


  • Addictedtodamon
    I was counting my calories on here. adding what I ate morning noon and night. But I guess it wasn't enough
    your public food diary begs to differ.

    yes becasue I haven't been logging all of my foods lately.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Start here:

    - Get a food scale. (they are cheap)
    - Log accurately

    Then see what you are *really* eating.

    And if you decrease intake you will lose weight - you are asking a health question. 800 calories is not healthy or sustainable. If you simply want to know if you'll lose weight eating that little? The answer is yes. You will also lose hair, muscle, lack energy and the ability to see straight (eventually).

    If you really want to do it right. Wieigh and log your food accurately. everything. Even when you lick the spoon or eat that one stray peanut. Then people can actually help you.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I was counting my calories on here. adding what I ate morning noon and night. But I guess it wasn't enough
    your public food diary begs to differ.

    yes becasue I haven't been logging all of my foods lately.
    so how do you know how much you're eating?

    that's the point. you aren't logging regularly. you aren't logging ACCURATELY
  • Addictedtodamon
    Start here:

    - Get a food scale. (they are cheap)
    - Log accurately

    Then see what you are *really* eating.

    And if you decrease intake you will lose weight - you are asking a health question. 800 calories is not healthy or sustainable. If you simply want to know if you'll lose weight eating that little? The answer is yes. You will also lose hair, muscle, lack energy and the ability to see straight (eventually).

    If you really want to do it right. Wieigh and log your food accurately. everything. Even when you lick the spoon or eat that one stray peanut. Then people can actually help you.

    thanks I will.
  • Addictedtodamon
    is it true that you can eat what ever you want but small portions of it?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    is it true that you can eat what ever you want but small portions of it?

    Eat what you want but stay within your calorie goal. (Unless you have some health issue where you have to avoid something, for example, sugar or carbs, if you were diabetic or had insulin resistance due to hormonal problems)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    :huh: I ate 800 calories for lunch. :drinker:

    Logged 'em too.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Seriously. If you do this...If you measure your food, log it, eat at your calorie goal and find something active to do that brings you three months you'll ask "Was it always really this simple?"

    I'm not saying it's easy - you have to make the time and effort. But it's not that much time, it's not that much effort when it's habit and it's not unpleasant. You don't have to give up anything. You don't have to be hungry. You don't have to do anything weird.