

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Well, I have a Masters Degree in English and I have read and evaluated a lot of writing in my career. The ability to communicate a clear message is the most important feature of writing. The OP missed the mark there.

    This, big time. It's not the vocabulary we struggled with, Sir, but the sheer overuse of words. Here's one for you - Pleonastic

    my favourite long word is Sahelanthropus tchadensis - yeah I know that's two words but it's a binomial name so I can play fast and loose with the word counting on that one.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    I was hoping to gauge a response from those of you that find an analytical approach to a dietician’s analysis of prearranged phosphorous intake to be conducive to the actual dietary needs for most people. Specifically in regard to overincumbence of the minerals that relate to regular release function. After receiving a review from a professional and analyzing the input given i can't seem to grasp the approach as it was mentioned to me. I just struggle with straying from what has always been commonplace amongst what was always my understanding of the matter. Does anyone here have any background information or experience that would lend to this type of dietary regimen? I welcome any feedback especially any information conducive to aid in the overall understanding of such a wide ranging and changing topic.


    This is a superlative but inconsequential dubiety. Withal, the loquacious composition of your embryonic articulation is insufficient in components to commence a symposium. Promulgate the minutiae divulged from betwixt your dietitian's embouchure.
    Well, I have a Masters Degree in English and I have read and evaluated a lot of writing in my career. The ability to communicate a clear message is the most important feature of writing. The OP missed the mark there.

    how'd i do, teach?
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Well, I have a Masters Degree in English and I have read and evaluated a lot of writing in my career. The ability to communicate a clear message is the most important feature of writing. The OP missed the mark there.

    This, big time. It's not the vocabulary we struggled with, Sir, but the sheer overuse of words. Here's one for you - Pleonastic

    Exactly. It was easy to understand what he said, but he said it like a pretentious douche.