Scales vs Sanity



  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Most household electric scales seem to be like that (never the same 2 minutes apart). I make it a habit to check ones at other people's houses in hopes of someday finding one that actually seems to be accurate.
    Maybe if there is one that stays active the entire time I am on it, the way my food scale does, rather than hitting a number and locking?
    But it was one of the big reasons I gave up on the scale and relied more on my belt. I put it on every day, I don't think about it, and then one day...Hey, that is a different hole!
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    A lb of feathers and a lb of lead weigh the same, but one "looks smaller", or in basic grade school scientific terms, one is more dense.

    Human body fat: 0.918 grams per cubic centimeter
    Human muscle: 1.049 grams per cubic centimeter

    Water (@4c): 1.000 grams per cubic centimeter
    Water (@20c): 0.998 grams per cubic centimeter

    This would be why fat floats to the top of the water, and muscle does not.

    1 lbs of fat would be 494.1 cubic centimeters
    1 lbs of muscle would be 432.4 cubic centimeters
    A difference of 61.7 cubic centimeters = 3.76 cubic inches.
    But, despite the size difference, they weigh the same.

    Just occurred to me to compare it to 100 $1bills vs 1 $100bill. One pile is bigger, but they pay the same amount of your mortgage.