Why so much hating on Beachbody coaches?



  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I've seen a lot of the negative sides of having BB coaches having been a part of Team Beachbody for over a year now. However, I am one of the lucky ones whose coach is a dear friend from college and actually makes fitness part of her life. My coach is an in-home personal trainer, and a strong advocate for health and wellness. I am blessed to have her help me love BB programs. Shakeology is great (though a tad expensive) and I've done several BB programs.

    I have been solicited by other coaches who scour BB website looking for people to "help." I only hope there are more people out there like my coach who are a living example and truly care about their teams.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    are Scentsy pampered chef and Mary Kay pyramid schemes too? I thank The Lord that a coach found me on here. I'm no longer insulin resistant I lost 50 lbs I feel better than ever I never need naps and I just feel light - I realize I always felt so crappy because I wasn't getting vitamins and nutrients and now I do with Shakeology - it's seriously like nothing else - and this is coming from a girl who has tried EVERYTHING.

    Except probably a calorie deficit. You don't need Beachbody or Scentsy or Mary Kay to lose weight. Sure you could have them, but you didn't feel bad because you weren't getting enough nutrients. You were feeling bad cause you had to lose 50 lbs and couldn't. Happy that you did, but you only need one thing to lose weight: a calorie deficit.

    A calorie deficit will NOT help you lose weight. If you're working out, you need to fuel your body and eat back those calories in order for your body to continue burning off fat and gaining muscle. Starving yourself is NOT going to help you lose weight, been there, tried that. The ONLY thing that has worked is eating back the calories when I am working out.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    are Scentsy pampered chef and Mary Kay pyramid schemes too? I thank The Lord that a coach found me on here. I'm no longer insulin resistant I lost 50 lbs I feel better than ever I never need naps and I just feel light - I realize I always felt so crappy because I wasn't getting vitamins and nutrients and now I do with Shakeology - it's seriously like nothing else - and this is coming from a girl who has tried EVERYTHING.

    Except probably a calorie deficit. You don't need Beachbody or Scentsy or Mary Kay to lose weight. Sure you could have them, but you didn't feel bad because you weren't getting enough nutrients. You were feeling bad cause you had to lose 50 lbs and couldn't. Happy that you did, but you only need one thing to lose weight: a calorie deficit.

    A calorie deficit will NOT help you lose weight. If you're working out, you need to fuel your body and eat back those calories in order for your body to continue burning off fat and gaining muscle. Starving yourself is NOT going to help you lose weight, been there, tried that. The ONLY thing that has worked is eating back the calories when I am working out.

    But you would still have to be at a deficit from TDEE to lose weight.

    That or you break the laws of physics... and that makes physics very upset.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,088 Member
    Could somebody explain what the abbreviations MLM. Stand for?
    I get that it is about pyramid selling schemes but what do the letters mean?

    Serious question.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Because a lot of them are very pushy, pretty much. I don't want people to try to sell me stuff.

    I don't like door to door salesmen, telemarketers, Amway and all the rest. Only girl scouts are welcome to try to sell me their wares because... delicious.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    Could somebody explain what the abbreviations MLM. Stand for?
    I get that it is about pyramid selling schemes but what do the letters mean?

    Serious question.

    Multi-Level Marketing
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,088 Member
    Ah, ok - thank you, beachgod
  • giggalz
    giggalz Posts: 54 Member
    generally dislike BB coaches..I do workout to their workout programs....I have bought shakeo (no its not a cure all answer to your weightloss problems like they claim)..MOST have pushed down their sales pitch ..I can post on instagram and hastag and will most likely get some sort of coach asking if i have a coach or to invite me to some challenge etc..I've had two coaches..one didnt care that I wasnt losing weight..the other..really doesnt either..she has tried to get me to buy something a while back and was very pushy..and if i wasnt going to use this gift certificate that I received from purchasing t25 i should gift it to someone else..first off no..this benefits you..and secondly..I paid for the t25 and shakeo didnt deliver results..i'm keeping the gift certificate they can buy it themselves just like i did ...shes on my fb and here and I've asked for help..and shes not bothered (but will be getting rid of her as a coach..no point in it)....shakeo is very expensive..maybe others have this kinda money but owning my own business..i just dont..plus it didnt work..and while i only had the one flavor...i had to as i call it "dr it up" cause drinking it plain was terrible..nothing that expensive and that "good" for you should taste like it needs any doctoring..

    there is a plus and negative that anyone can sign up..but they all seem to think they know what their talking about..and heaven help you if you do not buy into what they tell you...and like most of these BB coaches..they really just dont care about your journey...just as long as you sign up under them to have them as your coach..and buy products under their name..thats all it is to them...I wish there were more that cared about the people and their health and how their doing..etc
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    If they then gain qualifications in nutrition or exercise, how could they in good conscience continue selling people Beachbody?
    This. Someone who's obviously qualified in the instruction of nutrition will be one of the first to tell you NOT to use a "shake" as a meal replacement. Instead, they would instruct one on how to consume food in the right ratio for that person.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Some people would prefer a shake because it's quicker and filling. I know I would and if it helped me, I would recommend it to someone else who was looking for a replacement meal.
    What would really help you is if you learned portion control and what correct macro and micro nutrients you consume for optimal health and performance. A "meal replacement" doesn't teach you that. Which is why many people FAIL once they go off of them. It's like any other diet program from that standpoint.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    A calorie deficit will NOT help you lose weight.
    WUT? There is NO DISPUTE from any journals of medicine or science that a calorie deficit is needed to lose weight. Even people with health issues still need a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Lat1naCurv3s
    Lat1naCurv3s Posts: 10 Member
    I'm not a BB coach but I have a very dear friend who is. She has had an amazing transformation thanks to the BB products. And because she has had great success with using their programs she's very passionate about them. That is what sold me on purchasing through her. She doesn't have to "sell" me anything. She simply posts her personal experience, she creates and invites people to a challenge group (yes, using whatever program is selling that round), she hosts it herself, actively participates and gets everyone fired up over it. She's REAL! I'm the lazy one not her! lol

    Look, people usually scam themselves because nobody is twisting your arm into buying stuff. The first rule to learn about motivation is it starts with YOU... not the shakes and not theDVD's. The BB coach can only do so much and yeah it starts with swiping your credit card (just like the gym, boot-camps, health store and personal trainers take your money too)... so MAKE IT COUNT! They're not all bad people looking to prey on the weak and poor. Some of them really do care.

    As far as the MLM part of the business... I really could care less. A lot of people (not all) unfortunately work for less than they're worth anyways, or they have been at their job for many years and all they get is a lousy plaque when they retire. The one at the top always makes more money, and the only one really making any money are the corporations we work for. When you break it down and really think about it we're all part of some type of scam.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Other reasons to not patronize Beachbody are that when you buy their DVDs they claim you implicitly agree to never sell them. Not copies, your originals. If people put them on ebay, they often threaten to sue.

    Also, I don't like their haggle pricing model. Buy a DVD set from them and then call them and tell them you don't think it's worth the money. They'll ask you if you'll pay half for it.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,088 Member
    The BB coach can only do so much and yeah it starts with swiping your credit card (just like the gym, boot-camps, health store and personal trainers take your money too)... so MAKE IT COUNT! They're not all bad people looking to prey on the weak and poor. Some of them really do care.

    As far as the MLM part of the business... I really could care less. A lot of people (not all) unfortunately work for less than they're worth anyways, or they have been at their job for many years and all they get is a lousy plaque when they retire. The one at the top always makes more money, and the only one really making any money are the corporations we work for. When you break it down and really think about it we're all part of some type of scam.

    I lost weight without paying money to any of the other things you have cited either.
  • ATyghter
    ATyghter Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with a lot of what's been said. I'm not big on 'pyramid schemes' and I don't like when people are pushy about product sales. With that said, I am one of those evil sales person coaches BUT I was a Nutritionist, Phys-Ed Teacher, Former Varsity Volleyball Player, Zumba Instructor and Personal Trainer before I was a coach and all of those things still trump my coach status.

    I joined Beachbody for money pure and simple. There's no shame in it. If I can get paid for helping people lose weight using programs I used then great, if it's not their thing then no worries. I do not however, drink Shakeology or promote it to my clients. I am a nutritionist first and believe in whole real foods! I absolutely loved T25 and my husband who is also a personal trainer trains his clients similarly to the way T25 is laid out so for clients who can't or don't want to be in the gym all of the time, the workouts are a great supplement to an existing program.

    I think it's imperative that people research their Beachbody or any other kind of Health Coach before signing up. I offer my clients educated, researched information to help them reach their goals. If Beachbody fits into their lifestyle bonus but it's not a requirement.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I am not a Beach body coach, I do not have a Beach body coach. I do not drink Shakology. I do have Insanity and T25, and think they are great programs. I just wonder why so many people on here hate on them? If you find something that changes your health, and makes you happy it is natural to want to share that. It doesn't offend me if someone wants to share what has worked for them. I read it if I am interested. or skip over it if not. Seriously wondering if I am missing the reason why there are so many negative comments about BB coaches.

    I like BB programs in that I had some good success with P90 so I have no issue with their product in terms of actual fitness routines. I don't bother with any of their supplements though.

    As to why people "hate on" BB coaches its because they are paid a commission for selling BB products. So they are "hated" in the same way a car salesman is "hated". It is hard to trust that someone who stands to profit from a sale of a product is unbiased about that product.

    A BB coach who has a basement full of Shakeology to offload has a pretty good reason to oversell the miracle abilities of Shakeology.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I agree with a lot of what's been said. I'm not big on 'pyramid schemes' and I don't like when people are pushy about product sales. With that said, I am one of those evil sales person coaches BUT I was a Nutritionist, Phys-Ed Teacher, Former Varsity Volleyball Player, Zumba Instructor and Personal Trainer before I was a coach and all of those things still trump my coach status.

    I joined Beachbody for money pure and simple. There's no shame in it. If I can get paid for helping people lose weight using programs I used then great, if it's not their thing then no worries. I do not however, drink Shakeology or promote it to my clients. I am a nutritionist first and believe in whole real foods! I absolutely loved T25 and my husband who is also a personal trainer trains his clients similarly to the way T25 is laid out so for clients who can't or don't want to be in the gym all of the time, the workouts are a great supplement to an existing program.

    I think it's imperative that people research their Beachbody or any other kind of Health Coach before signing up. I offer my clients educated, researched information to help them reach their goals. If Beachbody fits into their lifestyle bonus but it's not a requirement.
    If there were more coaches like you, then I'm more than sure they would be less dissatisfaction with BB coaches.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • maggierocks1
    Nobody just wants to help you for free. It's sad so many people fall for that. Doctors go to8Plus years of medical school to help people, at least they have some training before they bill you.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Why do I hate them, how much time you got? I despise multilevel marketing (pyramid schemes) whether fitness related or not. First of all, they aren't coaches, they are salesmen. They sell an EXTREMELY overpriced product. They make it seem like their product is responsible for weight loss when in reality the diet you eat along with their product is responsible for results. There shakes aren't special and they make them sound like they are the nectar of the gods. It's just a protein shake with some vitamins. You can say that in a much fancier way (and they do) but that's all it is. The preach fitness myths that encourage use of their product like breakfast is the most important meal (drink a shake for breakfast) and you need to eat 6 meals a day (because you won't cook 6 meals and you'll drink a shake). They love to brag about how rewarding it is to help people. If it's that rewarding, do it for free. The fact of the matter is that you can get extremely fit for nothing more then the cost of food (which you're going to buy anyway) and a gym membership. If you assume a gym membership is 30 bucks a month, it seems like a steal compared to buying expensive shakes and dvd's that don't come close to the level of training that can be achieved with a proper set of dumbbells and barbells.