MFP old-timer gaining and in need of fresh inspiration



  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    If you enjoyed the exercise, perhaps spending the time doing that will make you feel energized enough that you'll think twice before cancelling out the calories you burned by eating cookies. I know when I'm exercising, I feel more stingy about eating junk because I think about how long I'd have to exercise to burn it off!
    I've brought my running kit to work today, together with a jacket and hat so no excuses if it's raining!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    So I put it out there to my MFP friends list that for the next month I was going to log every single thing I ate and close my diary even if it was bad.
    Consider it put out there!
    I love to exercise but I love to eat more. Now I'm taking it one day at a time and focusing on logging everything. Then I will add in something else. You know how to do it, you just have to recommit to yourself. Good luck!
    Same here, and perfect approach, thanks!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    1. I love to run and being heavy interferes with my running
    2. I love clothes and I find clothes I like better when I'm not so heavy
    3. I love sex (Geez, did I say that outloud??!!!)
    Hehehe, me too! I love wine and beer too, but those I think I'll keep for the weekend. I might drop beer altogether - refreshing though it is, you get far more "bang for your buck" (both calorie and cash wise) with wine.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    1. Plan your food for the day and log first thing in the morning
    2. Don't forego all the'll just end up craving them more. Either factor them in or use your exercise calories as treat exercise, no treats!
    3. Berry's in-tray = Berry's treats....fill it with healthy stuff just for you (unsalted nuts, fruit, veg etc), and you alone. And tell everyone else to keep their cotton-pickin', filthy mitts off!
    4. Are you friendly with any of the trainers at the gym? I have at least 2 trainers from our gym who are also friends with me on MFP. They never actually comment on my diary, but the fact that they might sneak a peek every so often is enough to make me more conscious of what I'm eating.
    5. Hang that outfit from your profile pic somewhere where you can see it for motivation........and stick a 'fat Berry' pic (if you have one) on the fridge.
    6. Drink.....but not too much of the falling-down stuff! Water & herbal tea are good for you. The more you drink, the more you need to wee......a win, win situation, especially if you have to run upstairs to get to the loo!

    I was set a challenge at the beginning of January by my (then) personal trainer to stick to 3 meals a day, eating whatever I want for those meals, but to cut out snacks. At first I thought it would be impossible.....snacks, as we all know, are better than proper meals :wink: Believe me, it got easier, even though there are the occasional times when I lapse. I cook different meals for myself (I don't do meat, but live with carnivores), so I can have whatever I like. They've got the message now.....for example, they regularly have dessert late in the evening - but they don't even ask me now if I want any. Since 4th January, I've gone from 144.1 down to 129.7 - in the space of 13 average of just over a pound a week. Nobody says it has to be quick :smile:

    Remember.......all your friends at MFP are here cheering you on!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Wow, that's awesome, well done Sue! Actually, I do have a personal trainer friend at the gym, Jane who's the same age as me and an incredible runner. She runs the Sunday running club, which I should do more regularly, even though it's way too hard and fast at the moment and leaves me half-dead! In fact, I should just go to the gym more to be around inspirational fit people. Plus once I'm there, I might as well do a full hour, rather than, say, a 15-minute workout DVD, or 18 minutes on the bike because that's all the time I have before dinner's ready! I haven't been for over a week, actually.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    And I have my running kit at work today for a lunchtime plod. With jacket and hat so no excuses if it's raining. :flowerforyou:
  • charissh
    charissh Posts: 91 Member
    I think all the advice so far has been good :) but when I read your post, my first instinct was this person needs some tough love! If you have all the tools, the goals, and the know-how - then it's all up to you to just go and get it! Stop using a lack of motivation as an excuse to be lazy - don't overthink it, just get up and do it :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I think all the advice so far has been good :) but when I read your post, my first instinct was this person needs some tough love! If you have all the tools, the goals, and the know-how - then it's all up to you to just go and get it! Stop using a lack of motivation as an excuse to be lazy - don't overthink it, just get up and do it :)
    Thanks, you're so right! As Nike never quite said, just flippin' do it!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    And I have my running kit at work today for a lunchtime plod. With jacket and hat so no excuses if it's raining. :flowerforyou:

    Wahaay good woman!

    last night I did my first fitnessblender workout in aaages and nearly vomited, crazy how unfit I got in such a short amount of time. I feel I'm getting back on the wagon now, even declined a fresh croissant this morning in work, hope you are getting back on too!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I runned! I look and feel like I'm about to explode, but I did it. Got a long way to go, but that was my first step (or first 5,000 or so, thanks FitBit!)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    last night I did my first fitnessblender workout in aaages and nearly vomited, crazy how unfit I got in such a short amount of time. I feel I'm getting back on the wagon now, even declined a fresh croissant this morning in work, hope you are getting back on too!
    I've been meaning to try fitnessblender. Any workout of theirs you'd particularly recommend?
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I love FB, have bookmarked a few brilliant ones, will post them when I'm at home later. This is the one I did last night:

    Well done on your run and thanks for adding me!
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    You MUST watch this video!! I think it will answer your questions. I am going through a similar hard time as you describe, and someone on another thread linked to this HBO video. It explained the problem, totally. The body will fight us tooth and nail to get back to fat. It's a hormone/chemical/brain-body thing and it's not our fault. It's not from laziness or weakness or lack of will power. It's because we lost weight and the body wants that weight back. The only way to win is to fight like our life depends on it. Make a plan, stick with it, get support, and never stop logging!! I logged in today, although I can't be sure that I'm ready and willing to be completely honest with the amounts that I consumed, but at least I logged in today! You can friend me if you want support and have time to support me. I really need support, too. :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Oh God, I felt like dying after running yesterday! People at work kept asking if I was OK! It can only get easier from here. Woke up early and went for a swim. I think keeping up the momentum is important for me.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Definitely! If I skip my exercise for 3 days, before I know it it's 3 weeks... Good luck on the muscle ache, I'm suffering myself here as well, but I don't mind.

    Sorry I meant to give you some fitnessblender links, totally forgot. I actually have a quite a few favourites, will just give you a random selection. What I like about the site, is that you can search on time, on type of workout, on level, well anything really.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Wow, this post is exactly me. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. :flowerforyou: I also need help :flowerforyou:

    I will be 46 in June.
    When I joined MFP in 2009, I lost 35 pounds and kept if off for 3 years. Until, I met the MAN OF MY LIFE. :blushing: :happy:
    Started at 180 - 35 = 145 :drinker: I was so happy there. :love:

    Today, I weighed in at 167. :noway: :grumble: :explode: :sad: :cry: Only 13 pounds away. :sick:

    Last week, I found a spreadsheet I used in 2009, in addition to MFP.

    Back then, I tracked my deficit, calories eaten, calories burned, the exercise I did that day. This helped me see my actual deficit daily. Back then, I was exercising up to 6 hours a week, sometimes 7, and I LOVED IT. I would ride my bike to the gym, do back-to-back group classes, Rollerblade for miles and miles, do Home workouts on days I couldn't get out. I was also part of a Thread on the Motivation Forum, where myself and 2 other ladies (Sanifrey & Amanda :smooched: ) checked in Daily (except weekends) just to tell each other what we did or didn't do (accountability).

    I've tried really, really Hard to get back to where I was. I don't have the energy or motivation this time. However, when I try to get back to the exercise I did back then. It seems so Overwhelming. I even get anxious, when it's time to go to the gym. :huh: I still manage to average at least 3 hours a week of strength and cardio combined, but my cravings devour my deficit. :cry:

    I recently went to my GYN, hoping she would tell me I'm Menopausal, :laugh: just so I can have something to "blame it on", but she said "not yet, Only peri." :indifferent:
    She suggested I take BC pills to help regulate my hormones and maybe that will help me with getting a handle on my weight gain and emotions. :wink: It's only been 10 days since taking the pill, so nothing yet. Dr. said it will take about 3 months to begin noticing changes or lack there of. :grumble:

    I truly believe Peri-Menopause is one of the major reasons the things i did before don't work anymore. Only when I went extreme (NO SUGAR, NO RICE, NO STARCHES) did i see a loss. However, it came back on fast, as soon as I began to eat those things again. :grumble:

    I've decided not to beat myself up too much and keep myself moving, Stay consistent with exercise, and love myself more. :heart: I will find my way back to 145, eventually, but hating myself won't help me get there. :wink: I know I will find that motivation again, just like I did back in 2009, when I WANTED IT BAD ENOUGH. I feel, as long as I keep the habit of exercise and counting calories, I won't be too far from reaching my goal. Which is now to lose body fat instead of weight. :wink:

    I'm not much of an inspiration, sorry. I just felt the need to add my story, because it felt nice to know I'm not alone. :flowerforyou:

    Best of luck to you all :flowerforyou:
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Motivation is tough! But just try to remember that you CAN do this. Proof is there - you've done this in the past, therefore why doubt your future success? What helped to motivate you before?

    There are a couple things you could try to Re: snacking....

    1) PRE- log your day so that you fit the snacks into your calorie allotment and sacrifice some other stuff


    2) stop buying snacks for a month or so - sometimes we just need to shake it out of our system for a bit. Spring and summer might help - fresh fruit and veggies - perfect outdoor running. These things may help.

    Just find something about this lifestyle that you can hang on to and use it to fuel your determination!

    Good luck! You can do it!!! :)

    This!! ^^
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Why are you unmotivated to stay under?
    I don't know, ... The unplanned snacks are what colleagues bring in...

    Knowing is really important or I think you will do it again. It would be worthwhile to think on it for a few days or a week, and figure out the events or new habits that caused the change.