looks like this yesterday...so what I'm doing wrong

Yesterday at the end of the day my plan looks like this

Calories remaining 649

Goal 1 200

+ Food 1 027

- exercise 476

Net 551

So what i'm suppose to do with this...

Was I suppose to eat more to bring up my net at 1 200 or my food intake to 1 200 or was I suppose to eat the calorie remaining until it get to 0 ..... I'm still lost with all of this... I hope some day I will get it... Its not I'm gone quit all this too complicated!


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    you're supposed to net your goal. If your goal is 1200, your Net should say 1200
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    You are supposed to net 1200. Eat more.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Eat til 0
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    wow really... but I'm not hungry at all....

    If I don't eat enough is this possible that it make me gain weight...

    Because I really don't eat that much but I gain weight... I do eat junk tho...I am very bad for that.... I love to bake its funny but it relax me I do bring most of my baking to work I love to try to do different stuff like decoration on muffins, try new cookies and stuff.... I eat some of it but most of them I bring to work....

    I sometime bring a lunch to work but end up not being hungry so I don't eat....

    Sometime I eat just a 2 pm no breakfast its like I don't feel hungry and when I do feel hungry well I'm too tired to cook something good or its too late ...
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    wow really... but I'm not hungry at all....

    anorexics don't feel hunger. Feeling hunger isn't really a good gauge of how much food to eat. Netting 1200 is a great goal to start with, and I think you should consider it.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    If you are looking to lose weight, you not only have to create a calorie deficiency but also fuel your body with enough calories so it could burn the pounds away. Don't give up! Stick it out and you'll get the hang of it.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Food's primary purpose is to fuel your body. You need nutrition. It may not seem sensible, to need to eat more to lose weight, but if you're not giving your body enough fuel then things don't work right.

    Try eating extra snacks every 3-4 hours even if you're not "hungry". A handful of nuts, a piece of fruit. Some apple slices w/ peanut butter is a good one. Aim for 3 actual meals a day with each including some protein and some fruit/veggie as well as whole grain. Baked treats are fine but should not be the bulk of what you eat. You will probably find increased energy levels and it can help your metabolism to work as its intended.

    As to the MFP calorie intake goals. You want to eat all of your starting calories and I'd say at least some of your exercise calories.
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    wow really... but I'm not hungry at all....

    anorexics don't feel hunger. Feeling hunger isn't really a good gauge of how much food to eat. Netting 1200 is a great goal to start with, and I think you should consider it.

    No no I'm not anorexics... with the size I am overweight of at least 40 lbs I'm not ... but I just don't know why I'm not hungry often. Maybe its because I suffer from allergies years around always congested and tired all the time but maybe If I clean my diet It would help.

    I just have a hard time to say no to sweet.
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    If you are looking to lose weight, you not only have to create a calorie deficiency but also fuel your body with enough calories so it could burn the pounds away. Don't give up! Stick it out and you'll get the hang of it.

    Yes I'm looking to lose weight.

    Ok so the 1 200 is it good for a calorie deficit. Sometime I don't get it you need to eat more to lose weight sometime this makes no sense to me .... so I guess as long as I net 1 200 I should lose weight ( I can have bread and stuff?)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I just don't know why I'm not hungry often.

    I wasn't in any way suggesting you had an eating disorder. What I'm telling you is that "hunger" isn't a good indicator of how much you should eat.

    You should try to net what MFP is telling you, even if you're not "hungry." Full fat dairy, peanut butter, avocados, nuts... all of these can add calories to your diet without making you feel stuffed. I really suggest you eat more. Good luck with everything.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    ( I can have bread and stuff?)

    of course? who said you can't have bread?
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    Food's primary purpose is to fuel your body. You need nutrition. It may not seem sensible, to need to eat more to lose weight, but if you're not giving your body enough fuel then things don't work right.

    Try eating extra snacks every 3-4 hours even if you're not "hungry". A handful of nuts, a piece of fruit. Some apple slices w/ peanut butter is a good one. Aim for 3 actual meals a day with each including some protein and some fruit/veggie as well as whole grain. Baked treats are fine but should not be the bulk of what you eat. You will probably find increased energy levels and it can help your metabolism to work as its intended.

    As to the MFP calorie intake goals. You want to eat all of your starting calories and I'd say at least some of your exercise calories.

    Yes you right It make no sense to have to eat more to lose weight. Ok I will take note of this but the 3 means should vary of how many calories each or it does not matter.

    When you say I want to eat all of my starting calorie you talk about to always eat the remaining calorie so It can Net to my goal calories of 1 200 ?
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    im using xenadrine right now and for those who says its pure snake oil theyre dumbasses. It works! i can feel my spine and ribs now that i hadn't before. it controls my hunger too. I usually try not to count calories but on cheat days i definately dont. i treated myself to a japnese sweet bun today and i didnt think of it

    Puff I nervous to take stuff like that ... I rather use nothing ... you never know what's in there but each our opinion if it works for you good that's really good.
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    ( I can have bread and stuff?)

    of course? who said you can't have bread?

    Well I have been told that I should stay away from any bread, pasta, rice that It make you gain weight...
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    If you are looking to lose weight, you not only have to create a calorie deficiency but also fuel your body with enough calories so it could burn the pounds away. Don't give up! Stick it out and you'll get the hang of it.

    Yes I'm looking to lose weight.

    Ok so the 1 200 is it good for a calorie deficit. Sometime I don't get it you need to eat more to lose weight sometime this makes no sense to me .... so I guess as long as I net 1 200 I should lose weight ( I can have bread and stuff?)

    You can eat anything you want as long as you keep it within your calories. If you're still not seeing any results after a few weeks, recalculate your settings. If you're going for 2lbs/week that's most likely too much and you may do better dropping it to 1lb/week. You'll have to eat more but once you start eating more (at least with me) your body will start to get used to it and it'll get easier. Eat some nuts, have some peanut butter on your toast or muffin, avacados, a few slices of full fat cheese, a glass or 2 of milk... focus on some high calorie foods if you're having trouble reaching your goal.

    ETA: Make your diary public
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Try this analogy for why you need to eat enough to fuel your body...

    If you keep gas in your car, it will run - right? Yes & no. It will work for the short & intermediate future, but in the long run your car needs more maintenance than just gas. You need to maintain the brakes and tires, change the oil and filters, etc. If you don't handle all the maintenance in time it will no longer be reliable.

    Our bodies are the same way. They need food, but its not just a matter of giving the body a little food each day and expecting it to work at peak performance forever. Your body needs more than that. It needs protein, fruits & veggies, fiber, healthy fats. And its not possible to give the body enough & proper nutrition if you're eating too little. You may find results short term but there will be issues long term. Lack of energy, muscle loss, binge episodes when you feel like you've deprived yourself, etc.

    You've not always eaten in a less than 1200 calorie range. You also don't need to go from one extreme (eating too much) to another where you're eating too little. As to food choices, there is no bad food. Look for balance. Mostly 'good' stuff but don't feel like you have to totally avoid the 'bad' stuff. Bread, pasta, etc. has a bad reputation but in moderation its fine. I think the bigger issue is portion control. Eating an entire pizza for dinner? Not great. Having a couple of slices - no problem.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I burn 1000 from spinning and elliptical and i eat 1200 or less. usually 1000. and im losing wieght

    That is a 1 way trip to muscle loss.. but if your goal is to just drop scale weight sure go for it.. but if you want a toned look losing all that muscle will just get you the skinny fat look.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Well I have been told that I should stay away from any bread, pasta, rice that It make you gain weight...

    it has calories, that's true. And too many calories of anything can make you gain weight. But there's nothing inherent in pasta that will cause weight gain, as long as you don't eat too much of it.
  • daveyb989
    daveyb989 Posts: 9 Member
    plus if you don't eat enough - exercising will be miserable - no energy and much pain. Give the engine fuel
  • Michelle_Murray
    Michelle_Murray Posts: 56 Member
    This is a totally subjective question. Some people find good results when they eat their exercise calories back while other like myself, find it best not to eat back exercise calories and stick to their daily goal. That being said eat your 1200 calories, if you consistently go under your daily goal your body may go into starvation mode. You need this intake to fuel your body to burn more (fat) calories. Also, you may want to calorie cycle - figure out how many calories you should be netting a week - 1200/day = 8400/week. Then stagger the days so a few days a week eat a litlte over 1200 and other stick to your 1200. :)