


  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I had a GP who used a chiropractic technique for my sciatica when I was pregnant which worked wonders immediately. I've also gone to a chiropractor for sudden pain, stiffness and it worked quite well.

    But I started seeing one for shoulder neck pain following an car accident, the more I went the worse I felt. When I finally said I wanted to see a physiotherapist instead he got very angry. Once I started seeing a PT, the pain reduced greatly in a few weeks.

    I think there is a role for them in health care, but it's not as big a role that many of them seem to think it should be.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    I love my chiro! I see him a few times a month, especially when my SI joint gets out of alignment and I can't get it back in--it happens pretty frequently due to a old-*kitten* gymnastics injury. Mine has an acupuncturist in his office so I'll see her, then get aligned and it's amazeballs.

    Like others have said, there's good ones and bad ones.

    I have SI joint issues and LOVE my chiro. When it flares up (after I fall, do a lot of zumba, or just get extra lazy) I go in for 1-2 appointments and I'm good as new. I do the stretches that he prescribes to keep it at bay.
    There are "quacks" in every field. You just have to find one that's actually good.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I will NEVER go to a chiropractor again - EVER!
    I have been to a chiro 3 different times - 3 different reasons and all 3 I didn't even pay for thebp chiropractor, insurance did. After permanent damage done by the last chiro I switched to a massage therapist.
    I have never had a chiropractor make an ounce of difference or help in any way. As a matter of fact, all 3 times I felt worse when I was done then when I started.
    The massage therapist has been totally different. I felt like a new person after seeing her once! She has always been able to help and actually help me feel better and really fix the problem.
    I am also struggling with sciatic pain right now. Unfortunately, it is something I did to myself. I injured it when I was 11 weeks pregnant and it just isn't healing. My massage therapist has been so very helpful and has been able to ease the pain and tension A LOT! But, it isn't something that is going to fully heal until after the baby is born.
    Sciatic pain is not a fun one at all. I really highly suggest you find yourself a good massage therapist or physical therapist and forget the chiropractor. I don't think he is going to help you.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I love my chiro. The office I go to is more comprehensive: they also have a physiatrist (sp? Sports med doc) and a physical therapist, so treatment is a combination of things. I get adjusted, get my trigger points, do physical therapy, and have on one occassion needed steriod injections because m back freaked out on me big time. Doctors of any speciality are like shoes, so what fits me is not going to fit you. Mine is very thorough and excellent at explaining why I am having pain, correct body mechanics, etc.

    I would strongly disagree with those who say quack though. It is a legitimate field. Same as any other, some doctors are going to be horrible. The guy who owns the practice I go to is worthless as a chiropractor, but thankfully he only adjusts when Dr. M isn't there. So when Dr. J is there, I am not.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I've never been to a chiropractor but reading about the basis of its efficacy and things like "Vertebral subluxation" were enough to make me stay away.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I recently started using a chiropractor for back pain with sciatica for the last two weeks. I had the pain for almost a month before i went. Xrays showing my two upper ( neck) and two lower vertebrea are bent and pressing on the nerves and causing pain. He says he can fix it but will take a couple months of treatments. Ive gone 6 times so far and not sure i am noticing a difference at all.

    Tell me what experiences you have had with them...good or bad.....i paid for 12 treatments but i dont want to pay for 12 more if i am not improving. Im not even sure when i should notice much improvement. But, i could tell on the xrays where they are bent. Some people i know love them and some hate them....

    Its not cheap so i dont want to keep throwing money away.

    I've been reading for a few years and read an interesting précis last week that stated their view of using a chiropractor.

    The essence of their argument is to avoid a chiropractor who insists on treatment that involves "sublaxations" - the idea that improper alignment of the spine causes illness. Not only does that contravene everything we know about how the human body functions, there is also no medical evidence that spinal manipulation IN AND OF ITSELF has ever cured an illness. Yes, illness may have disappeared after a chiro used chiropractic treatment but there's no credible evidence that manipulating the spine can or has cured anything (remember - correlation is not causation).

    On the other hand, there's no question that chiropractors have an understanding of human physiology and are able to help alleviate the symptoms of issues like lower back pain. In that case, have at it.

    Here's a link to the article:

    My personal experience (understanding that it counts of nothing in so far as determining the efficacy of chiropractic) consists of one visit. I stopped in with a friend who was trying to cure a lower back issue. The chiro offered a "free X ray and spinal exam" so I did the X ray and let him tug, twist, and push.

    He held up the X ray and showed me, to his surprise, that I had a "perfect S curve" in my spine. The issue that he wanted to address, however, was to help me with the issues that could be caused by "my accident". When I asked him to what he meant by that, he told me that the X ray showed that I had broken my neck and that there was a chance that I would start feeling upper back pain. The big issue was that because there were other "structural problems" in my legs, I could start feeling pain at any time.

    Having never broken my neck, I thanked him for his advice and told him that I'd check in with him if I started feeling pain.

    That was about 5 years ago and I've never had upper back pain nor have I returned to his office.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Last year around this time of year I experienced such horrible pain in my lower neck and shoulder area that it'd almost make me cry.

    It took most of last year and almost 20 visits to get it feel normal again. (*Note that 2013 was the first time I'd EVER been to a chiropractor in my life) I work in an office and they said that looking down 40 hours a week X's 7 years of working there, that yeah, it was causing me problems.

    I still see one as needed and it's really done wonders for me.
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    They're under-trained wannabe physiotherapists.....there's a reason that chiropractic services have been de-listed by most provincial healthcare plans.......
    Not sure where you got your info. Chiropractors are DOCTORS. They have to complete many years of Chiropractic College. Google Palmer College of Chiropractic.

    That being said, I completely love my Chiro and EVERY one I've ever seen. I've moved from IL to MO and never had any different treatments from state to state. I have never had a Chiro try to set up 12 months of treatment , or ask for payment in advance. I'm sure there are quacks out there, just do your research and find a reputable Dr.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I've never gone to a chiropractor but my family doctor is a DO so he does back manipulation. I go to his once maybe every 6-8 weeks and I feel instantly better. I'm prone to my hip and neck being out as well as some sciatica issues. I never understood the whole 12 week session thing with chiropractors since I generally don't have to go back to my doctor for a couple months?
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I wouldn't believe any chiropractor who says they can "fix" you.

    However, they can do wonders for pain management. I go to one for periodic realignments due to a chronic problem that can't be fixed. It can take some time to find a good one who will be ok with you just coming in when you need it instead of insisting on frequent visits. Of course this is just my experience of chiropractors over the past 15-20 years since I was diagnosed with scoliosis.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I used to think they were quacks until I met several people at work who had had success treating migraine headaches. They recommended a local chiropractor and I started seeing him several years ago. The initial treatments were frequent, but the headaches became fewer and fewer. Now I can go once per month, and I have far fewer headache days and when I do have headaches they are less severe. For me it is worth the time and money to go once per month.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I go to my chiro almost every week because of my bad hip. I could barely walk at one point so my chiro has been my saviour.
  • trixienixie
    I love my chiropractor. He is about is not just about is about muscles and how muscle groups work together.
    If you have been going several times and do not notice a difference then you may want to change Dr's.
  • pharmgirl2567
    As the wife of a chiropractor, I can tell you that you should not get roped into pre-paying for treatment (or at least not at the start of treatment) and you should always have a treatment plan. Its common to be more sore initially (that night and maybe the next day) but you should start to see improvement soon. If you aren't feeling like your chiro is meeting your needs, try a different one. Any good, honest chiro would refund the portion of money you haven't used.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    I've been going to my Chiro for over a year and I was refered to her by a friend of mine. They first take an X-ray of your spine and neck. Then she measures the electical pulse through the muscels while you are standing to see if your muscles are over comensating. Then they come up with a treatment plan and this is where you can tell her how often you can come.

    I found out that my neck doesn't have the normal curve in it. Apparently going head first into an oak tree while sleding or going head over handlebars on a bike are bad things. I started with once a week treatments then I moved to everyother week. She also adjusts my bad knees to keep the pain away. I also get wrist adjustments so I don't have to deal with carple tunnel isues.

    I've gone to Drs before and most of the time I have the option of wearing braces and popping pills. Some suggest surgery, which is very scary to me. Ever since I started to see my Chiro my pain level has gone down. Plus, if I pay cash she charges less then the copay from the insurance company. She even refused to deal with my insurance company because they want us to pay more then she will charge us.
  • seashell709
    seashell709 Posts: 123 Member
    I always do chiro and massage at the same time. I have found it to help me out. I always do massage first then chiro once a week or every 2 weeks.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I actually went to a fantastic Chiropractor for physical therapy after a bad fall several years ago. He uses the Graston Technique (or did at the time) and I'd heard such good things about him from a co-worker that I decided to give it a try. The treatments helped speed my healing and he also would do adjustments if he noticed I was off kilter (usually right before my period). It impressed me that he could tell just by looking at the way I was holding myself.

    Honestly though, I've heard plenty of folks who haven't had great experiences. I guess it's just one of those things.

    OP, I think in your case, if you're not getting results than go to someone else. IMHO, it's no different than an MD or dentist that you're not satisfied with. There are plenty of others out there!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    They're under-trained wannabe physiotherapists.....there's a reason that chiropractic services have been de-listed by most provincial healthcare plans.......
    Not sure where you got your info. Chiropractors are DOCTORS. They have to complete many years of Chiropractic College. Google Palmer College of Chiropractic.

    That being said, I completely love my Chiro and EVERY one I've ever seen. I've moved from IL to MO and never had any different treatments from state to state. I have never had a Chiro try to set up 12 months of treatment , or ask for payment in advance. I'm sure there are quacks out there, just do your research and find a reputable Dr.

    Dr. Who may well be considered a doctor by some but most folks would, I hope, think otherwise.

    The main thrust of study for a chiropractor revolves around the belief that many illnesses/maladies are caused by an improper arrangement of the spine. Our scientific understanding of the human body is limited, no question, so it's fair to say that the current state of that understanding contradicts the essential tenets of chiropractic and its belief in sub laxation.

    Further, there's no soundly established study that supports that approach. Yes, there have been studies conducted that show some benefit but those studies have not stood up to rigorous analysis.

    The most direct source of information I've been able to find on this topic is at
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I love mine. He only charges 25$ for an adjustment (without insurance) because we struggle financially and have been going to him for so long. He's the nicest guy you could meet. But he doesn't just do adjustments, he does physical therapy as well. There's also a masseuse there. I think it works great if your issues are due to skeletal misalignment.

    Nerve problems are not always remedied by chiropractic adjustments - and if you have a good chiro, he / she will tell you this if / when they don't see improvement after a reasonable period of time.

    My husband has a serious amount of pain in his neck from a misaligned vertebrae, which has caused a pinched nerve, and there's a permanent knot in the surrounding muscle there. Unfortunately, unless he can go to the chiro 2-3 times a week for treatment and adjustments, it will never be put right, and even at 25$ per adjustment, it's just not in our budget right now.

    I messed up my hip several years ago by stepping off a step the wrong way and was in agony. I had to get adjusted 6-7 times before it felt okay again, and the first 2 adjustments were very painful, but they worked and I didn't have to go back for it after the last one. I do go periodically for my shoulder / ribs / back / and hips being out of place. Usually I don't have to go more than 1-2 times for things like that. I think chiropractors are a great resource but definitely not a cure all for anything. I would much rather go to a chiro a few times a year than have pins put in to keep my hips from popping out of place (which is what most other doctors recommend with repeated hip joint problems like mine). Seriously... risky surgery or 5 minutes on a chiro table 2-3 times a year.... easy choice for me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    There are good ones and bad ones. I would be leery of one who can claim to cure whatever ails you through chiropractic care and I would be leery of ones who just have you coming back with no end in site.

    I personally love my chiropractor, but I treat my visits just like I would massage therapy or acupuncture therapy...I do not use it in lieu of actual medical treatment when medical treatment is necessary and/or would be far more beneficial.