what did you sacrifice for better health?



  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    I sacrificed having a dairy queen large 1400 calorie blizzard every day.

    And now it tastes weird to me so I can't enjoy them any more :(

    Same with my premium ice cream parlor (marble slab)

    #firstworldproblems #notcomplaining

    Good for you!
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    I sacrificed being broke from buying a fitness magazine or diet book any time I saw a catchy title.

    I still have that problem smh
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    missing out on going out to lunch at work.they all eat the delicious fast food and im here at work with salad after salads daily not complaining i love salad. but missing out on fast food is a bummer but i know its for the best and i will get where i want to be without it... also the boyfriend will eat baked potatoes and i get carrots and veggies. yum. but a baked pot. is delish too . but again its all for the best :)

    Just think of how fabulous you will look eating that salad
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    I had to give up some shows at night since they are past my bedtime...lol. I get up at 4:30 to workout before the kids get up and we all get ready for work and school.

    Good for you!!
  • CloudyMao
    CloudyMao Posts: 258 Member
    I'm sacrificing, crap food, bulemia and depression.

    I can't say i'm going to miss any of it.
  • dmike03
    dmike03 Posts: 14 Member
    I gave up feeling sorry for myself! I injured my back which lead to surgery that didn't work. And that's when I gained most of my weight. And I used that as an excuse not to care about my health. Now I am so glad I changed my mindset. Lost 50lbs so far and feel 10x better. Oh, and I also gave up Mt. Dew (I think that was the hardest part) lol
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    I sacrificed all of my trigger foods. Once you identify them, and understand how they affect you, they start to lose their classification as a trigger food. I used to not be able to control myself around cheese. I had it out of the house for a few months and it lost its hold on me. Now I can keep cheese around and use it for a garnish without going overboard and eating nachos over and over until all the cheese is gone. The same has happened with my other trigger foods.

    Pizza..... I can't. If there's going to pizza in the house I have to make at least 3 pieces fit into my day or it's not coming around me. Little Caesar's Deep Dish :love: :love: :love:

    I still struggle with pizza!!
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    I gave up feeling sorry for myself! I injured my back which lead to surgery that didn't work. And that's when I gained most of my weight. And I used that as an excuse not to care about my health. Now I am so glad I changed my mindset. Lost 50lbs so far and feel 10x better. Oh, and I also gave up Mt. Dew (I think that was the hardest part) lol

    Did the weight loss help your back? Kudos to you!
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    going berserk on chips, pasta and cookies. working out so far :)
  • momburntdinner
    momburntdinner Posts: 44 Member
    I don't keep cookies in the house because it triggers a binge. I used to have an eating disorder. Other than that, nothing.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    time I spend in the gym/on the road?

    wouldn't really call either a sacrifice though... I love what I'm doing!
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    I gave up looking in a mirror naked and seeing nothing worthwhile. While I'm not where I want to be yet, I'm getting there.
  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
    I gave up the "I can do it tomorrow" mindset, take out/ordering in, laziness and carelessness oh and margaritas!! Those were my biggest weakness!

    I have a new way of looking at food and drinks. I enjoy the energy I now have and money in my wallet!

    Oh my BOB I want that DRESS IN YOUR PROFILE PIC!!!!!!!!

    But yes, I've sacrificed overeating, binge drinking, fried everything, bread, and salt for better health.
  • BadKittie05
    BadKittie05 Posts: 157 Member
    Chinese food. It's my absolute favorite and I haven't had it in three weeks now. I am trying to make it longer, but don't know how long I can continue to hold out LOL.
  • raisealittlehell
    raisealittlehell Posts: 341 Member
    Sac-ri-fice : The act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone.

    By that definition, I have sacrificed nothing. I didn't want to keep the extra weight and the unhealthy lifestyle. I learned what portion control is, how I can enjoy my favorite foods in moderation, and live a healthy and active life.

    So to better my health I gave myself the opportunity and chance to push myself, try new things, and find a love of health and fitness. :smile:
  • KittiePerry
    KittiePerry Posts: 133 Member
    I have sacrificed caffeine, most junk food, and pasta. Pasta has waaay too many calories for me to be eating until I get into a good calorie burning exercise. So no pasta for like 3-4 months. I drink mainly water now, and the only junk food I have is the small slice of cake at parties, small bowls of ice cream, a rice krispie treat here and there, and my beloved veggie chips!
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    I've given up seconds at dinner time and a 6 pack of beer on Friday and Saturday nights.

    Amazing! Good for you!!
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    For me, the biggest sacrifice has been time. Not only do I sacrifice time to plan my menus and count my calories, but ever since I started going to the gym regularly eleven years ago, I found out that I NEED to take time to get in some form of exercise. If I go more than a couple days without exercise of some form, I get really irritable.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Only thing I've sacrificed is eating whatever I wanted, when I wanted and in whatever quantity I wanted. Now my eating is always mindful of my calorie goal.

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I sacrificed laziness, followed by jiggly legs and arms, mom jeans & all my large & extra-large sized clothes.

    I still eat fast food, ice cream, pizza, drink alcohol and pretty much any other food I love. :drinker: