Alright fitness gurus, I need advice!



  • TahBeeAah
    TahBeeAah Posts: 8 Member
    30 Day Shred is MURDER on your knees. Stop 30DS and continue on your elliptical if you must work out. Heal your knees before you really mess it up!
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Agree with the advice to see a doctor, especially if no improvement - preferably see someone with specialty knowledge of the knee, such an orthopod or sports medicine doc. An internist or family doc can refer you, if need be.
    Imaging the knee often starts with an xray, but this is highly unlikely to point to the etiology, given your situation. An MRI is the best imaging study, if it comes to that, and conservative management of rest and NSAIDS has failed.

    Let us know how it goes! Hope you get better soon.
  • mombie2six
    mombie2six Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks, everyone. After 2 days of resting it, it is starting to feel better. I can walk okay, but going up stairs is still pretty bothersome. I think I'll focus on upper body and abs stuff for another week or so and if the knee isn't better by then, I'll give the doctor a call.
  • xplosion80
    xplosion80 Posts: 51 Member
    I went through similar situation, but tolerable pain. I order HImalaya herbal pain oil off amazon and it worked good for me.
    Pain killers are temporary releif IMHO and shoul dnot become a habbit.
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    If you have access to a pool (not sure where you live/what the weather is like) try to swim for your exercise while it is healing. Not so harsh on the joints
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member

    Just to throw in my two-pennies worth, it might be the ellipitcal. I used to use them a lot in the gym and ended up with really painful plantar fascitis, which would put me out of action for a week or two at a time. The gait and speed on an elipitcal is often unnatural compared to how they would move about on a flat surface for many people. I'd go for seeing a Dr too, mine suggested the machine and the pain went once I stopped using it.