head battle with myself i reckon!

    Oh well...

    What have u all been up to?

    katzpawz... sorry im aweful with recipies.. im a salad and veg girl with chicken out the packet... oops... not very imaginative... :(

    Katherine xx