rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • accebersmith
    accebersmith Posts: 96 Member
    My (former) mother-in-law once took me to see "Les Miserables," Broadway cast and all, and I was so excited, until we were in the restroom during intermission and she complimented my outfit. It looked really great on me, she said, "because, you know, you *are* a little bit 'hippy'."

  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    Back in 2011, my aunt told me in front of everyone in my family 'Make sure you don't get to the size of a range rover when I come back from holiday' I was shocked and so embarrassed but my parents stood up by me and gave her a good reply. I cried so much that day and I was 18 years old.

    Her hurtful comment changed my life as I decided that I'm gonna lose weight and get serious about it. So I successfully lost 80 lbs upto now. Now when she sees me, she says that I'm getting too skinny. Oh well what can I say? You can never please society.
  • Miss_TeaPot
    Miss_TeaPot Posts: 55 Member
    Hmm, well, I think the worst was from my step-father. When I was a kid I was crying and he said "That's all you do! All you can do is sit on your fat-a** and cry!" I was ten at the time.

    When I was eight and had a million ideas about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I was going down a list and it was random nonsense that ranged from doctor to ballet dancer and he told me that I couldn't do anything unless I dropped some weight.
  • joecmoore1
    joecmoore1 Posts: 87 Member
    how much do you have to loose?..

    honestly i want to lose like 40 lbs. I recently lost 35 lbs 2 years ago but slowly gained it back ever since i moved here. I'm used to city living. I live in the country where there are not too many designated spots to workout unless you drive some place.

    I live in the country as well and find it difficult to run/walk when the weather is crappy. But...when its decent...I love it. I have miles and miles of countryside to look at and don't have to worry too much about traffic or people. etc. Use what you have. Be creative and improvise. I love the episode of the biggest loser where Jillian goes home with the guy from Missouri and they work out in a barn throw around bales of hay and drag old truck tires, jump on fences, etc. Anything can be workout equipment if you look at it in a different way.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 285 Member
    I ran into a ex of 10 years out at a bar and when I saw him he introduced me to his friend. When I walked off I heard him say , dude I dated her when she was hot and skinny ... REALLY lol.

    Funny ones: My 5 yr old son told me mom I found some sunglasses I think there yours. I said no those are guy sunglasses I like the bigger, round glasses. He said mom when your face was skinny they would of fit you lol. Best one ever: Mom your so lucky your butt is so big because you never fall in the toilet.... I love my little big mouth kid lol
  • pattycakes80
    pattycakes80 Posts: 118 Member
    I was asked once on the train how long was I on my pregnancy :( I wanted to die, but I lied I said 5, I was not going to let the woman humiliate me in front of others.

    I've never asked a woman that question but I have been present for that awkward moment and it was super awkward, for lack of a better description. I now employ the rule that i only ask when a woman is due if she is on the table with her feet up and the doctor yelling push. Even then i will ask a nurse in the room to make sure she's not passing a kidney stone.

    ha! good man.
  • quirkysterks
    I used to be 355... and when I started working out, I would get stares from people at the gym.

    Once, when I was doing a core workout, I had a trainer come over and stare at me, arms crossed, hip cocked to one side.

    After watching me for a few minutes, she responded with "Wow, you must have some muscle under there somewhere."

    She then offered to train me. I declined. Hmmm, I wonder why?
  • MsTT80
    MsTT80 Posts: 59 Member
    My Mum, when introducing me to some relatives I have not seen since I was 2 said "This is Rebecca, she is a lot bigger since the last time you saw her" Innocent? Maybe, but she is always having a go at me for my weight gain despite it being due to steroids!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    The rudest thing anyone ever said to me about my weight was, "You really should start focusing on your weight. You've been gaining lately I noticed and I can't even lend you most of my clothes!" From a friend. Who she and I used to lend each other clothes a lot when we were young. Fashion was a great motivator. So was her friendship. I ended up losing weight, so I guess the rudeness was an eye opener for me.
  • miniimuscles
    miniimuscles Posts: 89 Member
    Before I lost weight, when I was in India for work, someone asked me what had happened to me since a picture they had seen and why had I gotten fat. Then another told me my husband was much better looking than I was. The most offensive comments though came when I lost weight...

    All in one day I heard...

    "Go eat a cheeseburger"


    And my personal favorite shouted in a quite office building for everyone to hear... "Doesn't your husband want something to hold on to?"
  • eattilldie
    eattilldie Posts: 10 Member
    i always been feeling guilty for my weight .my friends constantly fr 2 yrs ragged me fr bieng father z still abusive.and my mother was always a insensitive bringing up was hard so i developed ED.and now i come to knw that i hve pcos which was sabotaging my evry effort fr lossing weight.but i still hope for a better life as i m now self concious and i knw wat is best fr me.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I was shopping with a naturally very, very slim and petite friend, cute and blond and almost fairy-like in her delicacy. A couple of teenagers started making not-so-quiet comments about her size. I turned to them and loudly said, smiling all the time, "Yeah can you believe she used to be my size? Until the chemo." They couldn't leave fast enough. I'm kind of a B**** that way. :devil:

    My husband's test wife, always polite to my face, apparently had a pet name for me at home: The Fat F***. This from a woman that was also quite hefty herself, maybe not as big as I was, but definitely not in a position to be throwing cracks like that around. Whatever. She was at her worst when she managed to lose about 30 pounds, but now it's back with interest. I make no apologies for being meanly glad about that. (See the part above re: me being a B**** that way.) :devil:
  • edisonsbulb
    edisonsbulb Posts: 93 Member
    No one's ever said anything rude about my weight. At least not to my face. Which would have been a wise stragey for them.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    my ex-husband (still, 11 years later) makes comments about my belly, pokes me as if i'm the pillsbury dough boy, tells me i have a j-lo booty (is that a good thing? i have no idea)

    my dad would make comments on how i was getting a belly. in his defense, he only saw me 2 or 3 times after i had my 1st kid (lived across the country) and i've known for years he had no filter. i gave it right back to him too.

    the people who have NEVER made a nasty comment: my sister, my nieces, my hubby, and most of my friends. one friend, who is heavier than i am has made comments about "yeah right" when i said i would need a smaller dress for her wedding. but that comes from a place deep within herself of many years of trying and failing and jealousy, and i forgave her before she even knew what she had said.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    This thread has gotten funny.

    If someone asked me if I were pregnant I would NEVER lie and say I'm this many months. Am I the only one who thinks that's kind of an odd way to handle it?
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    This thread has gotten funny.

    If someone asked me if I were pregnant I would NEVER lie and say I'm this many months. Am I the only one who thinks that's kind of an odd way to handle it?

    It was just kind of a knee-jerk reaction. When people ask that I don't think most of them are intentionally being rude, just a little clueless. (Hey, they could have said, wow are you fat!) In my first case, she was the sweetest little old lady in the world... I didn't have the heart to embarrass her.

    The other time it was a sweet young girl with some developmental delays, and no filter. And lets face it- I'm pretty big. But I didn't lie and cover that time; I just nicely replied in the negative. Her Dad was so embarrassed I actually felt sorry for him.
  • boombalatty123
    boombalatty123 Posts: 116 Member
    I was talking with a male friend and he mentioned that my ex was dating someone new. He said it was really weird, because she was "exactly like you, except thin." :huh:
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    I was talking with a male friend and he mentioned that my ex was dating someone new. He said it was really weird, because she was "exactly like you, except thin." :huh:

    My jaw just dropped. Wow.
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    my husband would see me changing and look at my fat post-partum stomach like i was some kind of freak show. but when i came to mfp for weight loss recommended by my doctor all he had was snide remarks. then he would start buying all these desserts and other junk foods, for me, "because i know they're your favorite. ^_^ " as if to be sweet, even though i specifically asked him not to. then tonight he belittled my efforts in front of his entire family.

    i think it's easier to shrug off someone's words, and move on with your goals, than it is their actions.
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    There have been so many comments that I can't remember-- and I'm not that old! However, I will NEVER forget my response to some rude behavior I was subjected to while shopping one day. I was looking at some shoes when I heard giggling. I looked up and saw three 18 year-old, thin girls. They were having a field day at my expense, laughing and actually pointing at me, making "fat" gestures with their hands. I've never been one to take crap from people, so when two of them walked away,I saw my opportunity. I approached the third girl, smiled my evil grin, and quietly said to her, "You might think it's funny now, but you're going to look like just like me in 20 years." I had to turn away quickly so I didn't ruin the moment by laughing. The look on her face was priceless! And I hope she DID get fat! She was old enough to know better, and people who make fun like that are dirtbags (to put it mildly).