Running - am I only one who struggles ridiculously?



  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Two months ago, I couldn't run for 30 seconds. I HATED running. But C25K, while still very incredibly difficult, has taught me that I CAN run, and guess what? I love it now! If you push through, you might discover you have a passion for running after all.
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    I love to run but struggle on the treadmill, have you tried running outside? Your post made it seem like maybe you were on the treadmill only.
  • autovatic
    autovatic Posts: 99 Member
    I agree with all the comments re: alternatives to running - there's no shame in deciding running just isn't for you.

    For me, I started running with my dad when I was in middle school, and i enjoyed the family aspect of it, the running? It as like torture. I didn't take it up again until college and I stopped again, for pretty much the same reason. There were other alternatives, and I just really didn't like it.

    I guess for me, the third time WAS the charm, because I tried again, with the intention of doing a 5 k with friends and ended up doing a Tough Mudder! I definitely find intervals more fun than straight endurance cardio, and along with Zombies, Run! I recommend the PodRunner interval series. I like listening to the intervals more than watching for the time myself, because it allows me to forget about the time.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Two months ago, I couldn't run for 30 seconds. I HATED running. But C25K, while still very incredibly difficult, has taught me that I CAN run, and guess what? I love it now! If you push through, you might discover you have a passion for running after all.

    I was the same way a couple months ago. Could barely run 2 blocks. I upped my cardio rate on elliptical and lost several pounds and ran a couple times a week (at the most) since then. Last month I ran 1 mile and that was enough. A couple weeks ago 2 miles was my new record. Today, I managed 4 miles. I actually am looking forward to running twice a week now.

    Stick to it a bit longer. I hated running too, but mainly because I suck at it. Now that I suck a bit less, I like it more (or am I deluding myself?). I may never be able to run a half-marathon, but if I can even get up to 1/4 marathon, I'd be thrilled.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I have just had to admit I'm not a runner ... I'm a wogger (walk/jog). I CAN "run" a mile (5mph) and I do try to get that one mile in on the treadmill several times a week, but it is always a push. I have no problem getting miles in on the elliptical (that's my TV time) or 30minutes on the stationary bike (that's my reading time). I look forward to going to Zumba. But jogging? Unfortunately, it is one thing that does get my heart rate up better than anything else.

    I did one 5k years ago. No specific training or anything. If I recall correctly, I did actually jog the entire 3+ miles. I've never been able to do that before or since. I'd like to try another 5k, just to see if the energy from the crowd and the race could have that same effect.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    If you really want to run, try using the Zombies! Run! app. It makes the run fun, since you are 'doing something' AND getting chased by zombies. :)

    I just downloaded this, also the beginners program, because I hate running or in my case lurking, but I just WANT to be able to run. I think it can be great and you can do it everywhere... Maybe this will help *sigh*
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I started running about 2 years ago and at first could barely go down the next block. I kept at it, tried different shoes, etc. and found that I could eventually run 1/2 mile, then a full mile, and eventually more. Last March I suffered an ankle injury while training for a 10 mile run that was taking forever to heal so I tried Bikram Yoga which help heal the ankle but it also exposed a lot of other weaknesses in my body. I've stuck with the Bikram classes (usually 3x per week) and a few months ago went back to running using a 1/2 marathon training plan. Today's run was 8.6 miles and I felt pretty good until mile 7. In just over 21 days I'll be running that 10 mile race that I was training for last year and I'm hoping that while I'll be running slowly that I'll still be running when I get to that finish line.

    Keep at it and definitely run outside. I hate the treadmill and find the most I can run on it is about 5K.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    If you don't like running find something that you enjoy.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    You've gotten some good feedback so I'll just add this: sign up for a 5K! Even if you don't think that you can run the whole way, there is no shame in run/walking a 5K. I've not done one yet where about half the participants didn't walk at least some of it.

    I've slowly worked my way to running first a mile, then two, and just last week 3.25 miles straight without stopping to walk some of it. But I've still not managed it in a race but have enjoyed and PR'd all of them anyway. Just find your pace, walk some if you have to, and enjoy the experience.
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    I suck at running. It's weird I can run pretty fast without shoes on but as soon as I wear shoes I lose all speed. Lol
  • jenandhaiku
    Thanks for all the awesome feedback everyone! I think my biggest issue is that I get bored on the treadmill at home. I do much better outside or at the gym. I've recently moved farther away from my gym do I didn't renew my membership, but I miss it terribly!

    I tried C25K and couldn't get passed week 4, then I got discouraged and stopped. I downloaded a new app last night "5K Runner" - looks like a more even progression.

    It's finally spring here in Eastern Canada - I've been walking everyday.

    I'm not giving up!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    I just started to run very recently. I'm not the fastest but I love it. If you like it and stick with it you will get better. Good Luck
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    I used to joke that I was built to go only 65 feet at a time (I play softball in a coed league) but I'm right with you sister!! If you figure it out, let me know!
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    I've always wanted to love running, but just don't enjoy it. However, I've found since lifting heavy running comes much easier. I refuse to run on a treadmill so didn't run all winter and the first decent day this spring was able to go and run 3 miles at a decent pace. I guess after doing heavy squats & deadlifts running doesn't seem quite so hard! Maybe try adding some strength training to your routine.
  • eaglefish
    eaglefish Posts: 130 Member
    I can't stand running on the treadmill.. Outside is the only way to go for me.. As long as it's not pouring rain or arctic conditions I don't mind it a bit.. Perhaps you'll feel the same way if you give it a try?
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Maybe you just don't enjoy running. I LOVE to work out, and I HATE to run. Try something else?

    I hate running for the sake of running. I can mix it in with my workouts every now and then, but by and large I hate it, too. Now, if I'm playing a sport, then I'll run all day long (soccer, basketball)...

    Contrary to what many people would have you believe, running is NOT a prerequisite for being fit. There are plenty of other things you can do, if running just isn't your bag. If you're just determined to run, my suggestions are:

    1) Get OFF the treadmill. As much as I hate running, I hate treadmills even more. I don't care if it's in the A/C with a TV in front of me surrounded by hotties...just get me off that thing and OUTSIDE.
    2) Plan your routes efficiently. This may mean driving to a park or a high school track or somewhere that the terrain fits your fitness level. Stepping out your front door may be the worst place to start.
    3) Music. If you don't pump the tunes, don't expect to stay distracted and motivated. Plus, playlist planning is kinda fun.
    4) Get a buddy. This motivates some people and keeps them accountable. When I do run, I'd rather run alone as I'm too competitive to go stride-for-stride with someone.

    Good luck!
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    This is absolutely how I feel about running!

    I always start off positive, then about 5 minutes in I am grumbling to myself and wondering why the hell i came out for a run, then I feel better and start enjoying it, then when I am a mile from home and getting tired I get grumpy again. But whatever happens during my run, I ALWAYS feel great afterwards and that's what keeps me going :-) That and a bit of stubborness - I am currently 16 days into a challenge to run 5km every single day for 50 days :noway:
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    For me personally, running is something I have to constantly keep working at. I was doing the C25K program and made it to the 5th week but got sidetracked over spring break. I plan on restarting the program. It is not the easiest thing for me, especially since I have asthma, but just keep trying and if you have to stay on a certain week a little longer because you don't feel comfortable moving forward yet, do it! because you know your body best!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Running with others really helps me - the local club I went to had all abilities from those that needed really regular stops to as fast as you could reasonably want.

    I still don't "like" running, but now I've got more "running fit" after going to the club for a while, I don't mind it so much, at least.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Thanks for all the awesome feedback everyone! I think my biggest issue is that I get bored on the treadmill at home. I do much better outside or at the gym. I've recently moved farther away from my gym do I didn't renew my membership, but I miss it terribly!

    I tried C25K and couldn't get passed week 4, then I got discouraged and stopped. I downloaded a new app last night "5K Runner" - looks like a more even progression.

    It's finally spring here in Eastern Canada - I've been walking everyday.

    I'm not giving up!

    If you are walking everyday, I wouldn't worry so much about running. I love to run. It's meditational for me. The feet hitting the pavement, my fav tunes on the MP3, the air - everything. Conversely, I hate lifting weights. I'm achy. I'm old. My knees hurt. So I don't do it. I stick with what I like/love. Another thought. A program would never work for me. After my surgery, I just took my MP3 player with me and walked one song, ran the next til I built up to walk one song run two and then three and then, I pretty much didn't need to walk anymore. Also, pace doesn't matter to me. One day I'm 12 min miles, next day I'm six and a half minute miles. And I don't care. It's not the speed, it's the enjoyment. Pouring down rain runs are usually super fast. Spring is usually slower because there are baby animals all over, the sun is always coming up during the am run, and everything is growing so I tend to dawdle. Have fun whatever you do =)