New Jack Sprat Family

Hi all, another intro here.

My name is Deanna, I'm a 39 year old mother of 2. As a profession I shoot people with a canon, also known as a photographer. :) My husband Kurt, is almost 39 and a postal worker. I signed him up also he's "going_postal" just thought we should stay with the same theme.

We are the new Jack Sprat family. I have chronic Crohn's disease. I have a difficult time gaining weight, and keeping it on. My last bad flare I lost 6 pounds in three days. My BMI is 18. Both my daughters have Tourette's Syndrome, my oldest also has Hashimoto's. That one already has a high metabolism, moves all day long because of the TS, and is now taking pills that increase her metabolism. (raises thyroid levels) The kid looses weight just breathing air! She has a BMI of 16.

My husband needs to loose a few pounds. I think his BMI was 26.9. As a family we are trying to help him but it's really hard. I try and keep only healthy snack choices in the house like fresh fruit and vegetables. Dinners are hard though. That's the big meal for the girls and I. I work all day and the girls are in school. I can't snack all day or I risk being sick, the girls don't like school food so don't eat much there. We need a lot of calories at night. I have tried doing lean meets and veggies, with carbs on the side like dinner rolls, or corn bread, but that still makes it hard for him to decline. Lets face it stew just tastes better pored over honey corn bread. :)

So that's our dilemma. How do I keep us girls up on enough calories to gain weight, and still help him loose?

I would love to hear from other Jack Sprat families!