Newbie trying to lose for best friend's wedding.


I'm Kristina. 23 years old. I will admit I have been on here a few times but have cocked up weight loss and ended up eating to my heart's content again. But my best friend announced she isgetting married and I am so happy for her. Then she sat me down and asked me to be her bridesmaid and all I could here was 'oh hell, how am I gonna fit into a dress' in my head. I cried after that. I am a 5'7 size 16-18 and it's making me unhappy. It doesn't help that she ( and her sisters who are also bridesmaids) are all size 8-10 and then there's me. I don't want to be an 8 but I need help. Anyone else in the same boat? I'd love some friends.

K x


  • actioncomics1
    add me :drinker:
  • LisAri72
    LisAri72 Posts: 60 Member
    When is the wedding? Just be consistent with logging your food and start exercising if you aren't already. Depending on when the wedding is, you may not be a size 8-10 but you will feel better about yourself :) I am trying to lose for my daughters graduation in June so I can have photos taken with us together so I know what it is like to have a goal date to lose weight by. Add me if you need friendly support :)
  • keeny0991
    keeny0991 Posts: 12
    Luckily I have a just less than a year. It's 27th March 2015. Seems strange for me to be thinking about it this early but I have fallen off the bandwagon before and I want to be able to lose slowly but surely. 55lbs in a year is realistic right?
  • daveymac31
    daveymac31 Posts: 118
    My fat *kitten* is getting married in Nov. Plus you used the phrase "cocked up" You must be cool. Add away
  • keeny0991
    keeny0991 Posts: 12
    Haha, thanks. Added.
  • Hola_Heirika
    you can def do that in a year as long as you set your mind to it. You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to! =) The one thing i wonder is I hope you dont go back to old habits once the wedding is over. Dont throw it all away baby girl because I KNOW you can and WILL do it. Its not weird that you want to start early because the ealier the better. Im so proud of you for wanting to make a change and if you want a weight loss friend to keep you motivated i will mos def be here for you. Ive lost 25 lbs since January but I didnt start logging on here untill about a month ago. I just watch my calories and log everything I eat. And make sure to excersice at least an hour a day. Take a day or two off to keep your sanity but you will find your self changing for the better in no time. Good luck beautiful and if u ever need some advice im here. =):smile:
  • keeny0991
    keeny0991 Posts: 12
    You made me tear up a little there. Thank you. Those are such encouraging words. Hopefully we can keep each other encouraged over time. Added you. :)<3
  • druburt
    druburt Posts: 9
    Ugh... Im getting married May 2015 and need to lose between 50 and 75lbs. My fiance wants to lose more than that!! Lets help eachother!!
  • Hola_Heirika
    no problem baby . I promise if you set your mind to it you WILL do great things. Today is a new day and make every one count. =)
  • keeny0991
    keeny0991 Posts: 12
    Let's defo help each other druburt. :)

    And duchess_heir, I will make them count. Thanks hun. x
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    I'm getting married this October and I'm on everyday :) Also friends with DaveyMac, he's a solid guy :)
  • keeny0991
    keeny0991 Posts: 12
    Added! Thanks :)
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    My SIL is planning to get married and I am a "bridesmaid" lol I quote it because I doubt it but she claims so. Anyways, I told myself, IT WILL BE HELL if i let myself look ugly in that dress when they are taking pictures. Those pictures are going to last how long and I will be seeing it how many times....

    so i got on my butt and got right to it. So far, I lost more than I thought I would and I am even more dedicated. Add me for motivation and support when you need it! or message me!
  • keeny0991
    keeny0991 Posts: 12
    That's exactly what goes through my head, about how horrid a dress will look on me at the size I am. Always been a bigger girl, but now it's getting on my nerves. Doing something about it. Added!!
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    That's exactly what goes through my head, about how horrid a dress will look on me at the size I am. Always been a bigger girl, but now it's getting on my nerves. Doing something about it. Added!!

    That's the first step. The first few weeks will really test you if you are dedicated but what i found really works was I found myself rolling out of bed. Pushed all excuses aside (because my excuses not go is greater than my excuses to go). I get right out the door and drive my butt to the gym.
  • keeny0991
    keeny0991 Posts: 12
    I'm working out a little exercise program for myself. Maybe gonna join a class. So motivated to do this. :)
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    I'm working out a little exercise program for myself. Maybe gonna join a class. So motivated to do this. :)

    That's great! Message me whenever you feel unmotivated! I'll definitely help you along the way. I know how hard it is to lose weight. :)
  • keeny0991
    keeny0991 Posts: 12
    Thank you. It's good to know people are in the same boat as me. I definitely will. :)
  • blwilson79
    Something that has helped me was starting Shaun T's T25 and counting calories. Im not sure if you are familiar with it or not. Im not big on exercising but I kept seeing the thing on TV advertising 25 minutes a day. I was scared to spend the $120 on the program because I never stick with anything for very long... SO GLAD I DID!!!! After completing the first 10 weeks....I was down 2 almost 3 jean sizes. I lost more inches then lbs but I am totally happy with my results..I just restarted to program on Monday. Im not a Beachbody coach or anything but Im recommending this because it totally helped me! Good luck on your journey~