Bye Bye Poo



  • kmclauchlanquinn
    kmclauchlanquinn Posts: 31 Member
    When you juice, the fruits and greens loses it fiber content sadly :(

    You could add real fruits to your daily diet, if you can't eat them whole, blend it. Lots of water, and you can try smooth move laxative tea for occasional contispation to get things moving - its not a pleasant smelling tea, I would tell that for sure, you can add a tsp of honey if you would like, but it doesn't give a blowout in the morning, just eases the inside and gets it going :)

    I think you misread: the OP speaks of smoothies not juices; hence all fibre remains.
  • dweat62
    dweat62 Posts: 12 Member
    my intestines is good
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    It was probably caused by her intestines not having to work to break down food for ten days and then BAM! Back to a solid food diet out of nowhere.
    If you do a liquid/juice cleanse, detox, whatever, go back to a normal diet slowly by adding one solid meal every few days back into your diet or else your intestines will not know what to do when it has solid food in it and result in constipation.

    Better yet: don't bother with "cleanses". Your organs cleanse your body.
  • kmclauchlanquinn
    kmclauchlanquinn Posts: 31 Member
    Yeah 3g per 100g Serving. 3g is a joke.

    Yeah, I guess so. I am vegetarian and I get most of my protein from legumes and beans and low fat dairy. But every bit helps. I reach my protein requirements most days and I don't have huge amoyunts of dairy - just 1.1 % milk in my coffee and cottage cheese in my salads mostly
  • kmclauchlanquinn
    kmclauchlanquinn Posts: 31 Member
    But when it is blended up into oblivion, the intestines don't have to work nearly as hard so they basically forget how to digest.

    I'm not a doctor or anything, but if you have sentient intestines you should prolly get that looked at. Or at least monitored. For science.

    hehe :)
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Either take higher doses of Vitamin C for a bit, or Magnesium.
  • kmclauchlanquinn
    kmclauchlanquinn Posts: 31 Member
    Jeez there are some judgey people here...and not necessarily informed ones. A green smoothie IS food. For example, a green smoothie may contain: lots of spinach and kale, pineapple, berries, cucumber, nuts and seeds, coconut water etc...How is this not food? Full of fibre, vitamins and protein.

    coconut water counts as real food?

    IMO "real food" is something that is solid and you chew….

    apart from coconut water, what else is not food. You do know the difference between smoothie and juice? Don't be embarrassed if you don't. With a smoothie, you still masticate and the whole food is included.

    if is blended and you drink then it is not real food in my book …

    but I am glad the smoothies are working for you ...

    Well, it's just somantics then. :)
  • csontos
    csontos Posts: 76 Member
    Eat a whole entire box of fiber one bars. Did that once. Was stuck on the toilet for about 12 hours. However, they were delicious.
  • How I deal with constipation:

    1) High fiber that you get from eating apples and raw vegetables (salad)
    2) Drink a LOT of water
    3) Cardio
    4) Sparkling water with lemon in it

    = po0p happens
  • kmclauchlanquinn
    kmclauchlanquinn Posts: 31 Member
    Eat a whole entire box of fiber one bars. Did that once. Was stuck on the toilet for about 12 hours. However, they were delicious.

  • kmclauchlanquinn
    kmclauchlanquinn Posts: 31 Member
    Fruit, vegetables, water...yep...or more green smoothies :)
  • zaellany
    zaellany Posts: 57 Member
    Never done a "juice cleanse" but I have IBS-C so I know a lot about being bound that it really is incredibly uncomfortable/painful after awhile.

    - Fish oil is your friend - two to three caps (yes, I know it's a lot) taken before bed will usually get me unstopped by morning.
    - Prune juice also works if you can stomach the taste (I can't). Ditto Metamucil.
    - Do not combine fish oil with prune juice or Metamucil unless things are really dire, and you can take the next day off work. Upside, you will not be constipated for a LONG time afterward.
    - Another pro tip, don't take a lot of fish oil/drink prune juice or Metamucil and then go to the gym. Go to the gym, THEN apply colon unblocking agents.
    - If you prefer more indirect treatment, my go-to combo meal is a large quantity of lightly steamed broccoli, a baked sweet potato (I eat the skin), and some grilled get lots o' fiber and fish oil all in one meal.
    - Lay completely off the dairy, peanut butter, and low-fiber carbs until things start moving.

    If you're experiencing constipation very frequently along with abdominal pain, you may have IBS, or something more serious. It would be good to go talk to a doctor if your symptoms continue despite diet/exercise changes. Hope you feel better.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Surprised these haven't shown up yet, here you go OP, 100% guaranteed to get you moving!


    you can read some truly wonderful user reviews here if you have any doubts about efficacy:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you dramatically increased your fiber, that could have caused your constipation.

    Make a smoothie with a banana and some chia seeds blended in. Have a strong cup of black coffee with it. Bonus points for munching on some grapes along with this. Exercise (cardio, squats.)

    If this doesn't work, try some Miralax before using more harsh laxatives.

    Always increase fiber slowly.
  • zaellany
    zaellany Posts: 57 Member
    Surprised these haven't shown up yet, here you go OP, 100% guaranteed to get you moving!


    you can read some truly wonderful user reviews here if you have any doubts about efficacy:

    I keep meaning to order some of these
  • dweat62
    dweat62 Posts: 12 Member
    I understand. I was vegan for two years. It was quite difficult getting 190g protein each day.
  • McCrabby
    McCrabby Posts: 77 Member
    Surprised these haven't shown up yet, here you go OP, 100% guaranteed to get you moving!


    you can read some truly wonderful user reviews here if you have any doubts about efficacy:

    You beat me to it! I was also surprised it wasn't mentioned earlier.
  • sweetstarfruit
    sweetstarfruit Posts: 7 Member
    Instead of a laxative, you could try Miralax (or purelax, clearlax, whatever they have at your closest drugstore). It's safe enough to use everyday for long periods of time and helps regulate bowel movements. I asked my doctor about it and if it ruins your intestines the way taking too many laxatives does and she said it's perfectly safe to use daily for as long as you need it.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    One avocado, one Ole xtreme wellness tortilla, and a glass of dark black coffee, and I am good to go. Try that. It's like eating a tasty laxative.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Steak, a large Lobster, and a glass of red wine. Does it to me every time.