How long did it take you to get where you are now?

AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I started with 93lbs to lose, I now have 65lbs to lose and feel great but keep getting really frustrated when two and three weeks go by with nothing lost. I have been at this 5 months now and am fully dedicated (okay except one or two cheats).

I would just like to know from some of you how long it took you to reach your goal or to get where you are at in your journey now.


  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    It's taken me since April 27th to lose 23lbs. Slow & steady. I'm hoping it'll help with skin retraction, but who knows.
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    It's taken me since the end of April to lose 25 lbs. And my skin is def getting tighter and firmer! So I'm also hoping that i won't be left with a saggy belly!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Started In July - so took me about 3 months to lose 22lbs so far.

    my "diet" isn't 100% healthy - i still eat my fave meals but in moderation and watch my portions that I serve on my plate. Most of the time I hit my workouts hard and some days I have a morning workout session and and afternoon.

    But now my days are starting to get busy, so it just may only be Insanity in the mornings.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I started in the beginning of January and reached my goal at the end August.
  • verbifyvenus
    verbifyvenus Posts: 175 Member
    I'm pretty much to my goal weight and just trying to build muscle now. It took me since March, so about 7 months.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i started at 253.8 on january 1, goal was to be at 199 by december 2008.....
    today is october 5, 2010 and i am 209.4....44.4lbs down in 3 months shy of three years....could i have made the 199 goal before now, of course!!!!!!
    BUT for me i have changed my life....i work out 4-5 times a week (i actually fit it in now with 2 kids and a full time job), i drink 100+/- oz of water a day, i skip fast foods or have salads or wraps if i take my kids.....of course i get pissed that i am not down more by NOWWWW but the big picture is that my body and my life have changed so much in the last 3 years that "THIS" time it feels like it is for real....for life....forever......i am not ever going back to 253.8....before i could never have said that....i have never once in the time i have been on this journey given up and resorted to a ****ty way of living...i may have slipped here and there and gained 5lbs or so and lost 5lbs or so and gained 5lbs or so and lost 5lbs or so BUT i have lost 44.4 lbs so far and that number is just going to keep going up as the scale keeps going down.....

    of course i could beat myself up and give myself *kitten* for not making a bigger goal but i am sooo very happy with how i'm doing, and i will just continue on with my life as is and know this time, it is sticking....i'm just going to keep getting smaller, watch out 100's, i'm just around the corner.....knock knock, can you hear me??? i'll be there with in the next few weeks....get a nice tall glass of water cause i'll need a drink when i get there....
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    It will be exactly one full year for me on Friday and I have lost pretty much exactly 50lbs - changing your attitude and relationship to food and exercise is a MARATHON, not a sprint! Losing weight slowly while you build lean muscle and develop healthy eating habits can be frustrating but it's 100% the way to go. You have to celebrate in the small victories - you've lost nearly 30lbs already! Surely your clothes fit differently, you are seeing changes in yourself, and you are probably more fit.

    Right now, I have another 5-10lbs to lose before I reach my goal and I assume that will take me at least another 2-3 months - the last 5-10lbs are the hardest. The closer you get to your goals the harder it all gets, but you have to keep yourself from being discouraged and remember that the END GOAL is being healthy, and happy, for yourself and for your family! It shouldn't be a chore - You are adopting a lifestyle that puts your health as the #1 priority. So don't lament the journey - revel in it! Everyday that you dedicate yourself to being healthy is a good day and one you should be proud of!

    Best of luck :bigsmile:
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    14 months to lose 48 pounds.

    Slooooooooow as hell, but so worth it.
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    I started on August 21st, 2009.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I started in April and was down 30lbs by June, then went up July and August 9lbs and Lost those 9lbs in Sept... so today I am down 30lbs...

    I have to agree on how frustrating it is.. especially during July and August where I was fighting off the same 9lbs forever, I would gain and lose, gain and lose... Finally September I was losing!!! After I joined MFP.. and started Interval Running!
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    Wow thank you all for your responses. It incredible how much can be accomplished in such a short time or a long time. I think that slow and steady is good to for the skin especially. I am just getting a bit frustrated but I know if I stick too it I will start to see the lbs come off again. My clothes are all falling of me and if I forget to wear a belt one day I am in trouble!! LOL I see the difference but I put too much stock in that number on the scale.
  • rymattsmom
    rymattsmom Posts: 369 Member
    wow, what awesome responses, and if i can be so bold as to say that i especially relate and agree with and am 100% with meagalyne and bluiz13.

    slow and steady win the race- IN THE LONG RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could have gone the quick fix route, worked out like a mad woman,. eat lettuce, protein shakes and egg whitese everyday, but that is NOT REAL LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i started in nov 09 doing weight watchers for about 4 months, then did about 2-3 months of weight watchers online to see if i could do it on my own without meetings and all, and then turned to this site, which i absolutely love as theres tons of support, and i have made some great friends all with the same goal- losing weight and starting a new, healthy life together. this time i wanted to do it right, do it healthy and happily, while still enjoying the foods i love, in moderation and not starving myself, but making good choices and NOT BEING SOOO HARD ON MYSELF WHEN I MAKE A BAD CHOICE!!! i have learned to jump back on the horse and keep going even when i have an off meal/day/week.

    so, since nov 09 i have lost nearly 37lbs. i feel absolutely wonderful, and feel like exercise has become my antidepressant. no more meds for me! no antidepressants, heartburn meds, bp meds, i am all natural now and loving it!

    good luck to you and come join us in the high heels and fishnets topic, there are some great supportive women out there, just come find us! we cheer eachother on and are there for eachother which is soooo helpful!

    good luck to you and go at your own pace, enjoy life and the journey, it may be long but boy will it be worth it! i have about 8-10lbs left, and it is definitely the hardest part. but i am in the zone.

    celebrate the small victories and set little goals, not huge ones like "i need to lose 75lbs" that is way too overwhelming! stick to little ones like, i will lose between 3-5 lbs this month. challenge yourself but make them realistic- with regards to you lifestyle.

    good luck and keep us posted girl!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    since feb 8, 2010 to lose 16 pounds! i am still 24 pounds away from my goal weight and its making me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad:
  • It's taken me 4 years. I started out with 75 lbs to lose...which proportion wise, is probably similar to you as I'm under 5 ft. Which, of course, sounds awful. And perhaps is not for you. But it isn't as awful as it sounds. About 15 lbs a year means that I spend very little of my time losing weight and most of my time learning maintenance. Which also means I don't really have plateaus. I got close to my goal weight feeling like I've already mastered maintenance. And my set point (if you believe in set points) has moved with me. I didn't know what I was doing was so smart until I've been trying to lose the last 10 lbs, and I've been yo-yoing and plateauing like crazy. I lose 5 lbs, then gain 2 back, literally overnight, and then can't lose anything. Then I get frustrated, and overeat, and gain the rest of it back. This experience has made me believe in the power of going slow and its ability to reset your set point. Now the trick is to be patient enough to lower it by 10 more pounds...
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I started August 29th, it's now October 5th and so far I've lost 16lbs. I started at 192 and i am currently 176! My GW is 135 so I have a ways to go, however, I'm taking it slowly. I still eat whatever I want just in moderation and i make healthier choices on a daily basis. I'm going to start an exercise program soon and I'm loving the changes so far!!
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I stepped on the scale Aug. 16th ~ 202.4lbs..... :noway: I dumped out my M&M's that I had on my desk and started my new journey..... today I weight 184.0 :bigsmile:
    I am amazed at myself for sticking with this..... I have a goal of 150lbs.... but I know once I reach that I will want to prob go for 130lbs....
    I owe so much to MFP and all the support and encouragement I have received here!! I know I couldn't do it on my own, I've tried many many times!!
    So glad we are all in this together!!! :flowerforyou:
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    31 years 9 months and 16 days.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    It has taken me a year to lose 38 lbs. I lost the majority of my weight (30 lbs.) during the first 6 months then started eating bad and not working out. It has taken the last two months to lose those extra 8 lbs. I have a goal of losing somewhere between another 20 to 30 lbs.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I started November 1st, I've lost 55 pounds. So almost a year to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I really started end of April, and i am now just about 1/2 to my major goal. I have given away 42.5 pounds in just short of 6 months. Its been slow and steady and taken a lot of hard work!
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