4/20 Easter



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I think even a ticket is absurd. For being in possession of dried flowers that contain the power to heal and bring your body into homeostasis?

    Some people think the war against cannabis is wrong. Personally, I think it's a crime against humanity, especially for people who truly need it. We had a town hall meeting with our state rep last Saturday, who is in favor of ending prohibition. He stated that everyone in the Capitol knows that prohibition isn't working, but they are scared of losing their reelection funds from the corporations who put them in office. "We the People" is gone. The corporations run things, and the Supreme Court declared corporations to have the rights that only We, the People, should retain. It's not a "war on drugs," it's a war on people. :explode:
    I appreciate someone on this site knowing all of that. It seems that so many of this site are the "Accept what is told to me without question" type. I have nothing to say, other than thank you for actually paying attention to this world. There are so many that don't. Too many.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think even a ticket is absurd. For being in possession of dried flowers that contain the power to heal and bring your body into homeostasis?

    Some people think the war against cannabis is wrong. Personally, I think it's a crime against humanity, especially for people who truly need it. We had a town hall meeting with our state rep last Saturday, who is in favor of ending prohibition. He stated that everyone in the Capitol knows that prohibition isn't working, but they are scared of losing their reelection funds from the corporations who put them in office. "We the People" is gone. The corporations run things, and the Supreme Court declared corporations to have the rights that only We, the People, should retain. It's not a "war on drugs," it's a war on people. :explode:
    I appreciate someone on this site knowing all of that. It seems that so many of this site are the "Accept what is told to me without question" type. I have nothing to say, other than thank you for actually paying attention to this world. There are so many that don't. Too many.

    The prohibition issue hit me as a freshman in high school. I was on the debate team, and the topic was overcrowded prisons and jails. I learned a lot that year and had never even seen "drugs" before in my life. Then I tried it in college and was like, "THOSE EFFIN' LIARS!" :laugh: Then, I met my husband who has Crohn's disease. Cannabis literally saved his life when he was dying in a hospital in 1976. We met in 1993, not long before Prop 215 passed in CA. My husband is the reason that I am not afraid to stand up for truth.

    Keep on keepin' on! :smokin:
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member


  • daviddjhonna

    I just choked on my water when I saw this one. I gotta copy this pic!
  • daviddjhonna
    I just thought about it.... this will probably be the first time in years my father will celebrate easter and not feel like its an obligation. LOL
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I very much dislike Easter but I can get behind this ahhhhh yaaaasss

  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    The prohibition issue hit me as a freshman in high school. I was on the debate team, and the topic was overcrowded prisons and jails. I learned a lot that year and had never even seen "drugs" before in my life. Then I tried it in college and was like, "THOSE EFFIN' LIARS!" :laugh: Then, I met my husband who has Crohn's disease. Cannabis literally saved his life when he was dying in a hospital in 1976. We met in 1993, not long before Prop 215 passed in CA. My husband is the reason that I am not afraid to stand up for truth.

    Keep on keepin' on! :smokin:
    Right on! New found respect for ya. I feel the need to stand for truth, even if i stand alone.

    I felt like the guy in this video when i first started standing for truth. People are coming around, now.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    This thread is pure awesome :smile:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The prohibition issue hit me as a freshman in high school. I was on the debate team, and the topic was overcrowded prisons and jails. I learned a lot that year and had never even seen "drugs" before in my life. Then I tried it in college and was like, "THOSE EFFIN' LIARS!" :laugh: Then, I met my husband who has Crohn's disease. Cannabis literally saved his life when he was dying in a hospital in 1976. We met in 1993, not long before Prop 215 passed in CA. My husband is the reason that I am not afraid to stand up for truth.

    Keep on keepin' on! :smokin:
    Right on! New found respect for ya. I feel the need to stand for truth, even if i stand alone.

    I felt like the guy in this video when i first started standing for truth. People are coming around, now.

    Yes! Exactly!

    I told you they have FB blocked, but I remembered that we can access YouTube. Here is the video slideshow from the march we did in 2012. 10 seconds in, you'll find a picture of all the patients associated with our group. The guy in the front and center with the red shirt that says "medicinal" is my husband. The next photo is of me, carrying our banner. (before I lost all this weight, in fact all the walking I did was part of my initial motivation...I was worn slick!) Then you'll find my husband again, right after a pic of our kiddos with their signs.

    The background song is Cypress Hill's "Rise Like Smoke."

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I just thought about it.... this will probably be the first time in years my father will celebrate easter and not feel like its an obligation. LOL

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Just another Sunday to us heathens.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Just another Sunday to us heathens.

    Please tell me you are at least going to take advantage of the grocery sales and have ham on that day! :laugh:

    Glazed ham cooking all morning is too good to pass up, heathen or not! :devil:
  • sugarstrawberries
    sugarstrawberries Posts: 140 Member
    I always have some hits from the ol' water pipe for Jesus every Sunday.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I always have some hits from the ol' water pipe for Jesus every Sunday.

    Love those guys! :laugh:

  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    make thier own value judgments...throwing people who are essentially ill into jail.

    I think even a ticket is absurd. For being in possession of dried flowers that contain the power to heal and bring your body into homeostasis?

    Some people think the war against cannabis is wrong. Personally, I think it's a crime against humanity, especially for people who truly need it. *sigh*

    i :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: u
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Animal protein= bad

    Weed= good?

    CONCLUSION: Our primary finding provides initial longitudinal evidence that cannabis use might elevate the risk of lung cancer. In light of the widespread use of marijuana, especially among adolescents and young adults, our study provides important data for informing the risk-benefit calculus of marijuana smoking in medical, public-health, and drug-policy settings
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Animal protein= bad

    Weed= good?

    CONCLUSION: Our primary finding provides initial longitudinal evidence that cannabis use might elevate the risk of lung cancer. In light of the widespread use of marijuana, especially among adolescents and young adults, our study provides important data for informing the risk-benefit calculus of marijuana smoking in medical, public-health, and drug-policy settings

    Animal protein is yummy.

    And cannabis heals cancer:

    CBD (cannabidiol) in cannabis has apoptotic effects. That is, it instructs cancerous cells to die while leaving the healthy cells intact. The problem with the study you've cited is that it didn't take anything else into account. (tobacco use, etc.)



    So while correlation does not equal causation, if it were true that cannabis caused lung cancer, then the solution is to use a strain that has adequate CBD to heal the lungs. (and/or vape it, eat it, etc.) Smoking it is unnecessary.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Animal protein= bad

    Weed= good?

    CONCLUSION: Our primary finding provides initial longitudinal evidence that cannabis use might elevate the risk of lung cancer. In light of the widespread use of marijuana, especially among adolescents and young adults, our study provides important data for informing the risk-benefit calculus of marijuana smoking in medical, public-health, and drug-policy settings

    That's why there are edibles and tinctures. No one has to smoke it anymore.

    My best friend's son has severe cerebral palsy and has been on excessive amounts of valium, baclofen and other muscle relaxers and pain meds for quite some time. They leave him mostly catatonic and unable to eat (he has a g tube but she does not want him only relying on a liquid diet. A few months ago, when he turned 20, she finally got him his medical card. She has since been able to cut back on his narcotics, making him much more responsive. He will eat more real food, sleeps better at night, and is generally much more like himself than he has been in the past 2 years. He may not have a very long life expectancy, but his quality of life has greatly improved. He has been able to start attending his recreational camps more regularly which also improves his quality of life. All it took was a few drops on his tongue and an occasional cannabis soda. It took her a long time to decide on the MMJ because of the social stigma. She is the best mother I have ever known (she's actually his stepmother but has cared for him like her own since she was 19).

    I'm sorry, but one little blurb from a research article does nothing to diminish the amazing medical properties of marijuana. Besides, everyone knows smoking is unhealthy.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member

    I just choked on my water when I saw this one. I gotta copy this pic!

    One of the funniest gif's ever.