Geting your kids on track..



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have 6yo twins so I can relate, although mine are skinny so it's much easier.

    Stop letting her have a snack when she doesn't eat dinner. Explain to her that dinner is what's to eat tonight, and that's it. Save snacks for mid-afternoon or something, and make it healthier - fruit, veggies, yogurt etc. Just decide on a time that's appropriate for it and she can eat at that time (for mine it's after school, and nothing after 4.30pm until dinner). Mine can have a serving of whatever they want (I eyeball it, obviously, lol), and if they're still hungry after that it's a yogurt or fruit. That's it (I'm aware the kids yogurts are not the healthiest thing there is either but heck). I don't buy candy or chips etc at all. They get goldfish, pretzels, nutrigrain bars, ice cream occasionally (Breyer's), animal crackers etc.

    Definitely get her to move more. And stop talking about your weight! A 6yo shouldn't have to worry about getting fat, and showing that you are worrying about your weight is a bad example.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Aww. Don't tell her she doesn't want to be like you because kids view themselves as part of their parents. If you say something bad about yourself - she feels bad about herself. At 6yo a little girl wants nothing more in this world than to be exactly like her mama. I'm sure you are a good and wonderful person and mother - that is how your daughter sees you. Soak that up while you got it!!

    IMO some of the discussion about health risks etc. are developmentally over her head anyway. It just seems such a burden for a little kid to worry about those things. At 6yo I had conversations with my kids about growing foods versus empty foods. Growing foods were broken down into things that they used for energy, muscles, and brain power. Empty foods tasted good but didn't do anything so were OK sometimes but growing food was most important. I control what I bring into the house and I control what they eat. Some families snack and some do not (or limit them to certain times etc.) and either way is fine I think but my family snacks. If they get an option they don't have to work out whether to choose from the growing food versus empty food snack - they just get to decide between to growing food snacks I present. We do snack on plenty of empty foods at my house but not until they have eaten their meals or had enough growing food for the day. If they require a snack before supper - it is always veggies.

    If you feel the snacking/eating is not driven by hunger you could suggest that you go for a walk together, play a card quick card game, etc. etc. instead of a snack - or before a snack.

    Also - one of the simplest ways to adjust a kids diet is to eliminate juice/pop/sports drinks/koolaid/etc. Milk at specific times of the day and the rest is water. Kids will learn to love water if you do this.

    By sending her money for chips until she declines on her own, or allowing her to choose empty snack foods when she is legitimately hungry - you are putting the responsibility for her nutrition on her 6yo shoulders and hoping she makes a choice you are unable (at this moment) to make for her or yourself. That isn't fair.

    ETA: I"m trying to lose weight and I try so hard to keep that centered around health and the differences of what I need versus what they need. Mine are older now so I talk more about nutrition etc. I exercise now and hope I'm setting a good example in that way too.