Why so much hating on Beachbody coaches?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have wondered the same thing. I love my BB coach, but then she's my cousin, so ...

    BeachBody workouts are awesome! And I love that she always lets me know when there is a sale coming up, even if it is only a Shakeology sale. I don't use Shakeology, but I don't find knowing about a sale on it any more annoying that seeing a sale on bananas, which I also don't eat, in my local paper.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I have done p90x, chalean extreme and started instanity recently. The only crossing path (figure of spech) with these "coaches" is when I search some topics and their message board comes out once in a while..The only impression I had which could be totally biased is it's easy to become one of these coaches....the word "coach" could be the reason of misleadings...
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Because they are not 'coaches' and most are in no way qualified to give nutritional advice nor exercise/fitness advice. Most that have tried to sell me are not trained nor certified in any way to 'coach' anybody on weight loss. Just about every single one I have come across acts like they are actual experts in nutrition and/or weight loss because they sell Shakeology...um WTF.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Honestly, with clients I have, I want to help them. Pure and simple. I don't want to sell you anything.
    "Client" means you have a monetary business agreement with them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Honestly, with clients I have, I want to help them. Pure and simple. I don't want to sell you anything.
    "Client" means you have a monetary business agreement with them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    thank you for the clarification. I often wonder how many "coaches" are on this board as “one of my client" seems one of frequently used terms here. LOL
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    A lot that I've met will say anything to get someone to buy from them. Like I've heard, this can cure (insert illness or diseases here) and this shake will ensure that you don't lose any muscle and will just burn fat.....so besides the ones who lie, there's also some that will harass others relentlessly, and keep sending messages about their products. I just can't stand when someone is trying to use a sales pitch to sell me on something. And I don't just mean beachbody. There's plenty more, especially body by vi
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Slightly off the subject...I didn't realize that was Mark Sisson who was selling the recovery drink at the end of each P90x...LOL
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Because they are not 'coaches' and most are in no way qualified to give nutritional advice nor exercise/fitness advice. Most that have tried to sell me are not trained nor certified in any way to 'coach' anybody on weight loss. Just about every single one I have come across acts like they are actual experts in nutrition and/or weight loss because they sell Shakeology...um WTF.

    And this!!^^^ exactly this!!

    I used to have a friend on here who would post daily crying about not losing, would constantly complain about how she didn't understand what was going on, and would say stuff like, "I think lifting my two pound dumb bells made me more bulky" and then the next day she was suddenly an advocare coach! LOL! The day before she was pleading for help asking questions about what tdee meant, and the next she was "helping" people lose weight! I felt sorry for those who signed up with her!!!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    First of all, this it is not an interrogation. I never have claimed to be a nutritionist, but some BB Coaches are. I don’t claim to be a personal trainer, but some BB Coaches are. Some are doctors. Nurses. School teachers… It’s just about sharing what works for you.

    Think of it this way – your best friend tells you they are doing P90x and it is working. Do they have to be a personal trainer for you to get interested and want to try it? Your neighbor has a garden and you see pumpkins growing. They share a recipe with you and give you a pumpkin. Do they have to be a nutritionist before your can decide if that recipe sounds healthy or like something you would want to eat? It’s work of mouth. It’s like Amazon reviews. You take them with a grain of salt and make your own choices.

    No offense intended, but your analogy is silly. Sharing what works for you as a friend regarding weight loss recipes is not at all the same as selling weight loss and food products. Why? There's the potential for money exchange with the latter. You are selling a product.

    A friend is simply a friend, but a salesperson better darned well have some qualifications behind them. Given that they are selling weight loss products, that salesperson needs to also have some type of degree or certification behind them.

    For example, anybody who weight trains can probably help someone else out. But, to be a trainer at the gym where I go, you have to be fit as a fiddle and have plenty of ongoing training and certifications behind you.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    First of all, this it is not an interrogation. I never have claimed to be a nutritionist, but some BB Coaches are. I don’t claim to be a personal trainer, but some BB Coaches are. Some are doctors. Nurses. School teachers… It’s just about sharing what works for you.

    Think of it this way – your best friend tells you they are doing P90x and it is working. Do they have to be a personal trainer for you to get interested and want to try it? Your neighbor has a garden and you see pumpkins growing. They share a recipe with you and give you a pumpkin. Do they have to be a nutritionist before your can decide if that recipe sounds healthy or like something you would want to eat? It’s work of mouth. It’s like Amazon reviews. You take them with a grain of salt and make your own choices.

    You do realize that the whole Beachbody model is to prey on he ignorance of the masses, right? Just look at their product lines and their dopey coaches who don't know a thing about fitness nor nutrition
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have a great bb coach. He never pushed anything on me. He honestly helped me. He would post stuff on his Facebook page and tell ppl when he had samples but that's about it. He help me even though I couldn't afford the shakes. In 2012 I purchased the Brazil butt lift and I just looked for any coach just to get signed up with. I really didn't care cause I wasn't really Looking for help. Last year he emailed me and asked me to join his group on FB. I made the best decision for myself that day and he's been helping me ever since. Big shout out to coach Todd Warren!!! Their not all bad!!!
    Nobody ever said that any or all BB coaches are bad. That's not even the issue.

    It's clear that whomever is in charge of BB coaches and sales does not required their personnel to have any type of training, certifications, or licensing in proper nutrition and/or proper workout techniques. Anybody can sell the BB products.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If they then gain qualifications in nutrition or exercise, how could they in good conscience continue selling people Beachbody?
  • VelcroButt
    VelcroButt Posts: 34 Member
    I don't have a problem with their DVD's though I do think they're overpriced compared to other programs on the market. I do have a problem with the MLM system in general and especially people calling themselves coaches when they may not know any more about fitness and nutrition than me.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If they then gain qualifications in nutrition or exercise, how could they in good conscience continue selling people Beachbody?

    Because the workouts are awesome! My coach is an ACE certified personal trainer, gym teacher, marathon runner, and is certified to teach both Insanity and Body Pump. And she is incredibly motivating and funny. I'd take her advice on fitness over anyone on MFP.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If they then gain qualifications in nutrition or exercise, how could they in good conscience continue selling people Beachbody?

    Because the workouts are awesome! My coach is an ACE certified personal trainer, gym teacher, marathon runner, and is certified to teach both Insanity and Body Pump. And she is incredibly motivating and funny. I'd take her advice on fitness over anyone on MFP.

    Yeah, I said qualified, not certified. She can deliver verbatim, workouts designed and choreographed by someone else?
    No wonder her nutritional advice also comes prepackaged.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If they then gain qualifications in nutrition or exercise, how could they in good conscience continue selling people Beachbody?

    Because the workouts are awesome! My coach is an ACE certified personal trainer, gym teacher, marathon runner, and is certified to teach both Insanity and Body Pump. And she is incredibly motivating and funny. I'd take her advice on fitness over anyone on MFP.

    Yeah, I said qualified, not certified. She can deliver verbatim, workouts designed and choreographed by someone else?
    No wonder her nutritional advice also comes prepackaged.

    :laugh: Oh, did I hit a nerve?
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    My main issue with some beach body coaches is that it literally takes ZERO expertise to become one. Any old Joe off the street is able to be a BB coach.
    The problem that creates is misinformation. When I started P90X, I had a coach tell me that I shouldn't be taking whey protein supplements because "that is for men who want to be bulky. Not for women."
    And yes, BB coaching is a pyramid scheme but that doesn't mean that people don't get successful. My fiance and I's original BB coaches are extremely successful now, making high in the six digits a year because they have thousands of coaches underneath them.
    They will tell you to get Shakeology because it's how they make money. Is Shakeology bad? No, but it's not necessary and it's expensive.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Because they aren't coaches...they are salesmen.

    ^ This. It is a dishonest and pushy marketing company selling shakes. That is all.

    ^^ This.

    And consistently the people that self-select to do this demonstrate that they know little about nutrition and little about coaching.

    It says: look at me - I'm using this label to give myself a title so you will buy my stuff. There might be a few exceptions and I'm sure those will be posted here but as a whole, it's a group particularly lacking in sense and even a basic understanding of how the MFP community works when they come here to pander their shakes and stuff.

    No, thank you.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I'm sure we wouldn't be having this discussion if BB had not decided to very cleverly name their sales resps 'coaches'. It's marketing gold whoever's idea that was.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    yeah. what they said.

    i put up a workout buddy wanted on craigslist, and the ONLY response i got was from a beachbody coach. i REALLY wanted an actual living breathing person to workout with, not a fb group trying to sell me products.

    i have 2 packs of shakeology in my cabinet from a coach who did not disclose and came TO MY HOUSE under false pretenses (we did workout though) they are about to expire. i was NOT happy.

    Why are the packets still in your house let alone in the cabinet? And once you knew they were Beachbody did you not ask them to leave?