Need help with eating healthy and it costing too much :(



  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    Eating healthy does not have to be expensive. Chicken thighs, turkey thighs, ground beef, pork - all pretty reasonable. Also, whole roasts - chicken, ham, pork, even beef, can be economical if you use it wisely. For chicken, you can have it roasted, then take the leftovers and make a chicken pot pie and chicken soup. With a 9 lb. chicken you can get at least 3 meals from it.

    Beans and rice, vegetable casseroles are good meal options. Eggs are cheap and you can make a veggie and cheese omelette or quiche without the crust. How about Tuna casserole? Cheap and yummy and good if you use low fat ingredients. Carrots, potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, frozen peas, apples, oranges, all pretty reasonable. What costs the most are PROCESSED foods - everything in the middle of the store. A bag of chips is the same price as a package of chicken for your family.

    Your husband needs to be more of an equal partner to you (and mature). You don't need fancy diet foods to lose weight. Exercise and smaller portions of normal foods will do the trick.
  • LisAri72
    LisAri72 Posts: 60 Member
    A good option is if you qualify go to a food bank. They can help supplement your grocery money greatly. I am not sure if you would qualify due to your husband's pay but it's worth a try.
  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    that pisses me off, eat healthy they say, buy organic, I went organic for 4 weeks, couldn't afford it anymore, eating fast food is expensive so that's a deterent.
    extra lean is even more expensive, extra lean turkey and chicken don't get me started.
    sorry im ranting now,
  • krysta34
    krysta34 Posts: 1
    I'm in the same boat as you only I'm the picky one and my kids (4 of them) and my hubby are really trying to not complain at the new meals I'm trying. I just made a quiche tonight, everyone but my youngest really enjoyed it. It is an inexpensive meal to make and I have a little leftover.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    As others have said, try buying cheaper cuts of meat and also try to buy in bulk if you can. Freeze what you won't be using right away.

    I gave up eating meat mostly for financial reasons (I understand this isn't an option for you). I buy produce when it's in season and often rely on frozen veggies. What I find helps immensely is reading flyers every week to see what is on sale. If that means buying bananas in one place and cucumbers and apples in another, then so be it.

    Good luck!
  • Cyan99
    Cyan99 Posts: 84 Member
    There is a website - I am sorry I can't find it right now - something frugal.... try googling a bit. She does meal plans for really cheap. I'll try looking later and see if I can find it. I know it is so hard when you are trying to care for everyone else. Good luck! <--- This one?
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I extreme coupon, and it helps a lot. I'll stock up on veggie based pasta, sauces, snacks, ect, and it leaves me extra money to afford produce and meat. I try to buy meat in bulk, since it tends to be cheaper per pound that way.

    I'd suggest looking into couponing. I've saved almost $700 so far this year, and we're not even done with April yet.