Self sabotage



  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    story of my life. I can never have just one baked good of anything. I always end up eating 12 lol. same boat, so bump for some advice. most people will probably say.... then just don't do it. or they will say... will power just have one. lol . It's like one bite puts me in a robotic state where i cant stop once i start no matter how bad my stomach hurts... would love to hear other people's experience .


    This website has saved my life. You can adjust the calorie content for a recipe that fits your calories.

    o.m.g. 171 cals????
  • berthial
    berthial Posts: 4 Member
    I joined a program called Shape For Life. they use foods from Medifast which has some baked goods that you make only one at a time, such as Brownies, pudding, shakes, soups etc. :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • berthial
    berthial Posts: 4 Member
    These foods are safe for diabetics. But I still need to watch my self or I will go overboard. Pounds are coming off slowly. Also need to work out more.
  • CourtneyK8586
    CourtneyK8586 Posts: 37 Member
    Great advice here...I self sabatoge as I sit here eating Ben and Jerry's! According to my calories tho I'm only about 50 over in the sugar department so it's not too bad. :-/ I know I've gotten the Skinny Cow milk chocolate clusters which are good. There's 5 and it's 110 calories or the hershey's mini chocolate bars that has krackel, goodbar, dark and milk chocolates...Those aren't too bad in moderation either. There's a lot of stuff out there but you just gotta look for it. I'm just finding this out now also lol.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    There's no store that only sells one brownie here unfortunately, lol. Or I would have done that... And no, when I crave something in particular, fruit is just not going to cut it.

    You do not have a bakery or coffee shop? You may not be able to get a brownie, but maybe a chocolate fudge cookie or a chocolate muffin instead.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    look up the 321 cake on here. I've been doing that all month and have stopped craving so many sweets because I no longer feel deprived. I usually eat 1-2 servings of it before bed. Now that I've run out of mix a week before I go food shopping and right before Aunt Flow I'm DIEING for something sweet and chocolaty. It helped me during the visit last month with out a problem! Can't wait to go food shopping and make sure to buy enough this time lol!

    Done that, forgot to add it to the things I tried to help with my brownie craving, lol. Nope, didn't work, I even threw away the mix because frankly it was not satisfying at all.

    I don't work and hubby's office doesn't have many people so I don't think it would be an option for him to take it there either. But yeah... must stop baking. I think that's pretty much the only solution (did I mention that it's my birthday in 6 days? I think I'll just have lunch with hubby and stop at the bakery for dessert).

    I've checked, but most of those ingredients I don't have and don't care for buying, so not really an option. And I think I'd just rather have the real thing.

    There are a couple good bakeries in the area, but they don't have brownies or good chocolate cakes, for some reason. Only the bad bakeries do, and I don't think I'd want to waste my calories on that.

    ^ Okay, now I can see your problem. You are making a ton of excuses for every suggestion others have made. I dont imagine you will be content with any ideas in this thread. If you really wanted to stop - you would not make excuses.
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    When I bake, I allow myself one serving. Once whatever I made cools, I portion it out, wrap it up, and freeze it. Not having it in easy access makes it less tempting.

    I refuse to buy ice cream buy the pint or gallon, and instead buy ice cream bars. That way they are already portioned out. I also keep fruit in the house to eat when I need something sweet.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I love to bake. I freeze a bunch or take it to church or send it off with my son when he visits friends. Sometimes I don't eat any of it. For example, I do not like brownies made from a mix or cakes made from a cake mix. I don't like cake from places like Safeway. I do not like storebought cookies.

    I decided I was going to learn to eat sweets (and other goodies) in moderation because when I go places, there are lots of temptations, such as potlucks, parties, going out with friends. It helps to have a list of activities and hobbies. Eat one cookie or whatever the sweet thing is, then get out of the kitchen and get going on one of the activities on the list or call a friend on the phone so you can't eat because you're on the phone.
  • chubbyschool
    chubbyschool Posts: 7 Member
    for cookies, make the whole batch, roll into balls, and freeze in a freezer bag. take one out, let it defrost for a half hour, then pop it in the oven (or toaster oven). makes it easier to only eat one since you only bake one at a time.

    don't know what to tell you about other stuff. lol gl
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    First, cut the recipe in half, or even quarter it... The body can override fullness signals in a state restriction, so of course you'll have troubles controlling yourself around a huge batch of brownies haha. Second, eat something very fibrous like a huge salad until you're sufficiently full, followed up with a satiating drink (some cold milk, some hot coffee). Then sit down and savor your brownie, analyze the taste of every bite. If you've have a good meal, your body shouldn't be so starved to want to reactively eat a hundred brownies at that time. Finally, I say have brownies more often! One time at work, people kept bringing in donuts so for 2 weeks there were constantly fresh donuts in the break room and, yes, I had 1 or 2 every single day, hahaha. Have to say, I legitimately got sick of them. We've got 2 dozen in the kitchen right now, and I can honestly say after yesterday I can walk by them without the slightest craving again, because I don't try to deprive myself of them and easily work them into my day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I quit baking too. Even Starbucks sells single brownies. You should be able to find one.

    ETA - maybe hubby would split the 500-calorie frozen brownie with you if you can't find one in a bakery.

    I forgot about Starbucks! The one around here doesn't always have much though. But I'll keep that in mind for next time! It's just out of my way so I never think about going there, and there's no coffee shop close otherwise.
    ^ Okay, now I can see your problem. You are making a ton of excuses for every suggestion others have made. I dont imagine you will be content with any ideas in this thread. If you really wanted to stop - you would not make excuses.

    I said I actually tried a lot of ideas, and they didn't work, the craving didn't go away, and I couldn't find a single brownie anywhere (I checked 3 grocery stores in the last couple weeks actually, and I know the local bakeries and I know they either suck or don't have brownies), so that's why I made the whole pan... obviously overestimating my willpower. If it's 'shutting down' every suggestion for you, I don't know what to tell you.

    For cookies it's easier, the store bought stuff works for my cravings and I have no problem having just one or two. It's cake stuff I have issues with.

    And yeah I would cut the recipe, but I can't with brownies, I don't have a pan to only make half (do they even make them?). And being full or not never has any impact with me when I'm craving something, unless I'm completely stuffed, but that's happened only once in the last 14 months, lol. The brownies were pretty rich so a small piece was enough though... for a couple hours. Then I wanted more. Could have been worse though, I only had 3 pieces, there's still 1/3 of it left (daughter and hubby helped), it's just that they have a lot of calories... but I'll live. My craving is gone now so it should be easier to resist at least.

    Anyway, thanks everyone for the help. Now if I could find a single serve cheesecake that doesn't have 700 calories and doesn't taste too 'light' or 'yogurty' :laugh:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I get a piece of cake or a small brownie at a cafe, and have along with a nice coffee or pot of tea.
    Or, I just stick to getting what I want once a week and eating what I want of it then.
    I have been challenging myself recently, by having foods like ice cream and chocolate around. I am doing quite well with those, but the cookies and cake etc, are just a big fail so far. I will keep trying though. I can manage 4-6 days of having those things in moderation before I hit a point I overdo things, usually as a result of emotional issues, rather than actually wanting them.
    I mean, let's face it, the taste gets steadily less appealing, the more you eat, and ruins the experience. I try and remind myself of that.
    But I sometimes as myself, why do we need these foods around anyway? They are meant to be treats so we do not need them on hand and available constantly.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Maybe its time to manage your cravings instead of giving into them?
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member

    I don't.

    I allow myself such foods only here and there, but when I do I give myself permission to enjoy as much as I like.

    Works for me.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    I get that this is a struggle for you but I still think you are making excuses.

    The pan one was the best, TBH. So you bake a half batch in a regular pan and they are much thinner, or split it between 2 bread pans or you or you would bake it in ramekins or those small Pyrex bowls (I think they are called custard cups) or you figure something out. To just throw up your hands and say "I can only bake a full batch because I don't have a pan and I want to eat them all" is a bit of a cop out.

    Don't have ramekins, or custard cups or 2 bread pans? Buy them since it seem that brownies are something you like and don't want to cut out of your life forever so you need to come up with a new strategy.

    But if what you want to hear is that it is too bad you feel like you can only do brownies one way and then have no self control? OK,I am sorry.

    But to shoot down every idea...yeah,whatever.
  • sweetbeckymarie
    I don't know if it's been mentioned yet but Chocolate Covered Katie's blog has a lot of healthier dessert ideas and many single serving type deals. The chocolate mug cake is enjoyed by my picky boyfriend quite often.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    There's a blog I love called Dessert for Two. The girl who writes it scales down recipes so they serve two people, so her cookie recipes make around 6-10 cookies, or her cake recipes make 2-4 slices. You still get the fun of baking, but you won't have a zillion cookies lying around tempting you.

    I left the link to the Dessert For Two blog in the other topic but I'll leave it here too in case people don't check out both threads!
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member

    I don't.

    I allow myself such foods only here and there, but when I do I give myself permission to enjoy as much as I like.

    Works for me.
    This but not with sweets but fries.