


  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I added an egg to my oatmeal as it cooked, stirred it in continually along with the oatmeal. As someone who doesn't love eggs, I could barely tell it was in there.
  • motscrew
    motscrew Posts: 2 Member
    Forgive me if someone has mentioned this but I have found mixing egg whites with whole eggs helps (I like my yolks as well). In any event, I have made these and they are great to reheat and use during the week. You can mix it up with veggies of any sort.
  • rompydompy
    rompydompy Posts: 54 Member
    I used to do home care for a woman who had her eggs seperated, with the white discarded, and simply poached the yolk to her liking. Spoon it out of the water with a slotted spoon, and she would have that with a slice of ham or some other breakfast meat. Personally, I'm a big fan of scrambled eggs, so I unfortunately don't have much more input for you, but the above sounds like it could be palatable to you, and easy to tweak or add things to!
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    I like making "healthy huervos rancheros" (a recipe idea I got from Trader Joe's Cooking Light cookbook). Fry two eggs sunny side up (or over easy) and place them on top of a cup of brown rice and some salsa. Once it's all "mashed up" together with the runny yolks and salsa mixed into the yummy!

    I buy the steam in cup brown rice from Costco, only 1.5 minutes in microwave and done. You can probably use any steam in cup/bag brown rice, but I buy this one because no sodium or added preservatives.
  • Pectinbean
    Pectinbean Posts: 62 Member
    I love an omelette and they're filling, you can put whatever you like in the. Plus you can just use the whites if you want. I have spinach, half fat cheese and tomato omelettes as a quickie brekkie. Takes no time at all. Use the 1 cal oil spray too.

    Egg in a cup is a treat from my childhood. Hard boil two eggs, peel and mash 'em with a fork in a cup along with some butter and tabasco. Nice suppertime treat.
  • phantasmagical
    phantasmagical Posts: 66 Member
    I also have very specific egg preferences...mostly involving lots of greasy fried meat and toast, with not-quite-hard yokes. I've found that I can tolerate soft-boiled eggs if I drown them in pesto...a tablespoon of pesto can make two boiled eggs almost edible. :)
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    Eggs really are great. I love eggs. Eat them almost every day.

    As far as gluten/wheat free options go, the corn tortillas and gluten free bread is a good idea if you need that starch to go with your eggs....I am the same way.

    By the way, OP, do YOU think you have a gluten issue? You would have certain symptoms that may suggest, however they could also be symptoms to an unrelated medical condition. I think your primary physician or an allergist would be most qualified to make this diagnosis and not a trainer/nutritionist.

    *Edited for spelling correction*

    I don't think I do...but at the same time I'm game to try the change.
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    RE: overnight refrig. oatmeal with egg whites. The ones in the carton from the grocery like ALL Whites are pasturized so they're safe to eat raw.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Okay so my personal trainer and nutritionist are encouraging me to add eggs to my diet, specifically to breakfast. They also want me to eliminate my morning toast. The problem? I only like my eggs two ways. The first is "eggies in a basket" (cut a hole in bread, butter the heck out of it, drop it in a pan, crack the egg into the hole, fry up together, until the yoke is just barely still runny) or over medium with toast and meat, preferably fried in butter or bacon fat. Obvisously not what they intended. So I need ideas on how to make eggs (and specifically egg whites) more tolerable. The consitency of scrambled eggs makes me gag just thinking about them (doesn't matter if you add anything to it, still can't stand them) and hard-boiled eggs don't float my boat either. MFP is my last hope before I go back to the nutritionist and say "Nope, can't do the egg thing"

    Why do they wan't you to cut out bread?
    Egg, bacon and toast sounds like a pretty good breakfast to me :/ you can make it as calorific or not as you like with a few tweaks.
    Bread isn't going to kill you. Unless you have that wheat intolerance I wouldn' cut it out.

    They think that I have wheat issues or gluten its a test thing.

    Easy. Buy gluten-free bread and make your eggies in a basket. Gluten-free bread has come a long way- its very edible. :smile:
  • bbyegal
    bbyegal Posts: 16
    I have the same issue with scrambled egss - just gag! But, I still love eggs. My favorite way to make them in the morning is over easy with a TON of sauteed veggies and on top of spinach or other greens topped with a simple vinaigrette (bit of olive oil and balsamic or red wine vinegar). Basically, a breakfast salad. You can also toss all of this in a tortilla for making it on the go. I also don't mind egg salad -- again on top of greens with some homemade dressing. Good luck!
  • Ke11er
    Ke11er Posts: 147 Member
    We made salmon patties for dinner (some might call them salmon cakes?) and realized it might work for your breakfast dilemma. Basically stir together canned salmon, egg, oats, salt, and pepper. Shape into patties and cook on a no stick skillet until the outside is browned and crisp, or bake/broil if you prefer. It's basically the same process you would use to mix up a meatloaf. Perhaps if you like salmon patties that would be another make ahead high protein breakfast idea for you.
  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
    You could do a casserole type of dish. I found a recipe here... ...I changed it abit myself. Did 3 whole eggs and 3 egg whites, low fat sour cream, no onion, added spinach, mushrooms, and some left over chicken with Mrs. Dash. Protein packed punch in the face for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I hope that helps...
  • Point202
    Point202 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm omega3 brown free range chicken eggs are fresh from my boss's farm & if they were any more free range they'd get run over by the school bus LOL
    Tons of nutrition for 77 calories....

    This post made me giggle. And I might add I'm super jealous. I cannot wait until my CSA starts up next week - it includes yummy fresh free range eggs.
  • jazchlo
    jazchlo Posts: 56 Member
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks again to everyone for their suggestions. I cooked a batch of eggs last night...didn't eat any, but hey cooking them is a start and my husband LOVED them. Souffle style. Planning on having one tomorrow morning.
  • mynameisnotemily
    mynameisnotemily Posts: 42 Member
    Super Eggy Breakfast Fried Rice

    Serves 1 light to moderate eater who doesn't like eggs much.

    - nonstick frying pan
    - 1 egg
    - 1/3 cup leftover rice (you can use 1/2c to start, if you REALLY can't stand the egg taste, but try to work down to 1/3c or less)
    - 1 strip precooked bacon (Costco sells frozen packs of this. Gross for actual bacon-eating, super for seasoning.)
    - 1/4 cup chopped non-watery, non-leafy vegetables of choice. *Optional. (Frozen works, but defrost first. Can use more.)
    - tsp olive oil
    - tsp sesame seeds *Optional.
    - dash San-J Gluten-Free Tamari
    - salt

    Chop bacon into thin strips (about half cm wide) and put in pan on medium.

    While bacon is starting to heat up, microwave rice ~30-45 seconds to take the chill off.

    When bacon is starting to sizzle a little, but before it starts to get crispy, put 1 tsp olive oil in a pan and raise heat to medium-high.

    Crack egg into mug & blend well with fork or egg beater. Add a couple drops of Tamari. (Careful, it comes out fast!)

    When the oil is hot, dump in the rice and stir & flip quickly to distribute the oil evenly.

    Add your vegetables, sesame seeds, and a quick dash of tamari. Cook 1-2 minutes, stirring frequently.

    Salt & taste. Add more salt if desired.

    Give egg another quick stir, and pour over the rice mixture.

    Immediately begin blending the rice & egg together as thoroughly as possible. "Chop" the eggy bits with the spatula to separate, flip the rice upside down and into the egg, etc.

    When the egg is cooked through, serve and eat.

    It sounds complicated for breakfast food, but it's really quite straightforward and easy.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have them in fried rice, on oatmeal, in sandwiches... How about frittatas?
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    I just made "frittata muffins" with shrimp, peas, red onion and mint.