How long did it take you to get where you are now?



  • kpressley392
    kpressley392 Posts: 11 Member
    I started at the end of August. I just keep telling myself "its a marathon, not a sprint!"
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member

    I started around the same time as you-about 5 months ago, and have lost 22 lbs. Lost a TON of inches everywhere, especially my legs (spinning!). I have about 155 lbs total to lose. I figure slow it better than way too fast. It didn't come on in 6 months, it's not going to go away quickly, either!

  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I started in January 2010 and lost 15 pounds by May. Then I found this site and lost another 25 since then. I hit my goal weight a month ago. I hit several plateaus along the way, the longest nearly a month. Just stick to the plan and keep going - the scale WILL move again if you're being honest about your diet and exercise. One interesting thing - I started at a size 14 pants, and I didn't drop a size until I'd lost nearly 20 pounds. Then the sizes dropped faster than the scale, it seemed, and now I'm a size 4 or 6 (depending on the designer). The point is that your body composition doesn't always match the scale, especially if you're exercising hard. I went from nearly 30% body fat to 18% body fat with only 40 pounds lost. Good luck!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I started this crazy adventure October 2008. I was 282 pounds. When I realized I had to do somehthing I gave up fast food (and that was it- seriously) and it took me a year to lose 22 pounds. Thing is, I wasn't "trying" I just changed one thing and I didn't step on a scale one time in that year. THAT motivated me. The last 54 pounds have come off since November 2009. My plan was that this was for the rest of my life and if it took me a year or 10 years I didn't care because this was what I needed to do to get healthy. I never really wanted to set a weight goal and I still don't. I will stop losing weight when my body says that's it. One of my co-workers the other day called me the "incredible shrinking woman." As I was writing this I just realized that I'm 1 pound away from the initial weight that I chose as my "goal" here on MFP. I've subesquently lowered it and probably will again. I think I'll end up joining the 100 club but thruthfully. If I don't hit 195 by Halloween, I'm not going to be upset because I've got the rest of my life to lose this weight. And with every pound I lose that life gets just a little bit longer, a little bit easier and a lot more fun.

    Don't put the pressure on yourself to make this happen overnight. It will happen at the pace that your body wants it to happen.

    Really, I feel blessed that it's taken me this long because just losing the weight doesn't fix the mental damage done by being fat. I've needed the time to come to grips with the new me, the attention (and don't get me wrong, I LOVE attention but this is diferent) and the fact that this is NEVER going to be over. I will NEVER get to be like my co-worker that brings in a box of hostess donuts for breakfast and has fast food for lunch everyday and stay an average weight. But it's ok because she may be thin but my cholesterol's better and I can run faster. :laugh: So- anyhow, that's where I am.

    You've got this.:bigsmile:
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    I started on January 3rd, 2010 and have lost 65 lbs to date. 50 came off within 6 months and its been painfully slow since...
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I started on this quest in April of '09 at 162 lbs. I had only been that heavy before when I was pregnant!. This is the first time i was not on a diet but seriously planned on changing my lifestyle. Many changes stuck and I was 136 by March of 2010. That means I lost 26 lbs in 10 months. There were "fast" months and "slow" ones but the incredible difference is that at @ 48 years old I was in the 130's, somewhere I have not been in 20 years. So I feel good about my slow loss and staying here. I am working at those last 5 lbs. and am enjoying the idea of figuring out my maintenance lifestyle. I am having a great time finding new challenges. Right Now? Working to reach my first 5K!
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    @msbanana I love this statement "If I don't hit 195 by Halloween, I'm not going to be upset because I've got the rest of my life to lose this weight. And with every pound I lose that life gets just a little bit longer, a little bit easier and a lot more fun"

    Also can't remember who made this statement "It didn't take 6 months to gain it, it's gonna take more than 6 months to lose" SOOOO TRUE!

    I am not expecting it to come off quickly my frustration lies in the fact that I am consistently working out and faitufully logging and staying under my calorie goals, changing up my workouts (intensity wise) every week or so, but still not losing the lbs, but can definatly tell I have lost inches.

    I am sure my body will catch up eventually.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I think I started in February sometime and loss was slow until I figured out what I needed to do. I hit my goal wieght around the beginning of Sept, so 6 months to lose 17#, but the 1st 3 months I only lost maybe 5#.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Hate to discourage anyone, but this is a lifetime type of thing. I am 5'8" and am 138 pounds now, trying to drop down to 130. I may be happy at 135 or 133. Eight years ago I was over 210!

    I lost the bulk of my weight by truly changing my eating habits. For me, the slower the better, really works. MFP is a new tool for me. I thought I was on maintenance when I joined, but then set new goals. Love the supportive community here at MFP. This is a wonderful site.

    I am using the MFG guides for calories, fats, sugars and so forth. I enjoy the daily challenge of "balancing.". Also, am working at being more active. Love MFP! It works for me.
  • holmesd450
    holmesd450 Posts: 20 Member
    I started last December and today I've lost a total of 80lbs.

    It gets frustrating when you don't see the results that you want right away, but you got to keep at it.
  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    Started 23rd December 2009.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    started Dec 2008. had already lost 50 pounds at that point. but that was my turning point with the food and exercise. It is painfully slow here at the end. But so close to goal!
    But its a lifestyle, not a diet... I just want to be able to say I am at my goal weight . Thats all...
